He Saves You

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Harry:‘You’re ugly’ ‘You’re fat’ ‘Harry’s only with you because he feels sorry for you’ These comments kept running through your mind as you picked up your razor. You were crying hysterically in the bathroom. You, mentally and physically, couldn’t deal with the hate anymore. You have cut yourself before but in places you could hide. But right now you couldn’t care less about were you cut yourself. You felt worthless and ready to die. You took the sharp razor and placed it on your wrist. You cut a long slit on your wrist watching the blood gush out. You cut another one but this time it was really deep. You saw a lot of blood gush out and you started to feel like headed. The last thing you remember was laying on the bathroom floor with a small pool of blood around your wrist.

 *An Hour Later* You awoke to a beeping noise and slight crying. You opened your noticed your in a white room. You begin to stir and looked down at your wrist. Bandages covered your wrist and you looked up at the crying figure. You saw a dishoveled Harry sitting in the corner of the room crying. “Harry," you wearily said. He looked up and his eyes were red and puffy. “Y-Y/N?" he questioned cautiously. He slowly stood up and approached the hospital bed. “Baby, I thought you weren’t going to…" he trailed off. You gently grabbed his face and pulled him to your face. You lightly kissed him and it felt amazing. “What happened?" you asked, sitting up in the bed. “I f-found you on the bathroom floor. Y-Y/N baby you cut yourself. Why, baby?" he said on the verge of tears. “I-I just couldn’t handle the h-hate anymore," you said looking down at your scarred wrists. “Why didn’t you just talk to me about it,love?" he said tilting your head up to look at your eyes. “I d-don’t know," you said still looking into his eyes. “Baby, I will make sure you never get sent hate again. I promise," he said leaning in to kiss you again.

Niall: Here you are sitting at a bar. Niall and you had just had a terrible fight resulting in you leaving the house. The fight was stupid but still Niall kicked you out and said that you guys were over. “Can I *burp* buy ya a drink, pretty?" a drunk man slurred to you. “No, thanks" you said kindly. You were done with your drinking and decide to leave the club. When you were exiting you called up Louis, since he was your closest friend, and asked if you could spend the night there. He said you could and asked if you needed a ride. You were only a few blocks away so you told him you could walk. As you were walking you felt like someone was following you. Suddenly you were jerked in a dark alleyway and pressed against a cold, brick wall. The drunk man was infront of you with a knife in his hand. “HELP! HELP ME!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. “Shut the fuck up!" the drunk man yelled at you. He pushed the knife up to your throat and you closed your eyes. You could feel his alcoholic breath on your face and opened your eyes and saw his face was mere centimeters away from you. You closed your eyes again and then unexpectadly you no linger felt contract with the man anymore. You kept your eyes closed but heard grunts. “DON’T EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN!!" you heard an Irish accent say. You opened your eyes and saw Niall on top of the guy, throwing punch after punch into the guys face. The guy was beaten up pretty bad so you got of the wall and cautiously approached Niall. “NIALL! Stop!" you shouted at him. He stopped and turned around, looking at you. His face instantaneously softened. He got off the man and slowly walked up to you. “Princess, are you ok?" he asked you examining your throat. You swatted his hand away, “Niall I’m fine. Thank you for saving me." “I’ll always protect you, babe. I’m sorry about the fight earlier. I just want you to be safe. And the only place that I know is safe is our house. Let go home, yeah?" he said grabbing your hand. You nodded and smiled. He grabbed your face, colliding your lips together. “I love you," he whispered as he placed his forehead against yours. “I love you, too" you whispered back, walking to the car to go home and cuddle up to the most amazing boyfriend ever.

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