(\^.^/) Cockles: New Pages (\^.^/)

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"Misha!" - Jensen

"Oh hey Jensen what's up?" - Misha

"Would you help me practice my lines for the new pages they put out?"- Jensen

"They put out new pages?! Uhm, of course! You'll be helping me too"- Misha

"Guys!"- Jared says running up to Misha and Jensen

"Whats up?" - Jensen & Misha

"Did u see they put out new pages?"- Jared

"Yea I was just telling Misha"- Jensen

"Well have either of you guys read them?" - Jared

"No..." - Jensen & Misha

"Hahaha, oh okay, well I will let you guys get to practicing then.."- Jared says walking away with a small smirk spreading across his face, punching Misha on the shoulder lightly as he left.

"What was all that about?" - Jensen

"Don't Know... Come on, let's practice." - Misha

Misha and Jensen walked over to Jensen's trailer across the lot. They entered Jensen's trailer and Misha sat on the couch while Jensen grabbed them something to drink.

"What are we having today?" - Misha

"Maybe some Blue Curacao, and Coconut Rum and ..." - Misha

"Blue Balls it is." - Jensen

"Jen.." - Misha

"Yea I know I said that...let's not mention it K." - Jensen said turning back around to begin making the drink.

Jensen had his own little bar in his trailer, he had gotten pretty good at mixing drinks. He became Jared and Misha's personal bartender, a hot one if Misha may add. Misha had been harboring his feelings for Jensen since the day they met. Mostly because they both had wives and families and wouldn't want to destroy that for either of them, he also never said anything because he was afraid Jensen didn't feel the same. The only one who knew about Misha's feelings for Jensen was Jared. Misha didn't know how the moose figured it out but he did. The moose always knows. And Jared was pretty supportive about it. He also understood why Misha didn't tell Jensen.

"Uh-oh"- Misha

"What?" - Jensen

"I uh..think we're going to need something stronger than Curacao and rum for this." - Misha

The  look on Misha's face worried Jensen.

" what? Why? Let me see those." Jensen said grabbing the new pages from Misha's hands.

Misha stood up and finished making the drink, then took a shot of pure rum just for the heck of it, all before Jensen could look up from the paper.

" Destiel became cannon?!" - Jensen said with a surprised look in his face.

"Yea..." - Misha said walking over to the liquor cabinet in the trailer and grabbing the bottle of tequila.

Misha could feel his stomach go into knots as he saw the look on Jensen's face and was worried what he would say about it. 

"Well uh, I guess that uh.." - Jensen

"Look Jensen, I know you don't want to.." - Misha began saying trying to hold back tears

"No No No No! See Misha, you don't understand!" - Jensen shouted

Misha jumped a little at Jensen's voice raising

"This makes things so much easier, I finally have an excuse!!" - Jensen shouted once again still making Misha jump up a bit. 

"Huh?" - Misha

"I've been waiting to do this since Season 4!" - Jensen says rushing over to Misha then pressing their lips together as he grabbed Misha by the collar and brought him in as close as he possible could. 

Misha passionately kissed back as a small tear rolled down his cheek.

"Whats wrong?" - Jensen said after he pulled back

"You.. this... is..perfect! I only ever dreamed this would happen." - Misha said wiping the tear away. 

"I know." - Jensen said kissing Misha again, but quickly pulled back, " Did you drink my drink without me?" 

"Uhhh, yea." - Misha 

"Wait..well why do I taste tequila?" - Jensen

"I was scarred you were gonna be mad!" - Misha 

"At you? Never." - Jensen said as he went back for another kiss.

Jensen pinned Misha up against a wall not once breaking the kiss. Just as they were about to go at it the trailer door flung open.

"Guys! Eric Wants...Oh my god.. I'm so sorry!" - Jared says quickly stepping back out of the trailer. 

Misha and Jensen Stand there laughing. 

"Mark you owe me 50 bucks!! I told you it was going to be Misha not Matt!!" - The moose shouts as he walks away. 

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