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"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked, excited for a new addition to the family.

"Dale." Ashton sighed, looking out the window.

"Dale? Must be a boy then." Michael concluded.

"The lady didn't say if it was a boy or a girl, and the name is unisex. So, don't go making conclusions." Ashton said.

"How old is he or she?" Luke asked.

"The lady said 14."

"14? I thought he'd be younger." Michael said.

"He or she." I corrected him.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Luke said, sounding more afraid than excited.

"I'm sorry about daring you, Ashton. I don't even remember daring you to." Michael apologized.

"It's whatever." Ashton said.

We all stayed silent the entire ride there. It was in Brighton, meaning we'd take an entire hour and a half to get there from London. I put my headphones on, and jammed to SGFG the whole way there. I must've fell asleep, because it felt like a few minutes.

Michael yanked the headphones off my head, waking me up.

"We're here." The driver, my friend Gustavo, said.

"Thanks, buddy. We'll be back in a flash." Luke thanked him.

"You always say that and always take an hour." He said with his funny French accent.

"No we don't!" I hopped out the van.

The building was huge. It was basically a mansion. There was a school right next to it, which was also gigantic.

"It's so big!" Michael gasped.

I heard giggles behind me, but I ignored it.

"So, Ashton. Lead the way. You're the father here." Luke teased.

"Shut up. You'll be the uncle."

"The cool uncle." He put black sunglasses on, making him look absolutely ridiculous.

We all burst out laughing, and walked up the fancy marble stairs. 


I'm pretty nervous. The last time someone adopted me, I was sent back within a few days. I'm pretty sure I won't last a second with this family. Ms. Janice said they're famous, they're probably so stuck-up they'll give me back the second they see me.

I sat in the very uncomfortable chair, my small suitcase at my feet. I wanted to run and hide in the music room, hide under the grand piano that I loved. The office was so scary, no one talked unless they were on the phone. Ages seemed to pass until I almost fell asleep.

"Dale?" I heard Ms. Janice call.

I stood up, and picked up my suitcase. My hands started getting sweaty, my heart racing. I walked out the office, and saw four very tall boys standing next to Ms. Janice. They were all talking and laughing, completely ignoring me.

"Ahem." Ms. Janice fake coughed, getting the boys' attention.

"Is this him?" The one with the blonde hair said, smiling brightly.


My heart fluttered. The boy had a black lip ring, which made me question "why?'" He wore a shirt that said "Nirvana" and black skinny jeans. I've never heard of Nirvana. Isn't that a Buddhist thing?

"Yes, this is her." Ms. Janice corrected him.


My heart dropped. Ms. Janice shouldn't have said anything. I was more than fine with them thinking I was a boy. I am a boy.

"Her? Oh, my bad." The blonde one's excited smile turned into a nervous one.

"This is Dale." Ms. Janice introduced me. "Say hello, Dale."

I awkwardly waved, my heart still pounding with nervousness.

"Hello, Dale." The one with dark hair said.

He wore a grey tank top, showing off his arms. He also had on black skinny jeans. He had a bit of blonde in his hair, making it look like a chocolate and vanilla swirl of ice cream.

"Hello!" The guy with crazy looking blue hair waved.

He wore a shirt like mine, a red and black flannel. He had on black skinny jeans and red converse. His hair didn't go with his outfit at all, and it intimidated me a bit.

"Come on, Dale. Say something!" Ms. Janice said.

I didn't open my mouth at all. I couldn't keep my eyes of the guy who hadn't spoken either. The one with curly hair. He looked like he had a massive headache, and was out clubbing last night. What's it called? Oh, hangover.

He waved at me, giving me a weird look.

"I'm Ashton. Your," he hesitated to say the word. "Father."

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