Chapter 6

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                                                                             Chapter 6

The drive home from the mall took around 10 minutes. We both sang to every song and after each one, we would just burst out laughing. I absolutely love his laugh.

When we got home Brandon walked into my room. He went over to my dresser, opened up a drawer that usually was empty, and started putting some of his clothes that he hadn't already put into it, in it. I watched him as he took his shirt off. I couldn't stop staring at his six pack. Yum! Wait, when did that happen? I've missed a lot I guess, even the good parts. He chuckled and I just stared blankly into his blue eyes.

"Like what you see?" he laughs. Wow, that's so incredibly cliche it's not even funny.

I run out to the truck to grab my iPod. I lean over the passenger seat and grab it off of the arm rest. When I turn around Brandon is in front of me. He picks me up slings me over his shoulder.

"Eek," I squeal "Brandon put me down," I really cannot stop laughing right now. I playfully punch his back as he walks up to the house. He puts down and I run to my room squealing like an idiot. I hear him walking towards me as I quietly shut and lock the door. I walk over to my window to open it up to let some fresh air in, giggling like a mad woman.

I change into my pj's, which consists of a tank top and fuzzy bottoms. I was walking to the bed when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I spin around to face the window. There I see Brandon through the open window.

"You're crazy!" I laugh as I run into the bathroom.

The lock to the door has been broken since I can remember so I just closed the door and leaned my back against it. I slowly slid down until I was sitting, and then rested my hands on the walls either side of me. I finally stopped laughing when, but then Brandon knocked on the bathroom door, causing another fit of giggles. 

"I'm the crazy one," he says from the opposite side of the door. 

"I never said that I wasn't crazy," I defend myself. "I just said that you are crazy. that's all."

"Okay, you have proven your point. Now can I come in so I can see my beautiful girlfriend?" he pleads.

I blushed when he called me beautiful and got the biggest smile on my face when he called me his girlfriend. But I wasn't about to just hand it over to him because of it.

"Actually, I think I'm going to take a shower," I lie.

"Okay, and I think I'll join you," I can just hear the smirk on his face cause he knew he just won.

"No, no, no. That's really not necessary. I'll come out. But I will remember this."

"Maybe then you'll take me up on my offer. It still stands. It is on the table and waiting for you to claim it as yours," he goes on, and I really don't want to listen to all the gross things he has to say, so I plug my ears, close my eyes tight, and start loudly chanting "Lalalalala!"

"I'm still waiting,' he says loudly.

"You sound like some creepy stalker, murderer Brandon."

"Oh no. She found out my secret," he mutters to himself, "Will you please just put me out of my misery. I really want to spend some time with you."

"Okay. I'm getting out," I warn him.

The second I step out he picks me up in a hug and spins me around, saying, "Ermagerd. I missed you so much!"

"I was only at the mall for a couple of hours to get Elle off of our case for a while," I say.

"Well, it feels like forever when I'm not with you. I wish that we never stopped being friends in the first place. These last few years have really been tough without you."

"AWW! And hopefully, we never have to go through that again."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," he says putting me back on the ground and then kissing me. He pulls away and then says "Let's go outside for a little while."

"Sounds like a plan," I reply.

He picks me up bridal style and I hook my arms around his neck. His woodsy scent is so intoxicating and I just want to melt into his warmth.

He walks to a patch of the grass and sits down putting me on his lap. I give him a quick peck on the lips and then gaze up at the waxing moon. "It's so pretty," I say, admiring it.

"Not a fraction as pretty as you are," he says sweetly.

By now my face must be tomato red, so I burrow my face in the crook of his neck, hoping he hasn't already seen me blushing. I breathe in his calming woodsy aroma until the heat of my face goes down a bit. I roll off of him and onto my back so I can look at the stars and he does the same.

"Look a shooting star. Or meteor, because that's what they really are. Did you know-" I begin to babble nervously. Brandon Leans over to kiss me to shut me up. "Thanks."

"For what?" Brandon asks with a grin. 

"Everything." I lean over and kiss him again. We just lay there staring at the sky for a while. "Wanna go back in and watch a movie?" I suggest.

"Just like we used to," he laughs, "Yeah that would be awesome. Let's go." And with that, we sprint up to the house.

"Have you seen The Heat yet?" I ask him. 

"I haven't gotten the chance to yet. Do you have it?" he questions.

"Yeah! It's like the best movie ever. I love that movie!" I exclaim. "I'm gonna go put it in the DVD player."

So we watch it. By the time the first 10 minutes is up we are both in tears from laughing so hard. I went to go make ramen noodles after it was done and Brandon came into the kitchen with me. I was laughing my ass off-not literally-and saying parts from the movie like, "Shut up before I feed you watermelon." And the part where detective Mullens is screaming something like "Has anyone seen the Captions balls? They're about this big, or the size of a pea, or a ball bearing. Or, or have you ever seen mouse balls, but half that size. They're like little tiny girl balls and all shriveled up.  If anyone finds them let me know, so I can shove them back up his scrotum."

I end up having to make six packs of ramen noodles because the boy eats like there's no tomorrow. It makes me wonder how he stays so in shape.

But I love him anyway.

Wait did I just say I love him?

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