He Cheats On You

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Louis: I sat in the living room staring at the clock, the boys and I are going out for drinks he said. He was late he said he'd be home by ten it's one am. I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs to bed, the next day I woke up and saw Louis sleeping in his clothes "louis?" I whispered, he grunted "Do you want breakfast?" grunt "i guess not" I said and got out of bed, I got changed and made my way downstairs. I made myself breakfast and cleaned up before going to work, a few hours before the end of my shift as I was walking home I quickly stopped into the news agecy to pick up a magazine, I was looking through the racks when I came across once witht he headline "Louis Tomlinson's new gal what happened to (Y/n) Louis?" I picked it up and flipped to the page it was plastered with pictures of Louis and another girl. I payed for it and walked home, I saw Louis sitting at the table. I walked over and slammed the magazine down. He looked up at me "What?" he asked and looked at the magazine and back up at me, tears were threataning to spill down my cheeks. He stood up and approached me, I shook my head and shoved his chest "(y/n) it's not what it looks like" he said "What does it look like then? and I know she isn't your cousin because people don't stick their tongues down their cousins throats!" I yelled "Calm down" He said "piss off!" I said "Oh my god I knew you'd react" "You knew I'd react to you cheating on me, congrats Louis!" I said sarcastically "You know this makes me feel like I'm not good enough for you, like I'm some kind of garbage!" I said "You're so over dramatic!" "Okay so I'm the villian in the story am I?" I spat and went upstairs, I started shoving his stuff into a bag he walked upstairs just as I was zipping it up "Get out" I said and shoved it against him "(Y/n) you're not serious are you?" he asked "Just get out!" I yelled, and shoved him outside. I locked the door he knocked on it "Come on (Y/N) open up!" He said, I smashed my fist against it "Leave!" I yelled, I heard his footsteps fading away, I slid down the door and burst into tears.

Harry: "Babe, I am going on a work weekend. We are working on a new album. I'll be back monday" He said and kissed me on the cheek "Okay bye, have fun" I said. Harry left. The next day I got a call from Louis "Hello?" I asked "Hey is harry there?" "No, he told me you guys went on a weekend away for work?" I said a ball of worry growing inside of me "No we are all at home" Louis said "I'll come over" Louis said "Thanks" I said, Louis arrived in no time at all he first met me with a hug "You okay?" he asked "Not sure. Do you think he's cheating on me?" I whispered "I don't know but if he is I'll beat the shit out of him" "No don't you guys are friends" I said "Yeah but he shouldn't do that to you" Louis said, I shrugged and my phone rang. It was Harry "Hello?" I asked, there was no reply I was about to hang up when I heard a girl and harry laughing. "I love you" Said Harry. I hung up and turned to Louis "(Y/N) I'm sorry he did this" I shook my head and started crying Louis just gave me a hug, Louis picked up his phone and called Harry "Hey Harry mate where are you?" He asked the phone was on speaker "I'm with (Y/N) he explained "No you're not" I said "Babe, I'm waiting" a voice asked "Who is that?" I asked my voice wobbling a little "It's nobody" he said "Harry we're over. I know you're cheating on me" I said and hung up. "(Y/N) I want you to know that If I was him I'd never treat you like that, I'd treat you like a pricess because you are one" Louis said and kissed me (PLOT TWIST!)

Niall: I was walking to my car after getting a few groceries when I happened to look across the road, I saw Niall in a cafe with another girl "They could just be friends" I said to myself, I guess I spoke too soon when I saw him lean over and shove his tongue into her mouth. I dropped my bag of groceries and by coincidence Niall looked out and saw me staring at them. He walked out of the cafe and started walking towards me, I turned and walked away from him "(Y/N) WAIT!" he yelled, I didn't face him I kept walking, eventually he caught up to me and grabbed my arm I spun around and slapped him in the face. "I can explain" He said "Please do" I said, he stood silently "Of course, get off me you bastard, your things will be in a box on the corner get them tomorrow or get zayn to get them for you, just never talk to me again" I said and walked away

Zayn: Zayn was still asleep and his phone started ringing, thinking it was one of the boys I picked it up and before I could say anything I heard a girls voice "Hey baby, we still on for tonight?" I hung up, it was probably the wrong number but then I checked and saw that the contact name was an emoji of a kiss mark. When I scrolled through the texts I saw pictures of things I'd rather not say being sent back and forth. I fought to keep the tears from spilling down my cheeks. "Babe have you seen my phone?" Zayn asked he stopped when he saw me "Babe.." he said "You should really put a lock on your phone next time douchebag" I said "Come on baby don't be like that" zayn said "Don't call me baby okay! I'm not your baby anymore. I'll get my stuff in the morning" I said and headed towards the door but he stopped me "NO you're not leaving" "Zayn get off me" I said "No, apologise" he said "I'm pretty sure you're the one who needs to apologise" I said "Don't talk to me that way" he said, I slapped him in the face "I hate you so much" I yelled in his face before storming outside

Liam: Liam's been acting weird lately, he comes home really late and leaves early and I barely see him anymore "Hey baby can you get someting out of my car for me?" Liam called "Why can't you get it" I answered "I'm in the bathroom" he replied "fine what is it?" he told me what it was and where it was so I walked outside and opened his car door, I opened the glove box and a cigarette fell out. I picked it up and saw lipstick on the end I grabbed the thing he needed and carried it inside. "What was this doing in your car?" I asked "I don't know" he said but his eyes told me someting different "Don't you dare lie to me" I said angrily "I'm not lying jeez will you get off my back!" he said I rolled my eyes "I'm going for a walk" I said and walked outside, I went into the newsagency and looked around for a while, which was stupid of me I saw a magazine with a picture of Liam and some chick then there was a little picture of me. I bought it and ran outside I went home and found Liam was asleep I quietly packed my bags and left the magazine open on the table unfortunately Liam woke when he saw me walking across the room the the bathroom "Babe what are you doing?" he asked "I'm leaving" I said "Why?" "Why dont you ask the magazine" I said "Oh my god you cant believe these things they're full of lies" Liam said and stood up he picked up my bag and put it on the bed "Liam I'm serious I'm leaving you let go of my bag" I said "No" he said, I shoved him "I said let go of my bag" I said my voice raising tears spiling down my cheeks "I hate you" I screamed repeatedly and hit him "Why would you do this to me? Am I not good enough for big time Liam Payne?" I said and shoved him out of the way "I'll get the rest of my things in the morning just never speak to me again" I whispered quietly before closing the door behind me. ________________________________________________________

Hope you liked it :) LOlL this was a hard one cause the boys are too sweet to do this :p hehe. vote + comment! Inbox meh or comment down below if you have a preference request!! kbye lovelies ~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

ps. is it just me who loves tyler oakley?!

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