You Get Hit By A Car

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Harry: You and Harry are crossing the street. You hear a truck horn, and Harry jumps across the street, he try’s to grab your hand but he slips. The truck slams on its brakes, but it still hits you. You feel a sharp pain through out the right side of your body. Harry runs across the street and calls 911…

You wake up…”Harry?” You say trying to look around. You feel something tight around your waist, so you look at your waist and see a giant cast. You let out a small yelp. Harry comes rushing in. “Y/N, are you ok?’ He says coming to your bedside. “Um, yeah, but where am I and where are my clothes?” You say. Harry smiles and says, “Your in the hospital, baby.” He walks over to a chair and picks up your thong, “Really?” He says. “THEY’RE COMFY!” You protest. “OK..” harry says handing you the pile of clothes. “Need help getting dressd?” Harry said. “No…” you say getting up, “Turn around!” “Fine..” Harry says with a sad face. Onece your dressed, Harry picks you up and carries you to the front desk. He checks you out, and brings you to his car.

Niall: You and Niall are taking a bike ride through the park, when you reach a road. You and Niall don’t stop, you just ride across. Niall was in front of you, to protect you. A car comes around the corner and smashes into your bike. Niall quickly came over to you, whipping out his phone and calling 911…

 “Princess?’ Niall says, gently shaking your shoulder. “Yeah?’ You say. “I’m sorry…” He says looking at the floor. “Niall, it’s not your fault.” You say lifting his chin. You kiss him lightly, then you wipe away the tears that slip from his blue eyes. “I love you.” Niall says. “Did I break any bones?” You ask. “Thankfuly, no. You have a lot of scrapes and bruises, and you sprained your ankle really badly.” He said helping you out of bed. You looked down to see that you were just wearing a bra and panties. “Clothes?” You say. Niall hands you the pile of your neatly folded clothes. “Thanks!” You say getting dressed. Your ankle hurt like hell but you didnt want Niall to feel worse so you just hid the pain. Niall picked you up and said “Let’s get out of here!”. You giggled as Niall ran down the hall to the desk. The lady at the desk said “You must really love her..” “I love her more then anything!” Niall said, “She’s my princess.” After he checked you out of the hospital, you could hear the nurses talking “They are a cute couple!”. “Let’s go get some Nando’s!” Niall said as he gently put you in the passanger seat of the car.

Liam: Laim was trying to teach you how to skate board, being a protective boyfriend, he made you wear pads and a helmet. You rode down the hill perfectly, and Liam was running down the hill to hug you when a car comes out of nowhere and slams into you… “OW!!” you yelp, the last thing you,see is Liam pulling his phone out and dialing 911…

You awkae to the smell of rubber gloves and medicane. You hear Liam talking, so you keep your eyes closed. “Niall, it’s all my fault!” Liam said in tears. Then you hear a muffled voice,’they must be on the phone’ you thought. “I should have been there for her! I wish it was me in that hospital bed, she doesn’t deserve it! I should have a broken arm not my baby.” Liam said seeming really upset. You more of the muffled voice. “Alright, Niall thanls buddy. See you later!” You open your eyes and Liam comes rushing over. “Baby, I’m so sorry! I’ll never let it happen agian!” He said through tears. “I’m alright, Liam.” You say encoragingly. A nurse enters the room and says “You broke your arm, so your probably going to need help with a lot of things for the first couple of days, but I’m sure your boyfriend will help you.” Liam looked at me smiling “I won’t let her leave my sight!” “She’ll probalbly need help getting dressed.” the nurse said, “Would you help her?” “Of course!” Liam says. The nurse leaves the room and Liam grabs the pile of you clothes. He helps you out of the sheet-thing they made you wear. He gently put your arms through the bra straps. then he guided you legs through your shorts, and pulled your top over your head. You turned around and kissed him. “Thanks babe!” You say taking his hand. You walked to the front desk and checked out. “Do you want to go see the boys?” He said. “Sure!” You say smiling….

Louis: You and Louis were in the city, trying to hail a cab. You put your thumb up. No cans were coming…’why aren’t they coming, its Louis Tomlinson!’ you thought. You see a limo pull up across the street, “There is our ride my precious carrot!” Louis says kissing you. You run across the street, when a taxi hits your leg. You fall to the floor, and yelp in pain. Louis comes over and wraps his arm around you and says “Everything is going to be ok”. Then your world goes, black…

CARROT!” You awake to Louis’ screaming. “Hmm?” you say rubbing your eyes. “Y/N! My little carrot! Did I wake you up?” Louis said running to your side. “No..” You say giggling. “You broke your leg..” Louis said. “Oh..” You said. “Sorry, i broke my carrot.” He said looking down sadly, “But, I had the nurses dress you so we could bust out of here, quickly!” Louis said Picking you up. “Yeah!” You say as Louis runs out of the room. He checks yuo out of the hospital and brings you into the limo waiting out front. “So…where were we?” He said giving you a rose. You laugh….

Zayn: Your from New York, so when Zayn brought you to his home town you were a little confused because of the cars. Zayn was waiting for you at his house which was across the street. You look to your left and see no cars so, you walk into the road, and your hit by and small vehicle. You hear Zayn running to you, and then you see no more….

You awake to the sight of Zayn, leaning over your face. “Babe!” He says, “I’m SO sorry!” “it’s not your fault!” Ypu say, “Who hit me with the car, you or some creepy freak?” “Some creepy freak.” Zayn said lokking down sadly. “Exactly..” You say. “Thanks baby!” Zayn says kissing you. “I love you!” “I love you, too!” You say. “i was supposed to ask you something though…” He said looking at you. “What?’ You ask and Zayn gets down on one knee and says “WIll you marry me?” “Yes!!!!” You say jumping out of the bed and into his arms, “Yess!” “I love you, Y/N” Zayn said sliding the ring on your finger….


Befor i say anything...I got this one from tumblr...:/ I'm kind of running out of ideas soo pleasee comment on what type of preferences do you want :) It will help a ALOT and it's just that i want to write about what makes you happy ^_^ so yeah and all the feedback I'm getting is very much appreciated :) 

Hope you liked it :)

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Oh and guys..i want nutella. I'm fasting ok i have cravings when i fast..don't judge meh.

kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

ps. anyone who loves Doctor Who, Supernatural and Sherlock here?!

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