Dear Dean

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**** Just so you guys know, this isn't a Destiel one shot or any 'Ship' one shot I just felt like writing a really cute short happy one shot with Sam and Dean :) ****

So..I'm just going to jump right in.....

"Sam..I don't think I can hold on much longer." - Dean said sitting in the backseat of the impala as Sam nervously drove off from the barn house

"Just hold on okay Dean, I'm going to get you help." - Sam said panicking

Dean was too hurt for Sam to continue the fight he needed to get him to a hospital and quick. Only one problem..

" and me both know... that there isn't a hospital for Days." - Dean panted

Sam teared up knowing his brother was right, but he had to keep going, he had to keep driving.

"I have to try something Dean, your dying and theres nothing I can do!" - Sam shouted pressing on the gas pedal harder pushing the impala into the hundreds.

" Sam! Hey!! Listen to me okay, stop the car, st-stop the car Sam!!!!- Dean shouted until Sam finally slowed the car down and pulled over to the side of the road coming to a complete stop.

"Dean.." - Sam said voice cracking looking into the front mirror

"I know baby bro. I know." - Dean whispered inching forward in his seat and wrapping his arms around his brother, "I love you Sammy."

"I love you too Dean."- Sam cried into his brothers shoulder.

"I need you to do me a favor." - Dean whispered into his brothers ear.

"What? Anything." - Sam whispered back letting Dean go and lean back up against the seat.

" I want you to keep driving. Just drive for me." - Dean panted with a small smile spreading across the corner of his face.

" Okay." - Sam smiled then turned back around his seat wiping away some tears. Sam fixed his mirror then shifted the gear back into drive, sitting with his foot off the pedal

"Sammy. Tell me a story." - Dean chuckled lightly looking out the window then back at Sam through the impala roof mirror

Sam smiled back at his brother, "Okay", Sam looked down at the pedal, then over at the glove compartment. Sam opened it up and rummaged around in there until he got what he was looking for. Sam pulled out an envelope, and just then Dean smiled

"When did you find that?" - Dean spoke softly

"I uh- A couple years ago on the shapeshifter job. I couldn't believe you kept it all these years." - Sam smiled looking back at his brother through the mirror with a smile on his face.

"Whenever I needed to feel good again, I knew I could count on that letter to help me. So I kept it." - Dean

Sam slowly drove back onto the empty road and slowly opened the letter, "Dear Dean, " Sam started then looked back at Dean who finally rested his head on the head rest. Sam continued driving on the road while reading the letter out loud, stuttering at a few words since 9 year old Sam had bad handwriting

" My teacher told me to write a letter to my mother saying how happy I am to have her in my life, and how happy i am that she takes care of me. A frown spread across her face when I told her I didn't have one. She told me to then write to my dad since he stepped up to take her place. Again, she got sad when I told her Dad was never home. But I told her It was okay. I was happy, because I had my cool big brother to take care of me. You Dean, You are my mom and my dad. My big brother Dean is the one who taught me how to tie my shoe I tell her, my big brother dean is the one who feeds me and puts me to bed every night. You Dean, were the one to make sure I am happy, and eat good. When there wasn't enough food in the house you wouldn't eat just to make sure I had enough. Sometimes I couldn't fall asleep at night so I'd open my eyes small just enough to see you sitting on your bed in the motel digging through my leftovers and the trash to find food for you to eat. I see everything you do for me. Your the one who picks me up from school and the one who wakes up early every morning to take me. You'd do anything for me dean, and that is why I love you so much. I am so happy to have such a great big cool brother like you. Thank you Dean! I love you so much! Happy Dean's Day! At least that's what I'm calling mother's day from now on. You deserve your own holiday." - Sam finished wiping away a tear, smiled then set the letter back down onto the seat and looked back up to the road, "You know, I never got to fully thank you for everything you did for -" - Sam stopped as he looked into the impala roof mirror only to see Dean sitting there, eyes closed, body relaxed, chest still.

Sam slammed on the breaks and turned back around at his brother

" Dean?" - Sam cried out, and got no response. He closed his eyes and turned back around facing the road, " I miss you already Dean." Sam whispered looking at the empty dark road ahead.

"I miss you too Sam." - Dean said looking at his brother in the front seat crying into his hands.

"It's time Dean winchester." - A person said appearing subtly standing next to Dean in front of the impala.

" Let me guess, reaper?" - Dean said taking his eyes off Sam and looking at the women standing next to him.

"Yes. My names Tessa." - Tessa

"Well Tessa, I knew I was going to be seeing one of you guys one day, I have to admit I didn't expect it to happen so soon." - Dean sighed looking back at Sam

" well, 38 isn't a bad age to die when your a hunter. I'd say you've outlived most." - Tessa

*Dean chuckles then looks back at Sam*

"I'll see you Again, Sammy." - Dean looked back at his brother getting ready to go on the road again, " hopefully not any time soon." Dean said disappearing into the beyond.

****Authors note: Hahaha, did I say that was going to be a really cute, short,  happy one shot? Oops. ****

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