You're Grounding Your Kid

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LIAM: The next morning after your kid got home late, Liam told you that he thinks you should ground him. “Well, for how long?” You ask. “Erm, you decide, I’ll tell him.” You decide on a whole weekend. You and Liam walk into the kitchen as he’s eating breakfast. “Hey, can we talk to you about something?” He asks. He gestures you two to sit down with a mouthful of cereal. “You are aware that you came in way past your curfew last night, yes?” You say. He stops chewing, and looks up at you both. “Son, I’m sorry but you’re grounded. I know it sucks and I’m sorry but it will have to be for the whole weekend. I’m really sorry.” He lets out a breath of frustration. “You brought it upon yourself, love.” You say calmly. “Don’t be so hard on him, Y/N!” Liam says. You shrug and go get ready for work.

LOUIS: Your son Tommy had just gotten his first car. It was his 17th birthday, and you and Louis thought it was time. A week later, he crashed it and it needed serious repair. Thankfully, he was not harmed. After all, e crashed into a tree and not another car. “Lou, what should we do? I don’t want him driving our cars and crash them too.” Louis thought for a minute. “We could always ground him for a bit.” He shrugs. “That works, I guess.” You and Louis knock on his bedroom door. “Hey Tom?” Louis asks. “Yea?” “Turn your game off for a minute.” Louis walks in and sits on his bed. You sit next to him. “The car is pretty wrecked, you know.” “Yea…?” He says, a little nervous now. “You can’t go anywhere for a while. At least not until it’s fixed.” He says. Tom looks frustrated now. You try to hide a smirk on our face when an Idea comes into your head. “And you have to wear crocs and an ‘I Heart 1D’ t-shirt to school for the rest of the week.” Louis bursts out laughing. “But mum, it’s Monday! That’s an entire week!” He protests. You shrug one shoulder and say, “Not my problem.” You and Louis walk out. He grabs your arm. “When was the last time I told you that I love you?” You swiftly lean into him and say, “I could say just now…” He kisses you passionately.

HARRY: “Harry, love. You’ll never believe what Darcy did at school today…” You say coming in through the door, Darcy following behind you. “What happened?” He asks. “She wrote on the bathroom walls.” Darcy tried to escape to her room, but you caught her arm. ‘Where do you think you’re going, missy?” She sighs, and sits down at the kitchen table where Harry is. “Well, what did you write?” She looks at you. “Tell him.” She stares at her hands and says, “I wrote ‘im a pussycat hear me meow’ in really big letters.” She starts blushing, trying not to laugh. You roll your eyes, while Harry says, “Well…erm….that’s kind of weird. Well….erm so basically….I’m going to have to erm…..ground you for the rest of uh…..the rest of the week. Okay?” “Yea okay, dad.” She says, sighing. You just look at Harry, trying not to laugh at how awkward that just was. Darcy gets up and runs off to her room. “You just don’t show anger, do you?” He raises an eyebrow and smirks at you. “But I do show seduction.” You bite your finger, also raising an eyebrow. He gets up and kisses your neck, and you grab onto his curls. Needless to say you were both naked and under the covers in about 10 minutes. Darcy never suspected a thing.

NIALL: You are grounding your kid for talking back to you. Niall was pretty angry that he insulted you. “Eh, go make your own dinner! That was rude!” He says, and walks away. You look at your son and say, “Yea, I don’t want you using that attitude with me. Not cool. No games for the rest of the week. You’ll manage, it’s already Thursday.” He gets really mad. “But mum-“ “No buts! Telling me to shut up and leave you alone is not appropriate!” You walk away to Niall. “You okay, love?” He asks. “Oh, yea I’m fine. I just hope he’s not like that to anyone else.” Niall Rubs your back, and lies down next to you in bed. He sings his verse of ‘More Than This’ in your ear to make you feel better.

ZAYN: You and Zayn are talking about the consequences for your kid’s actions at school. “Zayn, think about it. He punched someone.” Zayn sighs. “Yeah, I know. Lets just wait to hear his story when he gets home.” As soon as he comes into the door, you both sit him down. “Why’d you do it?” Zayn asks. He looks at you, the Zayn, then as-a-matter-of-factly he says, “I couldn’t bare watching that kid getting bullied anymore. So I tapped the guy on the shoulder and showed how much one punch really does hurt.” You and Zayn look at each other, shocked. Then the phone rang. “I’ll get it.” You say. You pick it up. “Hello?” There was a pause as you listened to the woman on the other line apologize for the fact that your son got suspended for the day, but thanked you at the same time for standing up for her son. “Of course, our son always sticks up for people.” She says goodbye and hangs up. “Who was it, love?” Zayn asks. You put the phone on the counter and say, “It was that boy’s mother thanking you for sticking up for him.” You say to your son. A smile emerges on his face. “Hell no we’re punishing you, mate. We’re celebrating. Good for you.” Says Zayn. You walk over and put your hand on his shoulder. “I’m proud of you, hun. I hope you see that boy again.” He smiles at you and says, “I sat with him at lunch because he said he had no one to sit with.” You end up going out to Nandos, than out for ice cream.


Hope you liked it :)


kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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