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"Good riddance to bad trash." I muttered.

"How could you do that? How could you say that?!" Luke shouted.

"He's only a kid!" Calum spat.

"You're horrible." Michael cried.

"Whatever. H-She is gone now."

"You were about to say 'he'." Luke smirked.

"Shut up. We're going to find her."

"Oh?" Calum smiled.

"She in danger, let's go."

"Are you gonna keep him?" Calum asked.

"I don't know. LETS GO."

Storming out the house, I walked down the street, not really searching for a teenage girl with boy-short hair, but just thinking about what just happened.

I wanted to make sure she got punished for being so rude to me, but I also felt pretty bad for what I said. She is only 14 after all, and she's pretty demented. I don't want her to kill herself, I just want her out of my life.

But what makes me the most stressed is the big question: Him or Her? She says she's a boy when I'm pretty sure she's physically a girl. She wants to be a boy, but I am not going to let that happen.

Or am I?

That's the problem. I don't know if I'm so against it to the point I'd bully her about it, or if I just let her be and keep her. If I give her back, she's obviously going to be scarred for life by what I said, and probably spread rumors. If I keep her I'll have a whole other person to take care of, and she'll be my number one priority.

That means feeding her- along with these three idiots. It means taking her to school every morning, helping her with homework, being there when she has a crush- that reminds me. If she wants to so badly be a boy, what does that mean about who she likes?

I'd have to introduce her to Mum, Harry, Lauren. I'd have to tell everyone in the world that I'm 21 and a father. I'd have to deal with the world bugging me about her, and having to get through crowds while holding her hand.

Keeping her also means having to rush to the store to get women's supplies, having to deal with the constant mood swings, the sneaking out to go meet her secret boyfriend, it will be like taking care of Harry and Lauren all over again.

But the worst part is the arguments about who she is.

But then again, it is pretty crazy how a girl would want to be a boy. I don't know if I care or not anymore, but what I want to know why.


Why would anyone want to change who they are? I've told everyone I know that they're perfect the way they are and that they don't need to change themselves. They really don't, every human being is perfect the way they are. But why would someone hate them self so much to the point they want to change their gender?

And if it's not because they hate them self, why would you? What's wrong with being a girl? Isn't it just pretty pink and rainbows, Justin Bieber and fangirling? What's so horrible about being a girl?

Why would anyone in the world want to change them self so drastically?

"Ashton!" Michael slapped me.

"What'd you do that for?!" I shouted.

"We were literally yelling for you. Luke just ran off, I think he saw him."


"You don't care? You were so determined to find him a few minutes ago."

"I do care."

"So you're keeping him?"

"I don't know, Michael. It's not like choosing to keep a pet."

"I know it's not."

"It's like- ah. I don't know how to explain." I stopped in my tracks, wanting to punch a wall in anger.

I wanted to have an answer so bad, but all the consequences- good and bad- were getting to me. So much could happen with one word.

"Well, I'm pretty sure he found him, so make up your mind."

I looked ahead, noticing a head of blonde hair jump up, followed by a chocolate-vanilla swirl headed guy. Behind them was Dale, holding tightly to Calum's arm. She was a wreck, a crying mess. Her hair was disheveled and her face as red as a tomato. The second she looked up I looked away and back at Michael.

"So, what is it?"

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