Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

My two aunts had randomly shown up this morning and told me that they were going to be staying for the week. I don't mind them being here, they're really cool, but it would have been nice to have a little bit of a heads up so I could have cleaned the house a little bit. My aunts live in California in a huge house, but they insist on paying most of my bills so I can continue to live here. My Aunt Azta is my father's sister and my Aunt Kyla is her significant other. They're both well-known lawyers and make a lot of money which is how they are able to pay for their house and mine.

It was Friday, and I had already gone to school when they showed up. "I have a party to go to so I'm not staying long," I inform them.

"Do you not love us anymore?" Aunt Azta says very over dramatically. At least she's in a good mood.

"Nope, sorry." I walk out of the entryway and they follow behind me to my bedroom. "But you can help me pick out what to wear if you want to."

"Oh don't you miss those days?" says Aunt Kyla, taking a seat on my bed. Azta takes a seat next to her and I head to my closet to look for clothes. Outfit after outfit I show them and they don't approve any of them. "You're going to a party, not church. Show some skin girl." I laugh, of course, Kyla would say something like that. She's the type of person that goes by the saying "if you got it, flaunt it."

So I pick out some black shorts with gold spikes covering the front and a silky white tank top. Finally, after many failed attempts, my aunts agree to the outfit and I go to the bathroom. Then I return and they insist on doing my hair and makeup. I try to refuse but they go on about living vicariously through me, or something like that.

Once they're finished and my wavy hair cascades down my lower back, and my smokey eye makeup is done to perfection, I turn and look at them. "Are you sure you're both lawyers?"

"I did use to be a small time fashion designer" shrugs Kyla. She rushes out of the room and comes back a few seconds later out of breath and clutching a pair of boots in her hands. "Take these. They'll go great and you'll look so bad ass."

I roll my eyes at her but take them none the less. They are black platform combat boots with gold spikes just like my shorts. I quickly thank her and rush to put them on. While I'm putting perfume on I hear a car horn signal to me that Brandon has finally come here to pick me up for the party. My aunts don't let me leave until I beg them and promise that Brandon will come in after this is over so they can approve of him. They're a bit overprotective in some ways, but not others. It can be a little confusing at times cause I never know how they're going to react. Like when I got my navel pierced, I didn't know if they would freak out on me or not. They ended up thinking it was cool that I got it because they have one too.

When I get to Brandon's car I see him look over my outfit. "What do you think?" I ask him. I'd wear what I want even if he doesn't like it, but it's always nice to know if he does like what I wear.

"You look amazing," he says leaning over and we met in the middle of the console to give each other a chaste kiss. "But if anyone touches you I may rip off their hands."

I laugh at his compliment and possessiveness and then turn on the radio. It's turned into a college radio station so it's not pop music thank gods, but I don't know the song playing. Brandon seems to though because he's humming along to the song.

It takes around 20 minutes to reach the place where the party is being held. By the time we arrive the house is overflowing and there are people practically having sex out on the front lawn. " Well then," I sigh. "I'm sure Savannah is thrilled with people almost doing it on her front lawn." Then I look a little closer and awkwardly say, "Nevermind, it is Savannah."

"That's just gross," Brandon mutters. I grab his hand as we make our way up the stairs and into the house. When we get there we look in the main room for my friends, but after about 10 minutes still can't find them among the sea of teens. "Where do you think they are?" Brandon asks me, almost yelling to be heard over the music blasting through the speakers.

"My second guess would be the kitchen," I yell back and grab hold and drag him there to continue our search. Once there we immediately spot Zoey standing with Hayden and a box of Oreos by the counter. "Of course you're in the kitchen at a party. I mean, where else did I expect to find you?"

"I have no clue. Not out there with a bunch of sweaty people that are grinding against each other like they'll die if they don't, that's for sure," Zoey says.

"You're a special kind of special." I pat Zoe lightly on the head and laugh. "You're right though, it's worse than it usually is. And I saw the host practically getting it on in her front yard when we got here."

"And with any luck, she won't have seen us coming in because of it," Brandon says, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head. We stay like that and he starts talking to Hayden who has been really quiet and looking kind of awkward just standing there, and I start my own conversation with Zoey.

"You seem cheery," she says to me. "I guess you don't know then."

I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion at what she said. "I don't know what?"

"Adam came here and said that if he saw you or Brandon here tonight he was going to ruin you two. He seemed really pissed and everyone kind of just avoided him. I haven't seen him since then, so maybe he went home," she shrugs her shoulders.

I sigh, "With my luck, he's probably here right now and just waiting until I get away from Brandon. I'll just have to make sure I stick with him the rest of the night so nothing happens." After I say that I start to get the feeling that I'm being watched, but I shrug it off and ignore it. I'm probably just getting myself worked up over nothing, and I'm not going to let that creep ruin my night by thinking about him when I'm safe in Brandon's arms.

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