Chapter two

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Maybe he got tired of her constant need for perfection... God knows i do.
"Anna! Sam's here." My mom yells and i quickly run downstairs and grab my keys without another word. My mother doesn't like Sam all that much but i guess she is going to have to put up with it because Sam is my Best friend, and thats not changing anytime soon as far as I'm concerned.
"Anna be home in 2 hours, The Smiths are coming tonight."
"Turn that damn radio down, Jeez Anna." Sam yells and i shake my head. Five seconds of summer is my life. I shall never turn them down.
"No! Michaels singing so shut the hell up!"
"Most of my life, i made all my plans lost never found."
Airplanes is one of my favorite songs, hands down.
"Okay the songs over, bow turn it down before i go deaf please." Sam yells and i smile and oblige.
"So where are we going exactly this early in the morning?" I ask because she asked me to drive her somewhere and i have no clue where.
"Make a turn down this road." She continues and i make the turn just in time.
"Really Sam?" I ask
"This place is a fucking mansion! Who the hell lives here?"
"Some boy i have been talking to now go!" She yells and i drive insanely slow.
Holy shit.
I am about to turn and Some random guy  comes out and hugs Sam. Well now i know who can afford a house this big.
I want to turn around, but i don't know. I decide against it and drive back home.
"Shit." I say to myself. I am late, like a half an hour late... oops?
"Sorry i'm late." I manage to say before sitting down.
"Just have a seat and get something to eat." My mother says before shooting me a warning glare. I never really liked the smith's all that much. But they were much more tolerable than my current family.
"Thank you for joining us Anna." Joan Smith says and i smile politely.
"Well i do live here last time i checked." I say and my mom snaps her head towards me.
"Anna Marie, just go to your room please." She says and im not going to say no, this has been awkward enough.
As soon as i get to my room i call Sam. Just to make sure she's okay with Her new guy.
"Hey love, you good?" I ask.
"Yep, everything's fine. Say hi to Ash!" She says and i almost cry.
"Um... hi." I say shyly.
"Dont let her fool you Blake ,She normally has a much bigger mouth. Sam says and i hang up.
I, as quickly and quietly as possible walk down the stairs and eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Does she know?"
"Not yet, but we will tell her soon."
"Well if your not her real family i think she has a right to know."
What the hell?
"Mom?" I interject and they all jump.
"What the fuck?" I continue and throw the vase off of the table, watching it obliterate to the floor.
"Anna, sit down." She says and i have no choice now.
"When you were younger, your father was... well abusive. He hit your mommy so many times she just got sick of it and the police found her hanging from a celing fan the next morning. They have your father in Custody in New York. Im so sorry you had to find out like this sweetheart."
Why the hell is she being so calm about this? You know what? Fuck all of this! I need to go by Sams... wait she's with Blake i go to the next best thing.
I pull up the nearest bar... and take a seat inside.
7 shots of straight Jack later, i get up to leave and i bump into someone on the way out.
"Sorry" i manage to say and he smiles.
"Its okay" he laughs and sticks out his hand..
"I'm Harry."
"Well my name is Anna." I am so drunk right now. Do they even know im only 16?
"Well can i buy you a drink?" He asks and i shake my head before leaving but he follows me out shortly after
"Wait!" He shouts and i stop.
"Can i at least get your number so we can hang out sometime?" He asks and i smile.
"Sure." I grab his phone and type in my phone number and get in my car.. driving away .
"What the hell Anna?"
"You cant always run away from your problems!" She says and i give her my best smile.
"I can though mom!" I emphasize the mom before exiting the room.
I reach in my drawer and pull out a cigarette, lighting it.
I don't smoke them all the time, only when shit goes down... it relaxes me.
My phone buzzes. I take another drag of my escape before checking my phone.
Unknown: hey -H
Anna: who is this?
Unknown: Harry, from the bar.
Anna:oh... hey!
Harold: hey.
Anna: why are you texting me?
Harold: can i come over?
Anna: yeah just sneak throught the window at 10 sharp. Xx
Harold: okay.
Well this ought to be different.
Sorry this one was kind of all over the place so i may or may not go back and edit it later today
It still feels so unreal.
Dont forget to vote and comment!
All the loveeeee
- Raina xx
P.s might double update today, idk.

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