Asking Out

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Harry: “You should wear that plaid shirt, it’ll look good on you and I’m sure she’ll love it.” You told your friend who was nervously messing up with his hair. “Leave your hair alone, Harry” He put his hand down and bit his bottom lip “But y/n, I…” You cut him off with a sight “Not buts! You don’t need to be nervous. I’m sure she’s willing to go out with you.” You gave him a reassuring smile, making his frown disappear. He still was in his T-shirt and shorts from this morning “Harry, go get changed. What are you waiting for?” You playfully slapped his shoulder. He didn’t make a single move “Not until you listen to what I want to say” He stated, regaining his confident voice “What?” You asked, sitting next to him. He put his arms around and hid his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply your scent. “What’s it?” You repeated with a shivering voice. “Y/n, I don’t want to be wasting my time outside” he replies, tracing lazy patterns with his fingers on your back. “Harry, you’re not going to spend your whole life in your house. You’re going back on tour in a month. You need to have some fun here” He groaned “That’s the thing, y/n! I don’t want to be wasting my time with that girl. The only person I want to spend time here is you.” You felt yourself blush and you hoped he couldn’t see your reddening face “I’m canceling that dumb date. We’re going to eat a pizza” He picked his phone up and dialed the girl’s number, mumbling quick apologies. He made his way to the door but you were still seated on the couch, not making a move. “What? Are you coming?” You raised your eyebrows “What? I can’t approve of your ‘proposition’ without the proper question.” You smirked and he sighted “Y/n, do you want to get out with me” “Yes, I’d like to” You laughed.

Liam: “hey, y/n” Liam run into your room. “mmmhhummm?” You mumbled your head still in the pillow. “Guess what? I got tickets to see Ed Sheeran next week!” You stood cross legged on your bed, watching your best friend with a wide grin plastered on his face. “Good” You sighted, dropping yourself back into your comfy covers and pillow. “I thought you liked Ed? Well I’m sorry I should’ve have brought you something else.” He said with a disappointed voice. “No, no, Liam. It’s none of your fault. I really love Ed Sheeran and I truly appreciate your gift but I’m just too tired to react to anything…really” You heard footsteps that must’ve been his and his weight drop into the mattress, lightly lifting your body up. His hands wandered on the comfortable fabric and he found where you were hiding your face. Giggling, he latched the cover from your head but he quickly lost his happy expression, rapidly replacing it by a large frown. “Tears? Why’s my baby crying? What happened? Who hurt you, angel?” He swept the stains on your cheeks with his fingers, asking you what the reason was for you being this sad. “It’s stupid, I swear” you told him “I’m allowed to know, y/n. I’m your best friend. Always there for you, right?” He replied. “It’s…Remember last time when I was so happy because my crush asked me out for prom? Well he ditched me just now and the prom is tonight. I really want to go there but I haven’t got a date and it is going to be so humiliating seeing him again.” He stared at you, nodding apprehensively. “That sucks. That guy is stupid. I bet he’s blind, I mean, how come any guy resist you? Y/n, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and seeing you crying because of such an idiot asshole makes me want to stab everybody.” You laughed and your head got even redder. “Thanks, Li but it still sucks because I won’t be able to go there. “Y/n, why can’t I be your date? I’d take great care of you and we’ll have fun, I’m sure” He said, blushing and you agreed with a big smile.

Louis: “Truth or dare?” Harry excitedly asked you. You pondering on whether you should be choosing truth: answering to whatever horrible question he might ask; or dare: Doing whatever the hell was in his mind right now. Everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make your decision “Dare” You said, probably immediately regretting it but it was better than revealing your secrets to everybody.  Harry must’ve been surprised by your choice because his eyebrows rose immediately “Hummm…Okay! See that boy there? The one just there” He pointed to a somehow good looking guy at the other side of the street. You nodded “Yeah, I see him. What’s to do with him?” You asked with a confident voice which might have startled your friend even more. You could have sworn he stared at Louis with a smirk for a second. You quickly shrugged the thought off as he stated the instructions “Well, you go up to him and ask him out.” You stood there for a while, looking around at all of your friends. Louis had an unexplainable little look of horror on his face and he was grimacing which made you giggle. “Okay, I’m going to ask him out” You started walking, adjusting your hair and clothes. You were standing in front of the guy and were going to ask the question you’ve been dared to say. Just as you were about to open your mouth, Louis exclaimed with his arms around you “Oh there you are. Y/n. Hey man, sorry. I was just looking for my girlfriend. Have a nice day lad.” You felt butterflies in your stomach as he pronounced the word ‘girlfriend’. “What was that for, Lou?” You asked. “Y/n, I like you and Harry knows it so he’s been trying to tease me about it for the past few days. He just hit the limits. I know what I’m going to ask you right now might sound stupid but…Would you go out with me?” He watched you reaction with a nervous glimpse in his eyes. “Well, about time! Yes, Louis, I will” You said, hugging him.

Niall: “You can tell me what’s wrong, you know?” Your best friend suggested, carefully watching your reaction. You weren’t really listening to him, you were thinking about your ex who just cheated on you. You felt a large hand on your back, gently rubbing it. You turned yourself to face Niall, smiling at you as you took notice of his presence again. “Y/n, I know something is wrong. I’m your best friend after all.” You sniffed and were decided not to say a word. He sighted in defeat and proposed “Why don’t I get you ice cream and some stuff then we’ll talk about it?” You needed to release all of the pain and anger you held and without even realizing it, you yelled “Just fucking shut up! You’re not helping!” You immediately regretted the words that left your mouth as you stared at Niall. He got up and tried to leave but you rapidly pulled him back to you, grabbing tightly his bicep. “Niall, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to say it.” He scuffed “Lies, y/n. Those are lies. I’m useless, I know that.” “No, Niall, please” You were so desperate that you started crying into his chest “No, Niall, I’ll tell you. I promise I’ll do, just don’t leave” You could feel the tension leave his body and him nod “Peter has been cheating on me for months and I just found out today. I’m sorry Nialler, I was just so angry, I shouldn’t have thrown all of my anger on you” “Y/n, I forgive you because I truly understand. You know what? You deserve someone who’ll treat you way better and take great care of you. Someone like me, give me a chance y/n and I promise that I’ll make you happy” You were taken aback by his revelation but smiled “That means a yes, right? Will you go out with me, angel? I’m hungry and I want some ice cream right now” You laughed at the conversations turn “Right, Vanilla ice cream”

Zayn: “That’s just not fair. Why am I always the least lucky one out of my friends” You sighted, looking at all of your friends with their partners. Zayn looked up at you, slightly raising his eyebrows “Why?” You run your fingers through your hair “My friends all have girlfriends and I’m the loner. They seem to forget me.” He smiled “Y/n, I’m here, Zayn Malik! Who else do you need?”  He poked your stomach and run off, expecting you to chase after him. You stared at him before lazily stating “It’s not the same thing, Zayyynn” He sat back next to you, playing dumb “What not the same thing, y/nnnnn?” You giggled a little at his childish voice. “We’re nothing more than real good friends” He rolled off the floor, pouting “And why?” you grinned at his cuteness “Because…” He curled up in a ball, widely staring at you with curiosity “I don’t know. I guess I’m probably not your type? Or maybe is it because I’m not funny enough.” You kept rambling and going on with many of your flaws until you felt a hand on your mouth. Zayn was back to his serious self “Y/n, don’t I ever hear you say that. Don’t you ever pronounce anything like that, it’s stupid.” He firmly stated with deadly seriousness in his brown eyes. “Okay, don’t look at me like that for telling the truth” “You didn’t hear me, did you?” he said, looking even scarier “Okay, okay, I promise I won’t say things like that again” You prepared yourself to leave but just before you left the house, he exclaimed “OH! And…Be ready for tonight, I’m taking you out on a date” You gasped “What? Did you just ask me out?” Your best friend made his “isn’t it obvious enough face” and you giggled “Okay, fine. Laterss” you said before winking and heading out of the flat.


Hope you like it :) Not my best but yeah :pp

I had no time whatsoever to re check so sowwy :) hope this kitten picture will help ^_^

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kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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