They Love You But You're Not Ready

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Harry: It was your third date, and the night couldn't be more romantic. Harry had set up a candelit dinner for the two of you at the park where you'd met. It wasn't unusual for Harry to be a little nervous for your dates, but he seemed even more uncomfortable that night. He played with his fingers and wouldn't touch his food. "Haz, is something wrong?" you asked, concerned. He immediately shook his head and stared down at his lap. "No, nothing at all. Quite the opposite, actually. I know we've only known each other for a couple weeks, but that still doesn't change my feelings about you, and..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words to say. You took his hand in yours and nodded encouragingly for him to go on. "And I know I mean it when I say that I truly love you, Y/N. I've never felt this way about someone else before," he finished, this time looking up at you. His words hit you with such force, and you desperately tried not to look too shaken. The thing was, you had never been in love, and you weren't sure if what you felt for Harry was love. You took a deep breath and finally found the courage to hold his hopeful gaze. He looked so sincere, you could barely bring yourself to say the next words that came out of your mouth. "Harry, I care about you a lot. I really do. But I've never been in love with someone before, and I can't pretend like I know what it feels like, because I don't. If you don't want to be with me anymore because of what I just said, I completely understand. My feelings are just...a mess right now," you said, letting out a sigh. You expected him to storm off and never speak to you again, but he just squeezed your hand tighter. "I could never leave the only girl I'm in love with. I'll find a way to prove to you that I'm the right one, I promise," he said. You smiled and could only hope he'd keep his promise.

Liam: He had invited you over for a movie night, and you were just putting the third Disney movie in the DVD player as he walked in with a new bowl of popcorn. "Snacks for the movies?" he said with a grin. That was the thing you loved most about him. He never put pressure on you to do something you didn't want to do. It was always just cute little dates spent cuddling on the couch, rather than going out to a fancy restaurant or a bar. He didn't want to take advantage of you, unlike so many other guys. You just sat there watching the movie as your head rested on his shoulder, when a romantic scene came on. "He must really love her," you said, mostly to yourself. Liam nodded in agreement. "Kind of like how much I love you," he replied. The words just seemed to slip out of his mouth without much thought. But they meant more to you than that. He had never even mentioned being in love with you before, seeing that it was only your fourth date. You looked up at him with a confused expression. When he saw this, he raised an eyebrow in question. "Are you okay, love?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm just...surprised, I guess," you replied. "By what?" "You said that you loved me." "Well I do...Is there anything wrong with that? I didn't mean to upset you or anything." You bit your lip and looked away from him. The truth was that you didn't quite feel the same way. You had never been with anyone like Liam before, but you just wanted to wait and see how you would feel after getting to know him better. After calmly explaining this, you thought he would be hurt, but instead he just smiled and kissed your forehead. "Take all the time you need, babe. I'll be right by your side no matter what," he said.

Louis: Once again, you were having a crazy night with Louis. You had gone to the movie theater to watch a scary movie, but you both got distracted by the games in the lobby, so you just decided to hang out there. You had wasted most of your money on cheesy games that you could never actually win, but you didn't care. Just being a complete idiot with Louis was fun enough. You playfully tossed popcorn at each other while everyone else looked at you like you were weird. "You got some in your hair," Louis commented with a laugh. He picked one out of your hair and made a face at you. "What?? Don't tell me I have dandruff!" you joked. "No, it's just that your hair is even softer than Harry's!" Louis replied, grinning. When you laughed at this, he added, "And I love you more than Harry." Your smile quickly faded, and he looked at you, worried. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked. "Not exactly. I just didn't know that you..." you trailed off. "That I love you? Of course I do! I've been in love with you since the day we met," he said. When your nervous expression didn't change, he held both of your hands. "Why? Don't you?" he said. "Well I do have feelings for you Louis, really. I just don't know if they're that strong yet," you replied softly. It was obvious that your words hurt him a bit, but he tried his best to hide it. "Oh, I understand. I shouldn't have mentioned it," he said quickly. When he dropped your hands and started to walk away, you pulled him back. "Lou, that doesn't mean I don't like you. I've never been in love, but I know that how I feel about you is different. You're not like anyone else," you said with a smile. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile. You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Niall: He dropped you off at your house after your third date. You both stood on your front porch, looking into each others eyes as you said good bye for the night. You started to go inside, when Niall stopped you. "Wait, Y/N! There's something I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't work up the courage to say it earlier," he said. You could tell from his serious expression that he wasn't joking around. You waited for him to go on, but he just stared down at his feet and stammered for a second. "Well uh, I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure how. I don't know if you'll feel the same way. Or maybe I should just wait. Yeah, I'll tell you later," he said, starting to head down the front steps, but you caught his hand. "Niall, you can tell me anything," you said, offering him a smile. He nodded and smiled nervously. "Okay, good. I-I just wanted to tell you...I'm in love with you," he said. You were shocked at hearing this, but you tried not to let it show. "Y-you do?" you replied. He nodded. At that point, you couldn't think of anything else to say. You knew you weren't in love yet, but you also didn't want to lose him. Tears started to form in your eyes, so you looked away. Obviously Niall saw you were about to cry, so he took you in his arms and held you tight. "I just need some time," you managed to whisper. "That's fine, princess. I don't want to force you into anything," Niall said. His kindness only made you feel worse. You just sobbed into his shoulder, wishing you could feel the same way.

Zayn: You and Zayn were at the beach, just going for an evening stroll. The sunset was absolutely breathtaking, and being able to share the moment with Zayn was wonderful. Even though you had just started dating a few weeks ago, you knew Zayn was different. You couldn't say you were in love, but you hoped that someday you would be. Walking hand in hand down the beach, Zayn suddenly stopped and turned to face you. "Y/N, I've been dying to say this for a while now, but I thought that now would be the best time," he said, biting his lip. You could tell he was nervous, because he quickly ran a hand through his hair and refused to meet your gaze. "What is it, Zayn?" you asked gently. "I...I love you. I don't know how else to say it," he said. Your chest tightened and your heart started to speed up. As much as you wanted to make him happy and say you loved him too, you just couldn't. You'd be lying, and that would just hurt him more. You were so startled that you didn't notice yourself slowing backing away. Zayn looked at you, slightly confused. But when you looked him in the eyes, you saw a bit of hurt in them. You stopped and nervously tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Zayn, I really do have feelings for you, it's just that I'm not ready for that kind of commitment," you said. He looked away but still nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rush you," he apologized. You stepped closer to him and smiled. "Don't be sorry. I just haven't figured everything out yet. But when I do, I promise you'll be the first one to know," you said. "I'll wait, don't worry," he replied, leaning in and kissing you on the lips. ____________________________________________________________

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kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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