I dial his number from Anna's phone, and it rings 3 times before he answers. "Hey Anna!" He shouts and i pull the phone back a little. I have to tell him everything without crying, which will be hard. This is my best friend, but i have to stay strong for her. "This is Sam." "Where's Anna?" He asks and his voice laces with concern. "She... she tried to kill herself. She's in the hospital and i wanted you to be updated on how she's doing." "She... she what?" He cries and this is the first time i have ever heard Michael cry. I have known him for a few months when Anna had him buy us pizza, but never once did he cry. "Is it okay if i catch a flight back to Anna?" He asks and i wipe a tear. Of course he can. "Of course Cliffo. Just be safe. Love you and see you when you come."
"Sam?" He asks just as i was about to hang up. "Yeah?" "Thanks for telling me." He sniffles and the line goes dead.
I immediately froze. Her wrists have bandages over them, she has a bandage around her head, and she is sleeping. "Anna?" I ask but she doesn't budge. I am here alone, and i lied to a nurse, this really isn't like me. But you know what else isn't like me? I had another girl, in my house and i fingered her. I always thought commitment was shit, but to be cliche, everything changed when i met her. She changed my outlook on life and it kind of affected me. The day we officially started dating, when she came to see me in the hospital i knew i had to change. No more sleeping with a new girl every weekend, no more of that shit. I was always commited to her, hell we were fucking engaged! But now i had my hands on another woman and i feel damn nasty. I should have approached it differently, and i shouldnt have just ended it. Her birthday is soon. Could things actually come back together after being ripped apart without warning? I know they say time heals all wounds but i am one impatient mother fucker.
I wake up, but i dont see anything. I open my eyes and the room is dark, but there is a lamp, on the side of the bed. There is someone there, pacing back and forth but i cant seem to make out who it is. But when they turn to their side, i see shoulder length brown hair, and his green eyes shined in the light. Harry. Why was he here though? Does he actually have the guts to come here after physically ripping my heart out? And not giving one shit? He better have a damned good excuse. Because frankly hes had one too many chances. "Harry?" "Holy shit. Anna!" He lets out a deep breath and takes two big strides toward me. He wraps his arms around my neck and i feel his hot breath against my neck. He's smiling. "Anna.. im so sorry." He chokes and i hear sympathy, meaning laced in his deep voice. "Harry, you left me." I frown and he shakes his head. "I know, but i realized something after. I realized that age isn't a factor of the matter, its love. And damn do i love you. I love you so much and i just had to take the blondfold off to see itm" he cries and i hug him back. This doesnt mean i'm forgiving him, he still has so much to make up for, but i should at least give him a chance. Its the least i could do. "Hey, this doesn't mean i'm forgiving you." I scold and he frowns but nods his head and climbs off the bed and leaves the room. He doesn't come back.
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"And where are we flying today?" She asks and i reply "America please. To be more specific, Washington." I smile shyly and she sticks out her hand. "Passport please." And i oblige her request and give her my passport, she stamps it and i head on to the bagfage claim. I grab my bag after stomping through a mound of people. I board the plane and get comfortable. This is going to be a long ass ride.
Anna is facetiming you.
I answer the second i get the notification and i see her face, not Sams. "Hey cutie, you're awake!" I smile and she blushes before waving to me. "Hey Michael. Where are you?" She asks and i forgot to tell her i'm coming. Let that be a surprise. "Erm, im in the bathroom actually." I lie and almost laugh at it. Im so fucking dumb. "Ew, gross " she laughs and i give her a wierd look. "So i heard you did something pretty bad Anna." I get all serious on her and she looks down and i didn't expect the answer she gives me. "I just wanted to leave, i feel so hurt you know? Everyone's words are as sharp as knives and they just cut me down, and it's gotten to be more than i can handle." She frowns and i give her a weak smile. "We all feel that way at least once. But remember, I'm always here. You know that!" I scold her and she nods her head and i should probably let her go so i don't give the surprise away. I wouldn't want that to happen, it would ruin all the fun. "Hey love, i gotta go." I smile and press end. Only 15 hours to go. And then i can tell Anna how i feel.
________________________________ HAIII GUYSSS Ooh shit does Cliffo have feelings for Anna? ;) ;) ;) What did you think? You got alot of povs in there lmao The songs are... Sounds good feels good deluxe. I GOT THE SGFG WITH MICHAEL ON IT IM NOT CRYING PFFFF. Okay but that's all my loves! All the loveeeee - Raina xx