Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Kylie, who showed up not too long ago, comes up and says in my ear, "Lora is upstairs puking her guts out and who knows what else. It sounded like she was crying, but you know I will get sick if I stay around someone puking. So will you go up there and check on her? I would, but I don't wanna be throwing up. This stuff doesn't taste good going down, and it's horrid coming back up." She raises her cup, which has some fruity alcoholic beverage in it, I think. I'm not quite sure what they have here cause I don't drink - Ellie and I think alcohol tastes like dog piss - but there's more than one drink.

I just have a bottle of water, which I hold out towards Brandon and tell Kylie, "I'll check up on her, but I'm not driving her home if she's sloppy drunk. You and Ellie brought her here, you guys can drag her home. And Ellie hasn't been drinking so you guys will be fine." Then I turn to Brandon "I'll be back in a bit. Do you mind holding this?" I ask, referring to the water I handed to him.

"Go make sure that your friend's all right, I'll be waiting for you." Then he leans down and gives me a peck on the lips before I rush to the hall and up the stairs. It takes a little while longer than I thought it would because I have to try and dodge a bunch of people. Once I finally make it up the staircase though it doesn't take me long to find Lora and the bathroom she's inside of.

I knock on the door and then say, "Hey Lor, it's me. Can I come in?" She mumbles incoherently and I take that as a yes. The second I open the door I can smell puke and it almost makes me gag, but I go in and drag her out so we can both breathe.

After finding an unoccupied room we go in and I sit Lora down on the bed in it and ask, "Okay, now that we're out of there, can you tell me what's wrong?"

She hiccups a little and wipes at her tear stained cheeks. "M-my boyfriend b-broke up with me."

I immediately hug her and she starts to sob into my shoulder. I run my fingers through her hair and try to calm her down. "You're better off without him, but if you want I'll go over to his house and shove his head up his own ass for being an asshat. You just tell me his address and Brandon and I will go kick his ass."

She forces out a small laugh and sighs, "It's fine. Well, it's not right now, but it will be."

"That's my best friend, now come on. You look hot and we can make him regret losing you." I grab her hand and she seems to like that idea, as she doesn't give me any complaints the entire time I guide her back downstairs. "Now go... mingle, or whatever it is you wanna do. I don't know and I don't care, but I'm finding Brandon. Just be careful. And stay away from creeps. That is a no fly zone and it won't make that douche realize all that he's lost anyway. I'll see you later, but I'm not driving you home."

"Thanks, Blaize, I'll see ya later. Tell Kylie and Ellie to text me when they want to leave," she shouts.

Once I go back to where everyone else was I relay Lora's message to the girls and ask them where Brandon is because he isn't with the rest of the group. "Some guy named Jackson came over and said he needed to talk to him about something. They should be back soon, they've been gone for a while," says Ellie.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go look for him. I'll see you guys later," I wave them all goodbye.

As I'm about to turn around Zoey grabs my shoulder and warns me, "Be careful, while you were upstairs Adam came over and asked us where you were. We told him you and Brandon went off to dance cause Brandon was gone by then, but he's still going to be looking for you. He looked pretty pissed about something." I just nod my head and tell her that I'll look out for him.

I aimlessly walk around for at least 15 minutes before someone grabs my arm, effectively forcing me to come to a halt in the middle of the narrow hallway. My back is pressed against a muscular chest and tanned arms wrap themselves around my middle, holding me in place. "You shouldn't be wandering around a party like this all alone. Something unfortunate could happen." The body behind me grinds himself into me.  The strong scent of alcohol carries and fills my senses. One of the persons arms digs further into my ribs while the other comes up to move my hair over one shoulder. Now that one side of my neck is bare I feel ragged, heavy breathing fan across the nape of my neck.

"Adam, I suggest you let go of me right now. We wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen, would we now? My elbow is in a prime place to cause your more sensitive parts serious injury." I pull my elbow forward, readying myself to jerk it hard as I can manage in the awkward position I'm in.

Not noticing what I'm preparing for he makes no move to release me. "Come on baby, let's have some fun. It's been a while, but I still remember all the fun we had." He starts putting wet, sloppy, drunk kisses on the exposed skin of my neck. Before I comprehend what's happening, Adam flips me around, pins me against a wall, and shoves his tongue in my mouth. once my mind processes what is happening I push him away. When he won't move away I knee him in the groin, causing him to drop to the floor in pain.

The last thing I see before rounding the corner at the end of the hallway is Adam slowly standing up with a triumphant grin plastered to his face.

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