You bump into them at a store

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Harry: You were at your favorite store, Hollister, getting the last of your Christmas presents for friends. You were busy looking at your iPhone and making sure you got every shirt that you had marked down. Not paying attention, you tripped and fell right into someone! After gathering all of the clothing that you just spilled out of your hands into a small pile, a hand reached toward you to help you up. “I’m really sorry, I was looking down at my phone and I tripped and—" You started to say when you looked at the face staring back at you. It was Harry Styles. “Babe, it’s okay, no worries" A cheeky smile spread across his face, causing you to blush. “Let me help you get all of these clothes" he said, picking up your pile of clothes. “Thank you, I’m Y/N by the way." You managed to say. “Nice to meet you, Y/N." You smiled and walked up to the register to pay, and after they fit all of your clothes into one huge Hollister bag, you headed towards the door. As you were walking out, you saw Harry trying on a plaid jacket. “Looking good, Harry" You called toward him, he instantly smiled at you, and started walking toward you. He handed you a piece of paper, and winked. You opened the paper and it had his number on it, so you laughed and texted him, instantly getting a response.

Liam: You worked at a local grocery store in the bakery. You were so used to being around cakes and baking them - it didn’t even feel like a job. It was an average day, with an average amount of customers. Most of them wanted you to put icing on that said “Happy __ Birthday, _______!" and you thought it was fun- your handwriting being on someone elses cake. The bell rung and you ran over to the counter, but stopped halfway because your jaw-dropped. No more than 10 feet in front of you was Liam Payne from One Direction. “Hello, what can I do for you?" You asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. “Can I get ‘Happy Birthday Abby’ written on this?" You nodded and did as he asked. While you were writing that on the cake, you called over to him. “So, who’s Abby? Your girlfriend?" You joked. “No, she’s a close friend. Why would you assume that she’s my girlfriend?" He seemed very confused. “Oh…uh…well I just assumed, because you’re really cute." “Oh really? Well thanks, you’re not too bad yourself" He winked at you, causing your face to turn even more red. “Want to come to the party I’m throwing for Abby? Here’s the address" He ripped a small piece of paper off of the ‘Ingredient  List’ that was next to the desk, for those allergic to certain foods. “Yeah, I’ll see if I can make it" You said, not wanting to sound too excited. But you knew that you wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Louis: You were in England, visiting a few friends who went to school there. Of course, you had to go on a shopping spree there, since they had many stores that the US didn’t. One of them was Top Shop. You heard that Louis from One Direction shops there a lot, so you thought you’d visit it and judge for yourself. You went with your friends, and you ended up liking a lot of the clothes there. You turned around and you saw a familiar face looking at the striped shirts. “Oh…My…God…Is that Louis Tomlinson?" You whispered a little more loudly that you wanted to. “Yeah…I think so!" Said one of your friends, and the other responded by saying “I dare you to go talk to him!" Not wanting to refuse a dare, or this once in a lifetime chance, you checked your hair out in a mirror and walked toward him. “Hi Louis! I’m a huge fan of One Direction. Plus my friends dared me to come talk to you." “Thanks so much for listening to our musi—" he started to say, when he looked up. He stared right into your eyes and you felt that moment lasting forever. “Are you from around here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Plus you have an American accent." He wondered. “No, I’m staying with my friends for a few weeks, unfortunately. I would love to live here!" You treated him like a normal person, and that’s what he loved about you. “Well, maybe you would like to hang out sometime before you leave then? Here’s my number" You handed him your phone and he added himself as a contact, making his contact name “Louis" with an Emoji kissy face next to it.

Niall: You were at the grocery store, shopping for your mom who was ill. She had the longest list of food that she needed. Since you lived two hours away, this food had to last her for a little over a week before you could make the trip to see her again. You were in the ‘World Food’ aisle, looking at Italian food. You grabbed a few boxes of noodles and some sauce and went on to the next item: frozen pizza. You walked to the end of the aisle where there was a refrigerator with all the frozen pizzas in it. You tried finding the brand that your mom had written down, but you didn’t see it. You sighed loudly. This quick grocery shopping trip was going to take forever! “Can I help you find something? I know this store like it’s my closet" You heard a familar laugh. You looked over to see that Niall from One Direction was standing there, also getting some shopping done. “Yeah..Do you know where this is?" You pointed to the piece of paper and seconds later he opened the refrigerator and brought out the frozen pizza. “Thanks so much!" You said back to him. It was nice that he decided to help you, but you couldn’t figure out why. “Yeh, that pizza is truly incredible, plus I decided to help you out because your very pretty." “Really? That means so much coming from you. Oh, I’m Y/N" “Yeh, but it was kind of cute seeing your confused face. Nice to meet you" You laughed. It was easy to be normal around him, after all he was a normal guy. “Maybe we could hang out and get a bite to eat sometime?" You smiled and nodded. A date with Niall Horan. You wrote down your number and gave it to him. He texted you all that week so you could decide when you were going to go on a date.

Zayn: You were at the mall. You loved going, because it’s so relaxing getting out of the house and seeing so many clothes. Plus you also liked seeing all the people there. You thought about how different they are and it was fascinating to you. After getting some shopping done, you usually just sat down at one of the rest spots that they would have occasionally placed around the mall. After sitting there for awhile, you had a sudden craving for Starbucks coffee. It was odd, you thought, because you hadn’t had a craving for coffee in weeks! Why all of a sudden? You walked all the way over to the food court, where they had a Starbucks and several tables with chairs. You waited in line, there was only a few people but more people lined up behind you. It was finally your turn. “Hi can I have a tall mocha latte?" You asked the woman who worked there, and paid, waiting for your coffee. You didn’t pay much attention to the people behind you, you were more focused on getting your coffee. The man who was behind you in line stood next to you waiting for his coffee as well. You looked up at him, and it was then that you realized who he was. It was Zayn Malik. You always thought he was adorable, and you loved his music, but you didn’t think you would ever get to meet him. The lady put two cups of coffee on the table and said “Two tall mocha lattes!" You two both grabbed a cup and laughed. He didn’t even know your name yet, but he asked you to sit down and talk. “Oh…by the way, I’m Y/N." You guys talked about several things, and you seemed to agree on everything, so you decided to hang out for the rest of the day. When the mall closed, you gave him your number and no longer than 5 minutes after leaving, you checked your phone to see you had a text from him.


Hope you like it :) 

I relly enjoy writing these :P

Bye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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