You're Ex-Boyfriend was Abusive and You Get Scared in a Fight

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You knew that when Niall got mad he got mad, so you tried your very best not to upset him.  But one time, you don’t know what happened.  He had been coming home late night after night and you were sick of it.  It was approaching 3AM when he finally came through the door.  “Well it’s about time,” you grumbled from the couch.  “You know you don’t have to wait up for me,” he threw back.  “Yes I do, Ni.  I can’t sleep when I know you are out there partying,” you yelled back.  “That’s ridiculous,” he rolled his eyes.  “Don’t tell me what’s ridiculous.  I care about your safety.  I wish you wouldn’t stay out so late,” you could feel tears building up.  “Who are you?  My mother?” he growled, turning on you.  You had a flash-back from your previous relationship and instinctively you cowered against the wall.  Seeing you cower, Niall began to sober up.  “(Y/N),” he whispered.  His hand came down to stroke your face, but you flinched.  “Please don’t be scared of me.  I will never treat you like he did.  I promise you.  I may get mad, but I would never hurt you.”  You could hear the sincerity in his voice.  You looked up into his eyes and saw complete sobriety.  You collapsed into his chest and started to sob.  “Shh, love, it’s ok.  I’m here.”


Most of the time when you and Louis fought, the fights were over something silly and are usually harmless.  Except one fight.  Louis had been spending a lot of time out of the house, and you got worried.  There were rumors that he was seeing his ex behind your back, but he assured you that they were untrue.  But, recently, you weren’t sure if you could trust him.  One day, you came from work and he wasn’t home, again.  You shot him a text asking where he was.  His response: don’t worry about it.  Wrong answer.  Naturally, you got upset.  You went to the door and decided to lock him out.  You curled up on the couch to watch some TV while you waited for him to come home.  Several hours later, Louis came through the door.  “Where were you?” you asked, not looking at him.  “I was out,” he responded casually.  “Were you with her?” you sneered.  “What the hell?” he yelled.  “Were you with her?” you annunciated every word.  “What the…NO!  I was not with her.  Why are you believing those rumors?” he yelled, throwing his hands in the air.  “Because you’re being so cryptic!” you yelled back.  “Oh my god!  You are so immature!” he shot back.  You could see the true anger in his eyes, and instantly got scared.  “I’m sorry,” you whimpered.  “Please don’t hurt me.”  “Hurt you?” he was shocked.  “I would never.  You are far too valuable to me.  I’m sorry I’ve been so secretive.  But I can swear to you that I am not seeing her.  I love you,” he whispered, pulling you in for a sweet, gentle kiss.


It was no secret that you and Zayn were opposites.  He had a bad boy edge to him, while you were more of a good girl.  Even though you were complete opposites, your relationship worked.  Well, most of the time.  Most of the time, you balanced each other out, but there were times when you fought.  This was one of those times.  You had had several discussions about his smoking habit, and he just wasn’t listening.  “You’re not me mum!” he yelled, shaking his cigarette at you.  “Don’t you dare shake that cigarette at me, Zayn Malik,” you sneered back at him.  “I can do whatever the hell I want.  You can’t tell me what to do,” he growled.  He stepped towards you and you backed up.  You didn’t like the feeling of a man walking towards you like that.  His eyes were hard and you could see the anger radiating off of him.  “Zayn,” you whimpered.  His eyes went soft.  “(Y/N),” he whispered.  He extinguished his cigarette on the ground then lifted his hands to your face.  You closed your eyes and turned away.  “(Y/N), I may get mad at you, but I would never hurt you.  I’m sorry if I scared you, it will never happen again.”  You looked up into his eyes and saw the sincerity.  “You promise?” you whispered.  “I do,” he confirmed, peppering your face with kisses.


You and Harry have a slightly different personality type: he’s an extrovert and you’re an introvert.  He thrived in social situations, while they drain you.  Recently, he was dragging you to party after party and you were getting exhausted.  One Saturday night, Harry wanted to go out, but you honestly just wanted to stay in and cuddle.  “C’mon, babe!  We’re gonna be late!” he hollered upstairs at you.  You came tromping down the stairs in your sweats.  “I don’t want to go out,” you whined.  “What?  Why not?”  He was shocked.  You had never turned him down before.  “Because,” you sighed, “we got out like every night.  I’m tired of it.  Can’t we just stay in?”  He looked at you like you were crazy.  “But, we always go out.  Don’t be such a baby,” he shot back at you.  “I’m not a baby,” you got defensive.  “I just don’t want to go out.”  “Why are you so boring?” he grumbled.  “Excuse me?” you asked.  “I SAID YOU’RE BORING!” he yelled, turning on you.  You’ve heard that tone before, and you knew what came after.  You shut your eyes tight and prepared for the pain.  “What are you…?  Oh my god, (Y/N), I’m not going to hit you,” his voice lowered.  You felt his hands on your shoulders and you flinched.  “I’m sorry I scared you.  I shouldn’t have yelled like that,” he whispered, pulling you in for a hug.  “We don’t have to go out tonight, let’s stay in and cuddle, yea?”  He pulled your face up and placed a soft kiss on your lips. 


You and Liam had started dating a few months ago, and you could tell that the “honeymoon” phase was ending.  Things started to get really strained in your relationship.  You were realizing that dating Liam was a lot harder than you thought.  You started to notice that you were getting on each other’s nerves.  One day, Liam came back from a long day at the studio and you were lying on the couch.  “Did you just lay on the couch all day?” he sneered upon seeing you.  “No, I went to work,” you shot back.  “You know, (Y/N), you’ve gotten really lazy.”  You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.  “Excuse me?” you said.  “You just lay around all day.  You don’t do anything!” he yelled, throwing his hands in the air.  “Well, I’m sorry if I just want to lay around after work some time.  I’m not going to be your 50s housewife.  If you want that kind of treatment, maybe you should go back to her!” I yelled back.  “How dare you talk to me like that!” he growled coming towards you.  You could see the veins in his neck straining and the anger in his eyes.  You flinched as you saw his hands clenched into balls.  “Don’t!  Please!  I’m sorry!” you whimpered.  He took a step back, realizing what was happening.  “No,” he breathed, “don’t be sorry.  I should be sorry.  I was being selfish and I’m extremely stressed.  But that’s no excuse.  I never want to scare you like that again,” he said scooping you up into his arms.  


Hope you liked it :)

So I'm dedicating this to my lovely friend @tangleyourdreams <3 cause she is the bombdiggity and she loves preferences so i got the idea of writing some because of her :)


~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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