chapter one?

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"Anna wake up!!" My mother called from downstairs.
"No mom!! Im staying home!" I shout and grab my phone. I never go to school... 7 hours of my day doing nothing but boring shit? No thank you. Besides, i am a writer. I need to focus on my stories and not how many homework assignments i can get in tha matter of a day.
Writing is my absolute passion, i spend almost every minute of every day doing it.
"Anna your going to school!" She shouts and i groan.
"No mother!" I shout again and due to the silence, i have yet again won another battle against my mom. I always do though.
"Anna you need to go to school." My mom snaps and i let out a sigh.
"Mom we have been through this before. I don't need school, i need to write." I say and she shrugs.. she want to say something but something tells me she knows better than to anger me.
"Whatever." She says and tosses her plate in the sink. Soon after she storms off into her bedroom and i do the same.
I pull out my journal from under my bed, and begin to write about my mothers sudden outburst this early in the morning.
Why does she not understand that every single time she brings up the whole school subject that i tune her out? I get that i need an education but what she doesnt know is that i have been taking classes online, so i dont have to leave home. It goes by alot faster that way as well.
"Anna your going nowhere in life."
"Anna you need this"
"Anna go brush your hair again."
Its just like she is never satisfied with who i am, she always has to find a way to change me...
I dont need changing.. i like who i am and she must live with that.
"Anna come here please." I hear her yell and i scowl. But i oblige her request, and walk across the hall to her bedroom.
"Yeah?" I ask and she motions for me to sit down.
"I'm sorry for pushing the school thing, i know you hate that."
I quickly get up and leave back to my room and turn on the radio before calling Sam.
"Hey!" She smiles and i smile back
"Whats wrong?" She asks almost reading my mind.
"Moms pushing the school thing again." I frown and she rolls her eyes.
"Your 16 and she needs to quit treating you like you are 5. Its getting old." She sighs and i clap in appreciation of her understanding.
Its almost as if she understands me more than my own family does.
Not even family.
It's just me, my brother Jared who is 18, mom, and our dog Cooper.
Jared is away at college and i think she is taking all of her stress out on me which angers me even more just thinking about it.
"Well i gotta go, call me later." She says and i hang up before saying goodbye. Something about goodbyes remind me of my father, who left with no warning when i was only 7 years old. I still have never come to know the reason for his departure.
I come to think sometimes that it is my fault.
Who knows, maybe it is. But i will never know because my mother refuses to tell me anything about my mystery father. I will one day, get something out of her but  i just can't put my finger on what that might be yet, or when that will be. 

But i need to get some rest if i am going to figure out all of this, I have no idea what is going to come from here.


This morning i got up and immediately Called Sam, to make sure she is ready for school even though I don't go to a real school. But popularity is important to her, so i figured i might as well do my job as a best friend and help her with her new mission. 

"WAKE UP SAMANTHA!!" I yelled through the phone and she groans. 

"Shut up" she laughs and i smile cheesily, and hang up because i know that it will irritate her and that is exactly what i want to do for her on a monday.

"Anna! don't forget that the Smiths are coming over for dinner tonight!" My mom screams and i yell okay before throwing my hair in a messy bun. I head downstairs to get breakfast and after that i need a shower, and after that i need to go get Sam after school. The perks of having a license at 16 right?

"Mom hurry up!" I yell and bang on the bathroom door and she sighs, "Oh come on Anna have some patience." 

I take my journal off the counter and begin to write while she spends my next 2 birthdays in the bathroom. 

"Why can't my mom just spend a normal saturday in her pajamas like any normal person? I mean she doesn't have to look absolutely perfect to just sit here.. it gets hard living here with her when she doesn't accept me, but i guess that's life, but when im 18 i am out of here, and me and Sam are heading straight to Sydney, Australia. That is what i have to look forward to for the next 2 years, unless i meet someone special? But that is doubtful because i look like a potato. I have always been insecure, But i mostly blame my father for that considering he left without explanation leaving me thinking it was my fault. 

I honestly hope that my mother had something to do with him leaving, maybe she did but i dont doubt it exactly because she always has to have perfection and maybe he just got tired of it..

i know damn well i do.


Hi guys.
Hope you liked it. 



there are exactly 6 months and 29 days until i see them live!! i am not okay.

Dont forget to vote and comment! 

All the loveeeee
- Raina xx

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