You Both Hate Each Other (but really like each other)

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Liam: “Gosh Liam! Whats with you and Toy Story? Grow up! Oh and have you ever thought of how tired we all are from watching this movie over and over again? Really?” You say harshly. You knew you instatly didnt mean to say it. You thought you hated him. You thought. No you had to be honest with yourself you liked him. ALot. You really did. There was an awkward silence between everyone in the room. Looking from face to face. Liam was speechless. He grunted and looked at you and left. Nobody said anything. Then comes Niall from your kitchen. “What did I miss guys?” He ask while eating a sandwhich. No one wanted to tell him because well no one knew what to say. Everyone knew you and Liam had small fights here and there. But still struggled to be friends, but you tried for the other boys. You finally said “Nothing. Nothing happened Niall.” You manage to say while wiping away a tear that ecsaped your eyes. “[Y/N], what are we going to do about Liam?” Louis questioned whispering to you. “I honestly dont know,” You said looking down at the ground, “Im going to go see if I can find him.” You reply softly. Walking out of your flat to hopefully find and talk to him. You had to make things right between you two.

Louis: “I mean I know that there is an age difference between us, but really you need to learn to grow up!” Louis shouted at you. Really you didnt know why he was acting like this. Its insane. You thought to yourself but then was interupted by the four other boys wandered their way onto the tour bus. It was really late at night so there werent so many fans around just a few though. The boys were all really good friends with you. All but Louis that is. You and the boys went out to the club and you were dancing with some guys. Also got a few numbers, everyone was happy for you including Liam. Which was really surprised you. Now the more that you thought about it why would Louis even care. He was yelling at you for really nothing. He had been yelling at you alot since you’ve been on tour with them for the past month. “Wheres Lou?” Liam asked looking confused. “He’s probably sitting on his bed being a drama queen!” You said really loudly. “I heard that!” He shouted back at you. “You were meant to!” you replied. “Im not going to ask whats going on…” Harry said. You both consantly fought with one another so it was useless to ask anymore. “Lads lets just go talk to him.” Liam instructed. They all followed. You were sitting there while you heard lots of yelling going back and forth. Finally, five minutes later they boys left the tour bus. Louis slowly walked towards you and sat across from you. Only saying, “[Y/N] we need to talk…right now.” Leaving you confused.

Zayn: “I think Im going to get a new tattoo Harry.” Zayn stated out of no where. “Oh gosh why? You already have so many,” You retorted. “Wow [Y/N]! Why are you being so judgemental!? You had to say something but didnt want to. you didnt want to sound rude but thats just how it sounded. You couldnt let him think that you liked him. He wouldnt feel the same way about you. Deep down you knew that you loved each and every single one of his tattoos. Secretly you had a few of your own. You had them where no one would actually see them. In fact you hoped that one day you and Zayn could go and get a tattoo together. Or even more matching tattoos. Thats just a day dream though. Far from every coming true. By now Zayn walked off into another room in Harry’s flat. “What was that about [Y/N]….you didn’t need to say something like that to him just because he wanted a new tattoo.” There was a long silence before harry stood up. “We wouldn’t judge you if you wanted a tattoo.” You felt so helpless. You wanted to do something but it seemed like everyone here had turned against you. You had to find Zayn and if you cloud build up enough courage tell him about your tattoos. You walked into Harry’s room, “Zayn”

Niall:“[Y/N], I’m going to get something to eat.” Niall said as he walked into your kitchen. “Okay” you shouted back at him. “Just don’t eat all of my food.” You said under you breath. Obviously a little to loud for Louis to here. “Wait, what did you just say about Niall?” He questioned. The got the attention of the other band members. Niall walked out of the kitchen,”You were saying things about me?” He asked coming towards you. The boys were all staring at you by now. You felt embarrassed but you didn’t care too much. “Yeah I actually did.” You say confidently. “Well why?” Liam asked concerned. You sat there in silence. Well Niall was going to have to find out that you love him sometime. Soo why not now. “I just-” to stopped. We’re you really ready to tell him. Or everyone here to know? I guess you had to now. “Just what? [Y/N]?” Zayn questioned. You walked over to pick up your jacket and shoes. You walk over to the door and up it. “I didn’t want Niall to get hurt by hate more than he has because….because… Truth be told, Niall I love you.” And you closed the door. “Wait [Y/N]!” Niall called after you. You didn’t turn back you ran. You didn’t know where, but you ran not turning back. You couldn’t.


“The one time I agree for our friends to get along and pretend to hang out. You ditch me! Smooth Styles. Real smooth.” You say angrily. You and Harry both agreed for your friend that you would spend one afternoon hanging out. But no he had to ditch you for some blonde he met yesterday. You really were looking forward to this. Who wouldn’t though. Especially when they’re got a major crush on them! “Why are you so upset about it!? It’s not like we actually like each other!” He shouts at you. This sent you over the edge. You were tired of him just assuming things about you. It happens all the time though. “Stop assuming! I was actually hoping to spend the day with you because I care about you! Jeez Harry!” You were so mad mostly because you really did like him and he didn’t care. You were more than mad. You were also heartbroken. You looked harry straight in the eyes. Nothing. You got up and left. Still Harry was not coming after you. Not saying anything. You got in your car. Right as you arrived at your flat you got a call. You didn’t know the number and said, “Hello?” Confused because nobody answered for a minute. “[Y/N]! Why haven’t you answered my calls! I’m so sorry….I need to tell you something very important.” He says. You wanted to hang up. What were you going to do. I’m going to write the 2 part if this gets at least 15 notes or message me that you want to see a part two. 



hope you liked it..a bit confusing but what would you do *cue city high's song* sorry...again but I like the bastille version better #sorrynotsorry.

last chappie will be up in a few moments :(

kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

ps. guys im getting gif feels :3 if that's possible... :/


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