Runaway Groom

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"Jensen, it's time." - Jared said watching the groom look at himself in disgust

"I'm coming.." - Jensen said looking into the mirror in front of him with a frown plastered on his face.

"Jensen you don't have to go through with this." - Jared walked closer to Jensen putting his hand on his shoulder

" I do. My jobs on the fucking line." - Jensen frowned fixing his sleeve

"No, Jensen you don't! Hey look at me!" -Jared turned Jensen around facing him, "You don't have to marry her if you don't love her. Go marry the person you and I both know you want too!" - Jared 

"What about Melissa?" - Jensen

"I'll call her a cab, go get him cowboy."- Jared smiled

"Thanks man, you may have just saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life." - Jensen smiled hugging Jared

"That's what I'm here for." - Jared hugged Jensen, "Now Go! Go get him!" - Jared

Jensen ran out of the building, down the steps and to the car. As he reached for the handle, he heard an annoying sound behind him.

"Jensen honey where are you going, were suppose to be getting married right now!" - Ex-Fiance's voice squeaked

"Dammit Jared." - Jensen mumbled before turning around, " Melissa, I can't marry you okay." - Jensen

"What why not?!" - Melissa's voice squeaked

"Because I don't love you okay, I'm in love with somebody else!"- Jensen shouted

"What! Ugh! I can't believe your about to try and pull something like this right now! Get back inside and marry me! If you don't marry me I will make sure you never ever work in the Advertising industry ever again! You'll never step another foot in wall street or New York at all!" - Melissa threatened with her squeaky voice

"I don't care, make whatever threats you want, I'm not marrying you." - Jensen smiled

" Fine, I guess I'll have to get you back myself." - Melissa whispered to Jensen before turning around and walking to the middle of the staircase and turning back around, "Help! Somebody Help! Runaway Groom! Get Him!"- Melissa squealed getting the attention of the people walking around

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." - Jensen mumbled

" I got this." - Jared yelled picking 5 foot 2 Melissa up and swinging her over his shoulder carrying her away, "Sorry everybody, she's off her meds!"- Jared shouted

"Let go of me!" - Melissa squealed trying to squirm out of Jared's grasp.

Jensen got in his car and drove away, tires screeching leaving marks on the asphalt. He drove until he got to Misha's job. He ran inside the precinct asking officers along the way where Misha was. They all directed him along knowing who he was. Jensen finally made his way to the Conference room where Misha was giving the details on a new case they got. 

" Misha." - Jensen 

" Jensen, I'm in the middle of a lecture. can you please wait outside." - Misha barked back obviously still mad

" Misha.." - Jensen shouted walking to the front of the room where Misha stood. Jensen got down onto one Knee and looked Misha in the eyes, holding up a ring in his fingers, the room slowly filled with gasps coming from several officers.

"Oh my god." - Misha gasped

" I made a mistake on December 3rd, 2015 I proposed to the wrong Person. I proposed to somebody I didn't truly love. I don't deserve somebody like you in my life, I really don't. But I couldn't live with myself another second without telling you how I really felt about you. So here it goes, Dmitri Misha Collins, I have never been so in love with somebody, the way I'm in love with you. Everyday I see you, hell every time I hear your name, I get this feeling in my stomach, and this smile on my face that I can't seem to make go away, no matter how hard I try. You wondered why when I first met you I wouldn't make too much eye-contact? Well that's why, I was trying to hide the redness of my cheeks, the wide grin I had spread across my face, and that feeling in my stomach. Misha you bring this joy outta me even in my darkest times, when I slip and fall your there to help me back up. You are my entire world Misha, and I can't Imagine living another day without you. So please, will you make me the happiest man alive and Marry me? This time I know I'm asking the right person." - Jensen smiled eyes sparkling with delight and a wide grin spread across his face. 

"Yes." - Misha teared up as Jensen slipped the ring on and kissed his new soon-to-be husband. 

"I love you so much." - Jensen smiled kissing his husband a thousand times as the officers in the room cheered them on. 

"I love you more." - Misha smiled, kissing his husband once more before having to continue his lecture and forcing Jensen out.


Word Count: 841 Words

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