Best Friends

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Harry: "Hazza!" I scream while running into the arms of my best friend. I just got off the long plane ride from London to New York just to see my best friend perform at Madison Square Garden. I was super excited to see my best friend. We haven’t seen each other in person for months and it was so hard! He picks me up in his arms and twirls me around. “Y/N! I missed you so much!" He said while kissing your cheek and smiled brightly up at his tall figure. “I missed you too! Damn, you gotten tall.." I said trailing off and I hear him and a bunch of other people chuckle at my response. Hazza turns around to show me his friends and I smile brightly at all of them, excited to finally meet Harry’s best mates. “Y/N, these are the boys Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall." I smile up at all of them and shake all their hands. Alright, I guess you could say I was kinda big fan of them. I mean who isn’t. They are amazing! You all walk out of the busy airport and into the cold air of New York City. You smile in amazement at how big all the buildings are and the guys laughed at your face, Harry pulling you towards the van they were brought in. One of their bodyguards takes your luggage from your hands and put it in the trunk while you all squeeze in the van, on the way to the arena where the boys will be performing. You sat down next to Harry who pulled you closer to him. You both side-hugged each other the whole way to the arena.

Liam: "Y/N! Are you home?" You heard someone yell from downstairs and for a second you thought it was your best friend Liam’s voice. But than thought you were dreaming. “Hello! Anyone home?" You heard someone again and you jumped up from your bed and walked out of your room and over to the railing to where you can see the living room from. In there, sitting on your couch, was the amazing Liam Payne. “Oh. My. God." Was all the left your mouth before you started sprinting down your stairs and over to Liam. You jumped on him, hugging him while he laughs and hugs you back. “What are you doing here?! You told me you wouldn’t be here for another week?!" You mostly screamed at him while still hugging him. You let go though and you both sat down on your couch both facing each other. “Well I wanted to come and visit one of my favorite girls!" He said smiling that adorable you grown to love. Yes, you kind of have a big crush on Liam since forever, but you wouldn’t tell him that. He was so out of your league and you knew it would probably never work. The being in love with your best friend situation was too sappy for you. “Awe. Well that’s sweet of you." You told him and smiled at him. “Close your eyes. I got something for you." He told you. “Liam. You didn’t have to buy me anything." You scolded him lightly, but still closed your eyes. “Alright….open." He told you and you opened your eyes in anticipation. You gasped and looked at Liam incredulously. “Liam! You didn’t." You said holding the amazing gift in your hand. “I did." He said smiling at your face. “This it too much!" You told him while trying to push it in his hands, but he just pushes them back. “I don’t care, I got them for you and it’s not like I don’t have the money." He said leaning back in his seat. You felt really guilty that he bought you this expensive gift, but still happy. “Thank you so much, Li. You are the best." You said while hugging him again.

Zayn: "You sure you want to do this?" He asked you for the billionth time while the man was rubbing alcohol on your collarbone. You nod you heard smiling over at your best friend. “Calm down, Z. Remember, I always wanted one since I was little. Remember how we would always say we would get awesome matching tattoos one day." He smiled and nodded his head while taking the seat next to yours, grabbing your hand. “You ready, kid." The man with the pointy needle said, and you could only nod your head, a little nervous about the pain. You squeeze Zayn’s hand really tight and he returns the gesture smiling down at you. “Here we go." You said and you both sat there for about 2 hours, you enduring some really bad pain. But Zayn helped a lot. He sat there, holding your hand the whole time while cracking jokes and reliving memories. He talked about all the amazing memories that would make you laugh. Like how you both forked your teachers yard, and then getting in trouble for it the next day. And many more memories that made you laugh. The pain subsided and you really never noticed you were getting a tattoo until the end when the man said “Done". You smiled down at the work of art, proud that you got an amazing tattoo. “It’s amazing." Zayn says, looking at it in awe and you smile up at him. “Now I’m kinda like you! All “tatted" up!" You say happily and Zayn laughs at your dorkiness. “Come on dork, let’s get some food." He said pulling you up out of the seat and out of the parlor off to get some food with your best friend.

Louis: You sigh while dropping onto the grass. You were exhausted. “Louis. I don’t really wanna do this anymore." You say still out of breathe. “Awe. Come on. We’ve only been playing for 3 hours." You look up to see him standing right in front of you, holding the ball in his hand. “Yeah. Only 3 hours." You told him in a sarcastic tone. “Is someone getting smart with me." Louis said with his hands on his hips. You just stare at him. “Okay. Alright. I guess we can go do something else." He said while pulling you up from the grass. “Wanna watch a movie at my house." You ask him while you both start walking towards your car. “Sure." He replied and you both jumped in your car and heading off towards your house. On the way there, you blasted the radio in your car, both of you screaming the lyrics and laughing at yourselves. You both had a lot in common, since you guys have been best friends since diapers. You mostly know everything about each other. You arrive at your house and you both split up. You getting the popcorn and drink and Louis getting the movie. Once the popcorn popped and you poured the drinks you walked into your living room where Louis was already sitting waiting for you to arrive. You sit down next to him pulling the blanket he was using over towards you so you can share it. Louis presses play on the movie and you wait until you see the beginning credits. “Louis! Grease again?" You tell him laughing at him. He just sheepishly smiles at you. You roll your eyes and both of you watch the movie. You both sang and dance during the whole movie. The song “You’re The One That I Want" came on and you both look at each other before standing up and dancing and singing. Louis pulls you close to him and speaks in a breath, “You’re the one that I want, Y/N." You look at him like he was joking, until he pulls you closer to him smiling down at you. You just pull him down and connect your lips together, making bombs go off. The kiss was very passionate.

Niall: (His P.O.V.) I sigh while picking up another carton of chocolate ice cream. Y/N just texted me asking if I could bring some back to the apartment. Wonder what her boyfriend did to her now. I pay for the ice cream and drive home to the apartment I share with my best friend, who I’m secretly in love with for a while now. I reach our apartment and lock my car door before walking inside and into the living room. It’s pitch black in the room, even though it’s early afternoon outside. The curtains are all shut, the lights are turned off. In the middle of the room, on the couch lays my beautiful best friend, crying her heart out. I quickly walk over to her and see already an empty carton of ice cream laying on the ground surrounded by tissues. “Awe. Y/N, what happened?" I ask her while pulling her on my lap, she rests her head on my shoulder. I wipe the tears away, my heart breaking from seeing my best friend like this all the time. “I give up on relationships, Niall. No boy is too good for me. They always ruin it. Some cheat, some lie….I don’t know what to do Niall." She said breaking down again. I shush her, trying to stop her from crying. “Someday your prince will come Y/N, you never know he must just be under your nose." I say, trying to vaguely give out a hint. She smiles up at me through teary eyes and pulls me closer for a hug. “You always know how to make me happy, Nialler. Thanks." She told me talking into my chest. I just smile a hug her more. “What would I do without a best friend like you." I hear her say and my heart breaks slowly just hearing those words. Of course she only thinks of me as a best friends. I’m always going to be her best friend. Nothing more. I sigh and hug her closely to my chest. At least it’s better than nothing.


Hope you liked it :)

sorry zayn's a bit short :/ my bad :/

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kbye lovelies 

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

p.s you HAVE  to listen to the song on the thing ever <3

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