You are partners for a project

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Harry: It’s been almost two weeks since the first day of school, and Harry hasn’t talked to you at all; only giving you dirty looks. You didn’t know what to do, you had tried being nice to him but he never answered and just glared. Soon you just gave up and stopped talking to him. When you got to your first hour class, French, you just sat down and didn’t bother to talk to Harry. As soon as the bell rings your teacher starts handing out a packet you need to finish filling out in two days. You admit it, you aren’t very good at French; it was just hard to understand. When you got your paper you just stared at it, hoping the answers would just appear, whilst Harry was almost done with the first page. You just took a deep breath and tapped Harry on the shoulder; he didn’t even stop working. You decided to try again, “Harry, I need help,”

“Do you really think I’m going to help you? If you hadn’t noticed you’re not particularly my favorite person in the world,” He whispered, in a harsh tone.

You aren’t going to lie, what he said did kind of hurt, “Please, Harry. If you just help me with this I’ll leave you alone,”

“Fine. Wha-“ He was cut off by the bell ringing, but you still needed help.

“Do you think you can help me after school?” You pleaded.

He rolled his eyes and nodded his head, “But we’re going to my house,”

Louis: The next day, school is filled with even more rumors about Louis. You hadn’t talked to him yesterday, and you don’t plan on doing it today. He seems arrogant and full of himself, and from what other people are telling you, you were right. When third period rolled around you were less than excited. You sat in the back of the class in your assigned seat, and waited for class to begin. When Louis walked in he looked at you and gave you smirk, acting as if he knows something you don’t. You rolled your eyes, and leaned back in your seat. As soon as Louis sat down class started and your teacher began talking about a new project about what you learned all quarter. Since Louis had just started here he would be allowed to work with a partner.

“Louis, who would you like to work with?” Your teacher asked, with that ever present smile on her face.

“(YN),” Louis said, with grin on his face.

“(YN), are you ok with this? Ok, good,” Your teacher said, not waiting for an answer.

You inwardly groan as your teacher said that this project will have to be completed at home. Louis turned to you after she stopped talking, “So how are we gonna do this, love? I have no idea what’s going on in this class,”

“Why do you care? I was going to end up doing it all by myself, anyway,” You snap.

“C’mon sweetheart, I just want to spend time with you. Alone.”

Just as you were about to make a snarky remark back at him, the bell rang.

“So, your house tomorrow night. Can’t wait, babe,” And that was that.

Liam: You had rushed to your class hoping that you beat Liam, and got time to yourself. But when you walked through the door you saw Liam sitting in his seat with his legs propped up on your desk. You sighed and walked over, knowing that he was looking at you, you kept your head down. You busied yourself with talking to the other juniors around you, to avoid talking to Liam. When class started you teacher started assigning a new project, where you read a classic novel and then write a book report. And you would be working on it with the person your sitting next to. Great. Your teacher went around assigning books to every pair, “You two will be doing Wuthering Heights.” She moves on and you both stay silent.

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