He Feels The Baby Kick The First Time

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Zayn:  You sighed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on your bed. It was hard because of your pregnant belly and mostly because of the little baby inside that belly. Another groan left your mouth when sharp kick landed to your rib, making you rub the spot in the dark room. It was over midnight, but the little miracle inside didn’t let you sleep. “What’s wrong boo?” Zayn’s worried voice asked, making you jump in the darkness.  Before your pregnancy nothing could wake Zayn up, but since he heard about the little girl inside you, he was awake and next to you after every wince. “Nothing,” you murmured, placing your hand to his stubbly cheek, trying to sooth his worried brown eyes, “She’s just kicking me really hard.” The bed sheets rustled when he sat up quicker than ever before. “She’s…She’s kicking? Why didn’t you woke me?” he almost yelled, giant smile creeping to his face when he ran his chilly hands over your round belly, trying to find any movement. You smiled to his utter happiness when you placed his hands to the spot where your baby was kicking. You smiled, watching how his expression chanced from confused to shock when he felt the tiny kick. “That was her?” He asked, eyes wide when he stared at the bump, tears rolling down his cheeks, smile stretching his lips. “Yes Zayn, that was your daughter,” you smiled, happiness filling you when he leaned to kiss your bump, hands never leaving the spot. “I can’t believe you’re really there,” he whispered, lips touching the bare skin of your belly, “My little girl… I can’t wait until I can hold you in my arms. Hi, my little perfect miracle, it’s your daddy.”

 Louis: You sat on your couch, trying to fold your laundry . The house was empty; Louis was at rehearsals, leaving you alone with your baby bump. You smiled, feeling how the little one had a hiccup on your belly. “You have hiccup, little boy, don’t you?” you cooed, stroking your belly with your hand, jumping when fluttering feeling ran across your clothed stomach. “Did you just kick mommy?” you asked, a bit hesitating, until you felt it again. “Oh my god,” you breathed, smile on your face when you sat still, feeling the little boy moving and kicking inside you. Slowly, careful not to scare him, you took your phone, dialing Lou’s number. “Hi babe, I’m almost home, what’s up?” he answered happily with the second ring. “He’s kicking,” you answered, shock and happiness covering your voice. “What?” Louis screamed, making you laugh happily when your son kicked you angrily after his dad scared him. “Lou, hurry home,” you laughed, tears on your eyes when you closed the phone, hands on your belly. Few minutes later the front door opened with a loud bang, and Louis ran in, almost knocking few things over. “Is he still kicking? Is he still kicking?” He yelled when he burst out the door, kneeling next to you, hands on your belly, eyes widen and excited. “Yeah, here,” you sniffled happily, guiding his hands to the spot where he could feel them. Few seconds later he was beaming amazed. “There’s a baby in you Y/N,” he beamed, grin on his face when he let his hands admire the bump. You let out a small teary laugh, nodding to your amazed husband. “This is quite exciting,” he smirked when the kicking stopped for a while, making him wait a little,”I could do this all day.” His hands stroked the spot where his son’s tiny feet kicked once again, making his grin grow wider, “He’s gonna be a footballer, little Tommo’s gonna be a footballer, just like daddy.”

Harry: You giggled, nuzzling your head deeper to Harry’s neck. It was Friday, and like every other Friday, you and Harry had the Americas funniest house video marathon together. His throaty giggles made your heart flutter when his big hand lay on your pregnant belly, making sure you were near him. “Look at that cat,” you laughed, looking how a cat tried to get a fish out of a fish bowl. Unfamiliar, sharp kick cut your laugh, making you sit up. “Kitten, what happened,” his deep voice was full of worry when he sat up, hands on your belly. “The baby kicked,” you breathed out, looking at Harry whose green eyes were full of love. “Really?” he breathed as silently as you, almost like he’d be scared of breaking the silence what was around you. The tv was on pause, both of your hands frozen to your belly, waiting. Minutes pasted, but your baby stayed still, not wanting to move anymore. Harry’s face fell, making your heart ache. You knew how he waited to feel the first kick. He already loved the baby so much, spending the nights talking to the bump, buying stuffed toys and name books. “Maybe next time,” he smiled, but you could see how the tears burned his throat. “Harry, laugh,” you said, after thinking few minutes. “What?” he asked green eyes confused, when his hand flew to his curls. “Last time you laughed, the baby kicked,” you said, pressing the play, letting the funny videos continue.  His hands were glued to the spot where you had felt the kick. The minute you heard his angelic laugh, a kick shoot through your body, making Harry’s eyes grow wide. “Oh my god,” he breathed, dimples showing when he let out a happy laugh, making the baby squirm again. “Hi baby, Hi! I felt your kick! Daddy felt your kick!” he cooed, kissing the skin, laughing and crying at the same time, “Hi! Hi! I love you. Daddy loves you more than anything in the world. I can’t wait until I see you.  Kick for me again, little baby.”

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