Daddy's Batman Mask: Part 1

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"Dean I wish I could meet your parents." - Castiel tilted his head looking away from the TV screen up at Dean.

"I'm afraid you never will get too." - Dean frowned looking Down at Castiel who had his head on Dean's lap.

"Why?" - Castiel

"There uh, Dead. There all Dead." - Dean frowned

"I'm sorry I brought it up."- Castiel sat up hugging Dean

"It's okay." - Dean grinned lightly

" What were their names? All of there's." - Castiel smiled

"My Dad's name was John, he was no fun but Bobby, he, he was more like a father to me than John. And my mom's name was Mary, she, she was an angel, just the perfect mom you could ever ask for. She actually use to tell me every night before bed, that angels were watching over me. And here you are." - Dean smiled

" She sound's lovely." - Castiel smiled

" Yea, she was. Ellen was too, Ellen was a friend of bobby's but there was a time when she stepped up to help bobby with us and she filled in the mother role for some time." - Dean smiled

" how did they die? If you don't mind me asking." - Castiel

Goosebumps waved over Dean's body as he thought back to every tragic Death in his life. Castiel could sense them covering Dean's whole body

"You don't have too." - Castiel

"No, really, it's fine, It oddly makes me feel a bit better talking about them to someone else." -

" John and Mary were both killed by wendigos when I was in my early twenties. We were on a camping trip and they uh, thought they heard Sam's voice and they went running to look for him. They told me to stay behind and watch the fire...that they would go get him and bring him back... I should have went with them...I didn't go looking for them until hours later. When I found them, it was too late..I should have went sooner." - Dean looked down trying to surpress his tears.

"Tell me you didn't blame yourself for their death..." - Castiel

"I didn't I blamed Sam. For years, I blamed him. I shouldn't have, I regret being mad at him now, for so long." - Dean

" Why would you blame Sam?" - Castiel

"Because he was there that night, that's how the wendigos mimicked his voice. When I found my parent's Sam came a little after, when I asked him what he was doing there, he said he was across the lake with a couple friends drinking when he heard my parents scream out his name." - Dean

" So you blamed Sam for the death of your parent's?" - Castiel

" Yea. I shouldn't have, But I did. I told him I never wanted see him again, that he was no longer welcome at home. He came to say his goodbyes along with other hunters when we salted and burned my parents bodies but, but I didn't want to hear him out, so he took off. He stayed with Ellen while he did hunts over here but, never saw him again."- Dean

"Where is he now?" - Castiel

"Dead too." - Dean breathes heavily ass tears rolled down his cheeks.

" How?" - Castiel

Dean got up and walked out of the room. He came back with a phone he had stored away. He sat back down next to Castiel and looked through it

"Dean?" - Castiel whispered looking at Dean tear up as he looked through it

"This was the phone I had when uh, when Sam died. He called me that day. He had called me many times before for help on the case he was working on. He always called for help on cases. I always ignored the calls sent him to voicemail, or texted him saying he could figure it out on his own. The day before he died he called 10-15 times. Which was odd even for him. Still, each  time I sent him to voicemail. 2 weeks later my inbox was full and I had to listen to every voicemail I had. Most were from other hunters, but these were from him." - Dean teared up as he hit play on the voicemail

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