The Pizza Order

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"Dean, how did you meet uncle Cas?"- Sophia

" It all started with a Phone call." - Dean smiled

" A phone call?"- Sophia

"Yea, I was ordering pizza when I heard his angelic voice over the phone." - Dean smiled looking at Cas who was holding Sophia in his lap

"Oh we're not telling the Pizza Order story are we?" - Sam groans walking into the room and sitting on the couch next to Castiel.

"Shut up Sammy." - Dean looked at Sam who rolled his eyes at the amount of times he's heard this story, " it all started when me and Sam got home from work and were hungry.."- Dean begins telling his story while the whole room lays eyes on him

"I love this story." - Carter

*Ten Years Ago*

"Dean.. The fridge is empty." - Sam shouts as he slams the fridge door

"Yea well it was full before you had breakfast this morning." - Dean chuckles tossing the keys on the table and plopping down on the couch sighing in pain

" hard day?"- Sam

"Yea, you?"- Dean

"Yea." - Sam said plopping down on the couch next to his brother.

" we need to start looking for different jobs man, we can't keep doing this."- Dean

"I know but Dad left us the company. You know, Helping people, moving things, the family Moving business. We can't just stop when there isn't a generation prepared to take over." - Sam

" Well look around Sam were in our 30's, if we haven't had kids by now we never will. We're fucked. The family business is going to end with us." - Dean

" Don't say that dean, we can both still have kids." - Sam

"I think you forget I'm.." - Dean

" Not an excuse you can still adopt." - Sam

" I don't know man, I just feel we're getting to old to start a family now." - Dean

" I'm sure you'll change your mind when you meet the one." - Sam

" Whatever. We should probably order something." - Dean got up with a grunt and walked over to grab his phone from the table. " what do you want?"

"Pizza?" - Sam

"Sure." -Dean says dialing the number on his phone

" Hello, welcome to Pizza Hut, what can I get you?"- Pizza Hut worker

[Castiel, you forgot to offer today's special] a worker says in the background

" Oh right, I'm sorry, I'm new, uhm would you like to try our pepperoni pizza bits for 5.99?" - Castiel

*Dean chuckles then just stays quiet for a few minutes*

"Hello?"- Castiel

"Uh, yea I'm sorry uh, sure, can I also get a large pepperoni pizza." - Dean

"Sure thing, will that be all?"- Castiel

"Yea, thank you."- Dean smiled

" will that be pickup or would you like us to bring it to you?"- Castiel

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