Jensen's Wallpaper

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"Mr. Ackles its almost time" - A backstage employee alerted Jensen as he lounged on the chair in the green room, looking at his phone.

"Uh okay, yea. Yea! Wheres Jared and Mish?" - Jensen

" Jared crashed the last panel so he's already out there, and Misha's waiting by the curtain for you." - Employee

" Okay cool, I'll be out in just a sec." - Jensen reassured the frantic employee.

Jensen closed the apps on his phone and locked his screen. Just as he was about to shove his phone into his pocket, he got a text from Misha.

{Babe It's time!} - M

{ Omw} - Jensen replied. As the message left the screen he was left looking at his phones wallpaper. He smiled then quickly shoved his phone in his pocket grabbing his jacket and running over to misha by the stage.

" Hey! What took you so long?" - Misha

" Sorry babe I was just fooling around on my phone in the green room and lost track of time." - Jensen

" It's fine, all that matters is your.." - Misha

" Jensen and Misha get your butts out here!!" - Jared yells over the speakers from on stage

" ....Here" - Misha finishes then kisses Jensen on the cheek before running up the steps.

Jensen followed Misha and joined him on the stage as fans cheered them on. They danced around as the band played and then answered question after question until their time was up.

After the panel was over J2M, headed back into the green room, and relaxed a bit before the photo ops.

"Yo Jen!" - The moose shouted walking into the green room where Jensen laid head against Misha's Chest on the couch talking.

"Hey man what's up?" - Jensen sat up and put his arm around Misha.

"What took you guys so long to get out there? I was holding the stage for 20 mins alone before you two showed up. What where you guys doing?" - Jared

Jensen and Misha shared a quick glance with a smile before answering " Each other" in sync.

"Haha, very funny." - Jared said sarcastically with a smile before looking down at Jensen and Misha who were sitting there with straight faces, "Oh seriously?" - Jared

Jensen and Misha laughed while looking at Jared's cheeks blush from embarrassment.

" We're just messing around with you Jared. He was on his phone and I was running a few errands" - Misha smiled innocently

" Oh okay." - Jared breathed out, " Jensen what are you smiling at" - Jared asked trying to change the subject

Jensen looked down at his phone with a wide grin plastered across his face. " I uh, I've been working on this uh, collage of pictures of me and Mish. There photo ops that we've done and I picked out my favorite and put them all together with some other photos we've taken. I'm going to make it my wallpaper." - Jensen smiled looking over at Misha who looked like was getting sentimental.

"Jensen this looks amazing, I love it! Look we took that one on the same day I said I love you!" - Misha smiled pointing at one of the pictures in the montage.

" And we took this one on the first day I kissed you ." - Jensen Smiled pointing at said picture.

" Okay seriously though, how have fans not figured out you guys are together" - Jared laughs.

"I don't know man." - Jensen

" What are you guys talking about? There's 'cockles' and 'destiel' " - Misha says putting air quotations around the ship names.

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