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"Alright, we're all done. Tell Ashton it's okay for her to come now." Luke told me.

I pulled my phone out my pocket, scratching myself once again in the process.

"The house is spotless." I texted Ashton

"30 min." Ashton texted back.

"He'll be here in half an hour." I told Luke.

"I'm pretty sure I'll kick your butt at FIFA before they come back."


"How about this one?" Ashton asked, picking up a pink skirt.

I shook my head. Every time he picked up something a little girl would wear, my confidence lowered. I already told him I liked boy clothing, but he gave me a look like I was crazy.

"Thi-" He was about to pick up a purple dress when his phone rang.

I watched him pull it out his back pocket, his thumbs tapping the screen rapidly.

"We can go shopping another time." He said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

I stayed silent, afraid to speak.

"You hungry?" He asked.

I shook my head. The thought of having lunch was nice, but I'd have to throw up again, which has recently been starting to hurt.

"Alright. I just have to get something real quick, okay?" He put his hand out for me to hold.

I didn't want to hold his hand, I wanted to run away. I wanted to run back to Poppa, back into his arms like I did a few years ago. Ashton frowned after waiting two whole minutes for me to hold his hand, and started walking.

We walked all around the mall, Ashton seeming to be looking for a store or something else.

"You alright? You haven't said a word since we left the orphanage." He asked me.

I nodded, not wanting to say anything forever.

"Wait here." He said, walking into the store before us.

Hot Topic, it looked scary. There was a very loud song blasting out of the store that sounded like screaming, guitars and drums, it was horrible. I looked inside, lots of people wearing all black and dark make-up were buying black clothing. I saw Ashton at the cashier, taking a bag from the cute boy behind the counter. He looked like he was afraid of the place too. He wore a baggy clothes, and was sweaty.

Ashton walked up to me, smiling brightly.

"Let's go, kiddo." He reached for my hand, but I started walking before he held it.

My hands were sweating, people around us were whispering.

"Dale?" Ashton asked.

I turned around, seeing he was digging in the bag he held in his hand. He pulled out a pink, glittery bow-tie. I almost gagged just looking at it. It was so girly.

"You like it? I saw it a few days earlier, and thought it was pretty." He smiled, handing me the bow-tie.

I held it in my hands, almost afraid to hold it any longer. Tears threatened to fall. He still didn't understand, did he?

"Do you like it?"

I needed to show him what I did like. I needed to show him who I was, who I am.

I need to show him me.

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