You do a photo shoot together

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Niall: The management of your boyfriend's band have decided to do a photo shoot of the boy on the beach that they filmed their music video for "What makes you Beautiful" while they're in LA. Niall has flown you out for part of the tour, along with Eleanor, and you both accompany the boys to the shoot. You sit in the sand with Eleanor and watch the boys move around as the photographer instructs, do individual shots and group ones. The sky starts getting the grey tinge of night, though the light doesn't change, but the photographer calls a cut and the shoot finished. All the boys wander off, and Eleanor and you find your boyfriends. Niall's sitting by the food table, munching on some crisps. "Hi princess! How'd I do?" he asks, hugging you. "You were very handsome. I think the photographs will turn out well." He kisses you, and one of the boys starts playing music. It's a fast paced song, but Niall pulls you out to where they were taking pictures and starts waltzing with you. You hear the subtle clicking of a camera in the background but ignore it, assuming it's Harry. Lou and Eleanor join you, then Liam and Zayn, and Harry pulls a barstool out and dances with it as well, trading off dancing with Liam and Zayn as well. Niall spins you around, and you realize you still hear the clicking sound. You glance over your shoulder and see the photographer snapping photos of the group dancing. You stand up on your toes and put your chin on Niall's shoulder, whispering "The photographer's still going." He looks up from your face to check and laughs, bending down to whisper in your ear as well. "I'm glad someone's documenting this lovely moment." You smile and kiss him, but Harry tells you to get a room and Niall flips him off. You laugh, but then see the sun starting to dip down below the horizon and smile, pointing at it. "Look, the sunset's gorgeous," you say, and everyone turns to see. You all walk down the beach to a large log and sit on it, watching the sunset and telling jokes. Niall drapes his coat around your shoulders to keep you warm, and you smile, still hearing the photographer take pictures.

Harry: You and your boyfriend, Harry, were strolling through a park on a day in late spring. You both watched the sky as you walked hand in hand, meandering through the paths around the park. You, the avid photographer, had your camera bouncing around your neck, prepared to snap away at anything that may end up being a really great shot, which mostly consisted of Harry. You ended up in a spot with a rather large amount of flowers, screened from view by the tall trees. The sunlight was filtering in, and you paused to take a photo of the place. You checked it on your viewfinder, pleased, until your camera was lifted from your fingers and from around your neck. "Harry!" you say, turning to see what he was up to. He had the camera poised, and when your face was in the shot, promptly began taking pictures of you. You brought your hands up to cover your face, but he pulled them down again and continued taking pictures. "Oh, love. Go stand by that tree so the sun is in your hair. That's lovely!" He says, directing you around the spot. You dramatically struck exaggerated model poses and laugh as he continues to take up space on your SD card. "I want you to be in the pictures too!" You say, beckoning. He hangs the camera on a tree branch and sets a timer and puts it on burst mode, focuses on you and presses the shutter. He runs over and starts posing with you, and the camera continues to take pictures of the two of you, yet requiring him to run back and press the button again every ten seconds. He pulls you in to kiss you, picks you up, puts you on his back, and carries you around, taking sweet photos. You two laugh, and kiss breathlessly, hearing the shutter cease to click once more. "Babe, I think we're done." you say, laughing into the kiss. He pouts, saying "but this is so fun!" You grin and check the number of photos on your camera. "We've taken seven hundred photos!" He grins cheekily and says "they're all going on twitter, too!" You try take your camera off the tree branch and he comes over to help you, sliding the strap all the way off. Once you get home, you upload the pictures and spend time oohing and aahing over each one. You set one of him kissing you, hands wrapped around your waist with your arms around his neck, as your computer wall paper and send it to your phone as it's back ground too. He uses the same picture for his, and tweets it as well. "Magical day with my magical girl xx :)"
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