Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Zoey POV

"Why did I come here again?" I ask Lora as we stand around. I'm just sticking with Lora until she starts talking to a guy, I'm gonna leave once I start to see one head over here. And trust me, someone will come over. 

"I don't know. Your Aunt doesn't need garbage bags does she?!" Lora gets a terrifying look on her face but I know she's just messing around. It's an inside joke between Lora, Blaize, Kylie, and I. And I don't think you want an explanation... it's sort of disturbing...

"Oh god, I really hope not!" I keep the joke up a bit longer. "I know. It's so I don't have to be around Seth anymore. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I'm smart even when I don't know I am," I say because everyone is always telling me how smart I am.

"I thought Seth left to go to one of his Army bases already?"

"No" I huff out. I really wish he would have left. Let's put it this way. Seth is nowhere near one of my favorite people, I can barely stand him. "He was supposed to have left today but the idiot smashed his finger and couldn't go. Now I have to wait four more months for him to leave. And in the mean time, I get to die just a little bit more. I don't see why I can't just always live with my dad. It should have been my choice years ago who I want to spend my time with. I mean, Wyatt barely even lives with either of them. He practically lives with my grandparents. That or he's at my dads playing x-box swearing at the game as loud as he can!"

"Zoe! Chill, I know Wyatt annoys you, and I know that you don't like Seth. But you need to calm your tits right now!"

After that an awkward silence falls over us, so I tell Lora that I'm going to fill up my cup with the punch. The glasses here are red solo cups so as I walk away I start to hear Lora singing Toby Kieth's song "Red solo cup"

"Red solo cup, I fill you up. Let's have a party, let's have a party!"

What's even funnier is that the next song the DJ plays is, of course, red solo cup.

"Hey, Zoey right?"

I look up and see a guy talking to me. Surprising, most guys are scared of me. Let's see how long it takes for him to run. One... Two... Three...

"Yeah," I say looking down quickly and not really giving him any attention.

He steps a little bit closer and says, "I thought so. I've seen you play basketball, you're pretty good at it too. One of the better ones on the girl's team."

"Thanks," Gosh, do I really have to tell him to go away?

"I"m Hayden," He says. Wait, Hayden, "Hayden James."

No way, it's really Hayden James talking to me. I look back up at him and actually take the time to look at him for more than just one second. Wow, it actually is. Let me explain, Hayden is the only guy in our school that I have ever had a little crush on. The only one, ever. He's cute, has muscles but not too much, and he's now one of the few guys that have actually tried to talk to me even when I was telling them to just go away without actually saying it. Impressive. He's also on the basketball and football team, but isn't popular or anything. He only hangs around most of the guys on the football team when they're out on the field playing the game.

"I know who you are," I say. "You're not too bad at sports yourself."

"Thank you," he smiles at me. "You don't usually come to the school dances do you?"

"No, not really. they kind of bore me."

"Who got you to come this time?"

"Blaize and Elle showed up at my house and dragged me here." I'm over exaggerating, so what.

"I'll have to see them if I see them then," Hayden smiles at me again.

"I doubt we'll be seeing them anytime soon. They ditched me to spend time with their boyfriends. I may not be seeing them for a while. Hopefully, I can catch Elle before she leaves because she's supposed to be giving me a ride back to my house after this."

"Well, if you can't find her I'll drive you home," Hayden tells me.

After that, we just keep talking and conversation comes quite easily. We talk and laugh a lot. The first time in a long time I've laughed with someone besides one of my best friends and it's nice. I can't believe Hayden James came up to me. Unbelievable, I'm kind of glad he stuck around though.


Hope you liked it even though it's really just a filler chapter written for a good friend. Not my best work right here, but it will have to do. it's kind of weird for me to write in Zoey's POV because she's an actual person and one of my closest friends, so sorry Carlos if it's not what you would do. Carlos is who Zoey is and I want to thank her for letting me use her in my story

Thoughts? Comments? I really want to know what you think of it. But this was kind of just a filler chapter.

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