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I heard everything he said. Every single thing. He said I was sick, he said I wasn't normal. He said I was a girl. He tried to make me get girly things at the mall earlier. He yelled at me in front of all those people. He was embarrassed of me, so he gave me his hoodie to hide in. He held my hand, but he didn't mean any of the love he showed.

He could send me back if he wanted, I don't care.

Okay, I do care. I don't want to go back to the orphanage anymore. Michael, Luke and Calum are taking good care of me. They said "he", "him" and "his". Not "her" and "she". They were nice to me, telling me jokes trying to cheer me up.

They told me who they were, how they were famous and how I was lucky to have Ashton as a dad. I didn't see why, but they said he was acting that way because he was new to being a parent. They said he'd change, and start seeing me as what I wanted to be. I didn't like how they worded that, I am a boy. I do want to be one, but I am one already. But I still like them for trying.

"So, you're a boy?" Calum asked for the millionth time.

I nodded, finally taking off the sparkly pink bow. I hated it. I threw it on the floor, almost hitting Michael who was laying there, singing a song loudly.

"Hey!" He picked it up, putting it on the nightstand next to the bed.

He carried on singing, Calum laughing at him.

"DUN DUN DUN DUN!" He played the air guitar as he made the sounds it would make. "SO SAVE ME FROM WHO I'M SUPPOSED TO BE!"

He looked silly, singing as he played his air guitar.

"Shut up." Calum kicked him softly.

"OW!" Michael whined, hugging his side as he hummed the song.

"He's always like that. I really like your hair." He said, smiling at me.

"Thank you." Michael stood up, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Not you!" Calum laughed. "Dale."

I couldn't help but smile widely, mouthing thank you at him. I pulled the white blanket off my legs, feeling very hot.

"Why won't you speak?" Michael asked me.

I shrugged, unsure of how else to explain it to him without talking.

"I heard him earlier. He has the sweetest voice." Calum said.

"Aw, really?" Michael sat on the edge of the bed to my left.

Calum was laying next to my right on his stomach, kicking his feet up and down every time he laughed. He held his head in his hands, squishing his cheeks up, making him look funny. My stomach grumbled. It was 3:32 according to the clock on the wall. I haven't eaten since this morning.

"You hungry?" Michael asked me.

I shook my head no, not wanting to have to throw up. My throat burned this morning when I did, and even when I had brushed my teeth, you could still smell the bacon. That's never happened, until this morning. I even used mouthwash, which I hated. My stomach grumbled again.

"You sure? You sound hungry." Calum sat up, looking at me worriedly.

"I could make you a sandwich." Michael told me. "If you like peanut butter and jelly, that is."

"We also have Vegemite and Nutella if you don't want peanut butter." Calum said. "Are you allergic to peanuts?"

I shook my head.

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