Chapter 2

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                                                                             Chapter 2

I woke up in a cold sweat. I was out of breath and my heart was racing but I couldn't for the life of me remember what I was scared of. Nightmares aren't unusual for me but I can usually remember what was happening in them. Shutting it off, I got out of bed and took a cold shower to wake me up just enough that I can make it to school without driving myself off the side of the road in around two hours when I have to make the long and boring trip to my doom.

Walking out of the bathroom and into my closet, I picked out a simple outfit-a tank top and worn out jeans-for the day. There was a pounding in my head that got worse after I got out of the shower and is slowly progressing and my legs were still sore from yesterday and had cuts and bruises all over them. I know that I must sound really whiny right now, but if you could feel by pain-physical and mental-you would know that I am actually holding back what I could be putting into a very long rant right now.

I was dressed so I went to the kitchen to look for some food because after I left Adam's house, I never stopped to eat anything. I found a granola bar for me but I didn't know what to give the wolf. Call me crazy for trying to help it, I don't really have a reason for you not to. I decided to go check up on the thing anyway. Who knows, maybe it decided to get off the couch and found out how to open the door and just left.

The thing that I would have never expected in a million years was in my living room. "AHH!" I scream and startle the person on my couch awake. He flips over and stares at my wide eyed. "What the hell are you doing here Brandon? And how did you get here?" I ask/yell at the top of my lungs. Last I checked Adam was the only guy from school that knew where I lived. And there is no way he would have told anyone, he was way too overprotective and possessive for that.

"What do you mean? You brought me here," he tells me matter-of-factly.

"Bull shit I brought you here!" I yell "I wouldn't bring some random person from school to my house. This is a place for me to get away from all of that, not drag it here!"

"I'm not bull shitting you, you really did bring me here. And Adam knows where you live, so someone from school knows where you live," he says.

 "Adam knows where I live because he used to be my boyfriend, not just some classmate," I snap.

"Okay, I'm not just some classmate, and if you would remember what you thought you brought here last night you would know why. And why is this relationship past tense?" he asks.

"That relationship is no longer because he treats me like I'm some sort of foot stool and I'm sick of waiting for him to change," I tell him not really caring if he tells anyone or even the whole school for that matter. "And the only thing I brought here last night was a wolf with an injured leg." Which was really stupid I mentally add.

"Yes, a bullet wound. And it still tingles a bit also," He holds out his arm for me to see the wound. "Now, have you put two and two together or do I have to spell it out for you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demand.

"I'm not like you, Blaize."

No dip, I think. I'm almost positive my IQ score is at least three times higher than yours.

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone if I tell you," he continues

"Tell me what?" I ask getting more and more worried. Please don't let him be psycho, I'm not sure if I could handle that right now.

"I can't tell you until you promise me you won't repeat it to anyone," Ugh he isn't gonna let me get away with not promising, is he? He better hope I don't see fit in bitch slapping him!

"Why should I do what you want? You show up in my house and now I'm your slave? I don't think so, sir. I will not be told how to live my life and you not knowing that proves you don't really know me anymore."

"You shouldn't tell anyone because I don't think you want to live the rest of your life in a straight jacket inside of a padded room." he says ignoring the rest of what I said.

"Fine," I say defeated and seeing no way to escape it. Sitting on my couch next to him I take a bite of my granola bar.

"I'm a werewolf, Blaize," he says calmly.

In shock, I gasp inwardly, choking on the little bit of food in my mouth and Brandon pats me on the back. "I don't believe you," I say hoarsely.

"I don't expect you to, but it's the truth."

"Prove it."

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Because I would like to keep my clothes on, thank you very much," he says with a smirk that I want to slap off of his pretty face.

Wait, I did not just call his face pretty. I mentally slap myself upside my head "Fine," I say through clenched teeth. "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine."

"Unless you want to be eating rat poisoning I suggest you walk your happy ass out here with me," I tell him. What can I say, he is annoying me and if he doesn't watch it he may not like the consequences.

"Okay?" he says uncertainly. "You do know that that's called murder right?"

"Yeah? What's your point? That's what the woods are for. Whats the point in owning acres of woods if you don't put it to good use?"

He gives me an odd look while I get out the cereal. We eat in silence and when we're done I ask him "Do you want me to drive you to school?" If you haven't noticed, I got over wanting to kill him pretty quick.

"Uh sure. As long as you don't plan on shooting me. Once in 24 hours is enough for me."

I sigh deeply and tell him "I'm not gonna kill you anymore," and he visibly relaxes at that. "Yet," I add in an undertone and his eyes instantly go wide and I can't help but start laughing at his expression. "I was just messing with you, calm down. Wow, I wish I had my iPod out right now so I could have gotten that one on camera!"

"That was not funny!" he yells but is trying to hold back his own laughter. "I thought you were serious about that!"

"It was still funny," and we both start laughing. heading out the door I turn my head around slightly and say to him "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Go for it," he answers as we walk out the front door and into my truck, me in the driver's seat, him in the passengers.

"How did you get shot? Like, I mean, when I first saw you I thought you were a wolf. It's outta season, so if someone saw you they wouldn't have been able to shoot you even if they thought you were a wolf."

"That's because the person who shot me wasn't aiming for me," he tells me his voice tense.

"Who shot you then? Who were they shooting at?" Worry quickly builds inside of me.

"He was aiming for you, Blaize. Adam was trying to shoot you," he says, the sympathy and hurt clear in his eyes.

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