High school AU: May I have this dance?

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"Cas!" - Meg

" Hi Meg. How are you doing?" - Cas

" Oh uh I'm doing good, good, uh, I was wondering if I could ask you something?"

"Oh uh sure thing Meg" - Cas

"So I was thinking, since winter formal is this Friday and you don't have a date and neither do I, I was wondering if you would like to go to winter formal with me?" - Meg

"Oh uhm, this Friday huh? Well honestly Meg, and don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't really feel like going to winter formal, I'm not much of a dancer." - Cas

"Oh okay, well uhm, let me know if you change your mind" Meg says flashing Castiel a cheap smile. Meg knew Castiel wanted to go, however, he just didn't want to go with her. She knew who Castiel wanted to go with, Dean Winchester. 

Dean Winchester was the most known guy at D.C Highschool. If they're was such thing as a perfect man he would be it. Dean had the perfect hair, perfect teeth, he was in amazing shape, this personality that shines like a star, but don't let it fool us.  And of course these gorgeous green eyes that by looking into you would melt away into his soft hands. 

*bell rings, student's make their ways to class

"Hey charlie, can I borrow yesterday's notes, I'll copy them at home and bring them back to you tomorrow."

"Sure thing. Hey are you feeling better?" - Charlie

" Yea much. I felt like I was in hell yesterday." - Dean 

"Eeesh, that otta start your week of badly." - Charlie

"Yea, tell me about it, hey when is Mr. B for bitch suppose to get here?"- Dean

"Hahaha, I don't know he should've been here 10 mins ago."- Charlie

"Good morning class, Sorry I'm late, there was a huge accident on the highway. " - Balthazar

" I think you mean freeway, we don't have a highway over here." -Dean

"Well smart ass, I live far away so I take a highway, unlike you privileged adolescents. Now, if Rapunzel over here is done being the princess she is, I would like to begin our lesson" - Balthazar 


"Hey dean! Wait up!"- Some unknown girl I really was to lazy to come up with a name for, so I'll go with girl 1

"Hey  what's up?" - Dean

"So I was wondering if you had a date to winter formal"- girl 1

" I uh, I actually don't but, I was planning on asking somebody else, I'm so sorry, but thank you for asking." - Dean

" Sure thing, she's a really lucky girl." - girl 1

" Haha yea." - dean

Dean was making his way down the hallway as several girls came up to him bearing the same question, some a bit more upset than others with his response. He felt bad for saying no to them, but he already had a person in mind to ask to winter formal. 


"Hey Michael." - Cas

" Hey little bro whats up?" - Michael

"So I kind of wanted to ask someone to winter formal but I don't even think they know who I am, much less willing to go to winter formal with me." - Cas

"Well, well, well. Who's the lucky lady?" - Michael

Cas stood their cheeks bright red, rubbing the back of his head with his hand while looking at the floor.

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