Must be the Winchester Gene

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The Winchesters had a habit of getting tangled in the Law Enforcement's hands. Numerous times they got lucky and escaped, but there had to be a time, they would run out of luck, today was that day.....

"We need to look for a way out of here " - Sam shouted as Castiel slammed the large barn doors shut with the wave of his hand

Sam carried his bleeding brother over to the bale of hay and sat him down.

" I'm not going to be able to hold this forever, we need to think quick. - Castiel

Sam looked down at his brother. Dean ripped his shirt open revealing the bullet whole in his chest, Dean looked up at his brother with sorrow filled eyes and just smiled.

"No. No way!" - Sam shouted

"Sam, I'm dying man." - Dean said knowing he was, He could feel it inside of him, He knew he wasn't meant to go any further, He knew his days were numbered the day he became a hunter, and he knew today was when that countdown was over.

" No look there'e an exit on the roof, if we get you up there we can get you out of here." - Sam said looking around the barn for ways to get Dean up there, get them all up there.

"Yea and what? Am I suppose to Rapunzel my way up there, you gonna let your long hair down and help me up?? I won't make it Sam!" - Dean shouted squinting at the pain that was getting worse. "You have to leave me here and get out through the exit up top If I let you carry me out, I'll slow you guys down and you won't get out. " - Dean

"Dean! I know I didn't marry an Idiot!" -  Castiel shouted walking toward Dean and kneeling in front of him, " We are getting you out of here okay" - Castiel

"I'm sorry Cas, I can't let you guys do that." - Dean looked into Castiels eyes and shed a tear

"Dean, come on, not today, you're not leaving me today, your not leaving us today." - Sam choked up looking into his eyes and then at the blood dripping down his chest onto the floor

" I'm sorry Sammy." - Dean mumbled as Sam paced angrily around the room looking for other exit options.

" We will find some way out of here." - Sam yelled walking away around the barn

Dean looked up at Castiel and suddenly fell sideways body hitting the ground with a small thud, making the surrounding hay lift up.

"hey, hey, hey!" - Castiel says picking Dean up and sitting him up against his chest, "Dean come on, stay with us." - Castiel croaked

"Cas I need you to promise me something." - Dean mumbled, as he laid against Castiels chest, grabbing his collar and pulling him in closer.

"Anything for you." - Castiel teared up looking at the love of his life bleed out onto the floor and onto his trench coat.

"Look out for Sammy." - Dean mumbled

"Of course" - Castiel whimpers being able to feel dean's soul slowly fading away.

Dean looked over at Sam who was still looking for another exit moving stuff around

"Sam.." - Dean said loud enough so Sam could hear but to where he wouldn't hurt himself

" Dean? Dean!" - Sam ran over looking at his brother in Castiels hands

" Promise me, something." - Dean mumbled

"Of course!" - Sam

" Promise me, you'll take care of her. Keep her clean." - Dean smiled

*Sam chuckles lightly* "Will do brother" - Sam teared up

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