Chapter 11

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                                                                                   Chapter 11

"Elle, come on! Quit staring at Landon. We're already 15 minutes late. And while Landon is right next to you, Brandon isn't next to me and I want to see him!" Zoey, Elle, and I had driven to Landon's house to pick him up. We haven't even left his driveway yet! Elle hasn't taken her eyes off of him since he came into view. She won't quit staring at him and it's pissing me off cause he's being a distraction to the driver, Elle, and she won't let anyone else drive her car. And I want to see Brandon!

Elle grumbles incoherently, but, thankfully, starts the car up. Good thing for her, because I may have chewed her a new asshole if she hadn't soon.

Elle is chatting away with Landon, I can't sit still cause I really want to see Brandon. Zoey is just staring out the car window at the quickly passing scenery. I feel bad for her sometimes, she's never even dated someone before. Well except for that one guy she dated for like, five minutes because Amber bet her 20 bucks that she wouldn't do it. But nothing real, because she likes to act like all guys are diseased and will make you as well if you even look at them for too long. 

After a while, my mind starts to drift off to Brandon and his dreaminess and before I know it, we're driving into the school parking lot.

As soon as the car is parked Zoey and I scramble out of the backseat, while Elle and Landon linger for some "alone time." Which means, to put it bluntly, they want an extra five minutes to swap spit. Hey, I said "to put it bluntly," so don't blame me for voicing what we all know they are doing.

"I still don't see why we waste our time with coming to school on our day off, just to be bored out of our minds. Same thing happens every time, nothing new ever does." Zoey complains as we proceed to walk to the front doors. 

"And what's that?" I ask.

"All of the chaperones lock themselves in the teacher's lounge after 10 minutes cause we irritate them. People are on the staircases and in the classrooms kissing and other "things." Guys are flirting with the girls, trying to get laid. And all the whores are practically holding up a sign that says "insert here" in neon letters. And don't forget the punch is going to be spiked as soon as the adults leave so no one will get in trouble for doing it," Zoey rants.

"Are you quite done?" I push open the door and head inside. "Come on Zoe, live a little."

"I would be if you would have left me to ride horses at home. It's not my fault all my friends have dates. And it certainly isn't my fault that everyone else here are idiots."

I roll my eyes at her but drop it, knowing arguing isn't going to get me anywhere. 

The further we walk into the school, the louder the music becomes. Once we get into the room where everything seems to be, I take a second to look at everything. All the adults seem to have already taken off-including the DJ. In the DJ's place is one of the guys that I don't really know, and he seems to be playing whatever people request. There are black lights next to the music equipment causing anyone with bright colors that are close enough to practically glow.

There are food and drinks, but most of the space is being used as a dance floor. 

The first person I recognize is Lora. I drag Zoey over to her and the first thing I say to Lora is, "Of course I find you by the Goldfish."

"They're good though," she says with her mouth full of them.

"Yeah," I drag out after seeing the food in her mouth all chewed up. She knows how gross I think that is! "Well, have you seen Brandon around?"

"I just saw him a little while ago. He went upstairs I think. I'm not for sure though," she practically yells over the over loud music.

"Okay. I'm going to go look for him. I'll catch you guys later. And if Elle and Landon ever get out of that car, tell her you need a ride home so she remembers," I tell Zoey.

 "Will do," she says back.

I walk past the dance floor where a good amount of people are twerking-gross might I add-and up the stairs, past all the couples sucking face. At the top I walk past the rooms and glance into each room as I pass, looking for Brandon. If the doors are shut I don't bother with it because I don't want to walk in on anyone getting it on-that would scar me for life. After going down one hall and finding nothing I walk around the corner and continue my search.

Nope, nada, nothing, zip, closed door, zero, zilch, another closed door. And the next door is cracked open just a tad with angry shouts coming out of it.

As I'm about to walk around the next bend into the hall, the classroom door slams open hard and I slip around the corner fast to avoid whoever it was from knowing I'm up here. And with me being me, I poke my head around the corner to see Savannah storming down the hall in my direction. Holding in a yelp I run to the nearest empty room, quietly shut the door, and lock myself in it and Savannah out of it.

I hear her heels walking past me when all of a sudden I hear a girl say, "Get back here you pathetic fucking bitch. Quit running away and face reality. I'm back, you are no longer on the top, and you will not be playing my brother anymore!"

"You can't replace me," Savannah seethes.

"I just did. Let's face it, no one ever really liked you. The only reason any guys hang around you is that you're willing to get under the covers with anyone," Mystery Chick puts her in her place. I'm already starting to like her and I don't even know who it is.

"You're such a cunt Vicky, I pity Adam for being related to you. And even more for being your brother. You think you're such a bad ass cause you have a motorcycle and wear riding gear, but you are far from it. You hide behind your brother and can't fend for yourself. You, Vicky, are completely and utterly useless. Such a waste of my oxygen."

Vicky, I remember her. She moved like, two years ago, or something like that. But she's Adam's sister? Since when? They don't even look alike, at all. The only thing they have in common is that they both have tempers.

Vicky starts to laugh and says, "You have no clue who you're dealing with. I used to be weak, I was afraid to even talk back to some people. I'm not the same girl I used to be, I will knock you flat on your ass without a hint of regret. I will put you in the hospital in 30 seconds if I wanted to at least. So I suggest you don't push me, because I won't hold back because I'm no longer afraid to get in trouble," Then I hear her boots walking back down the hall I first heard them in.

Once I can no longer hear her footfalls, Savannah punches the door to the room that I'm in. And again. And again. And again. The last time she almost punches it off of its hinges and that appears to make her stop. Good thing too, I don't want her figuring out I was listening to that. 

Once she leaves, I decide I have had enough of looking through the classrooms. I make my way outside, and just my luck, find Brandon out there. "Hey, I was looking inside for you," I say, walking over to him. I step up on my tip toes and kiss the corner of his mouth and smile at him. He smiles right back and pulls me back to him for another kiss. I begrudgingly break away from him and look over his attire. He's wearing a navy blue with faded jeans that fit him nicely, overall, he looks hot, as usual. He's my eye candy but I will not tell him that. Nope nope nope.

"Are you gonna quit eyeing me darlin'?" he teases.

"Darlin'?" I ask, not answering him. He already knows so it's no use lying to him.

"Yup," he chirps.

"Pet names," I sigh. "Wanna head inside?"

"Why not," he puts his hand on my lower back and guides me to the back doors that I went through to get out here.

When we get back to everyone I find Zoey actually talking to a guy. Laughing even, not scowling until he gets so scared that he leaves. No. She seems to be actually enjoying herself. This may just be interesting. Hopefully, the girls don't give her too much crap about it at school.

But wow, Zoey is talking to someone from the male population besides Brandon and Landon. They better not have slipped anything into her drink or I'm going to be kicking someone's ass.

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