Chapter 4

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                                                                                 Chapter 4

All day at school I was in an abnormally happy mood. A couple of my teachers had to scold me because I wasn't paying attention to the lesson.

"Oh, my, gosh! Did you see the look on Mrs. Wolf's face? She was pissed, beyond pissed!" Elanor giggles, sipping soda as we walk through the mall. "If only she knew she kissed her son earlier this morning. Adopted or not, that, for sure, is gonna piss her off. And what were you and Brandon talking about in lunch that was so important that it had to be private, and even your dear old Elle wasn't allowed to hear?"

"I can't tell. And your new name is going to be Snoopy if you don't stop interrogating me," I tell Elle. All that I had told her was that Brandon kissed my, that's it. She talked me into hanging out with her after school. "We just had a quick chat, that's all," Okay obviously that's not all. We skipped all of school except the last two hours after lunch. The only reason we came back was that Elle's in my second to last hour and I didn't want to seem suspicious. 

Brandon and I walked to the woods that are a bit away from the school. For the first five minutes, we just ran deeper into the cover of the woods. once we stopped he turned around, pulled me close, and passionately kissed me. I'll spare you the details because the only way to describe it was amazing. 

Once we came up for air he asked me out. I, of course, said yes as long as we keep it from Adam so he doesn't go ape shit. Yes, I told Brandon that. Ape shit. 

We talked for a long time just catching up. You see, we were inseparable from 1st grade up until 7th grade. Some of the teachers even started joking around about it and most everyone thought we were dating. We both got sick of it and just stopped hanging out. We are both in 10th grade now so it's been a while. Adam, being new and all, doesn't know that we were ever close, and I don't want him to know we are now. 

Brandon suggested that I stay at his house because he didn't want me to be alone because Adam was still pissed. I informed that Elle was probably gonna wanna hang out later so he could just stay at my house and wait until I got back if he wanted. He agreed. there was a bit more kissing in between that, but other than that it wasn't very eventful.

"No way all you did was chat after what happened this morning. No way in hell that's all!" Elle says, bringing me back to reality. 

"We went for a walk," I say.

"Details, details. I want details!" she urges on.

"Okay, we may have kissed once." She just stands there and gives me a knowing look. "Fine. Twice, we kissed twice!"I tell her, hoping she won't see right through my lie. 

She gives me a look that has 'Do you really think I'm that stupid?' written all over it. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" I told you so. She uses that look quite often so I know it well.

"You want details, here's a detail. We went for a walk," I repeat. 

She sighs "Where and how long was this walk?"

"Well Snoopy," I use her new nickname "We were in the woods from lunch until you saw me again for the second to last hour of the school day. And I swear if you tell anyone I will skin you alive with a rusty razor."

"You were alone, in the woods, for almost three hours and all you did was talk and kiss twice?" she asks.

"Yup," I chirp maybe a little too cheery. "We chatted and kissed twice."

"Bullshit," she says with 'the look'.

"Three times," I tell her giving her a look of my own.

She gives me 'the look' that says "I don't need a lie detector to tell when my best friend is lying to me." It was true, she didn't. But I really wish she would just let me off the hook this one time. "There is no way you two were alone in the woods for that long and all you did was talk and kiss a couple of times. I mean, it's Brandon. He's totally ripped and totally hot. He's like a Greek God. Don't tell me you're not excited."

"This is getting personal. I'm not going to tell you everything that happened because I want to keep it to myself for now." I say. "I know he's a God-"

"Greek God," Elle interrupts.

"Yes," I sigh "A Greek God. I know how hot his body is, and I am thrilled. Ecstatic even. But I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Fine," she huffs "How about we look at some clothes. Oh! we have that dance coming up Let's go look for something for it!"

"Okay," I agree, happy for the change of topic so she can stop interrogating me for now. "Wanna go check DEB'S out for anything?"

"Great idea!" she exclaims, "I think they just got some new dresses this morning." So we walk through the mall to DEBS to look for dresses.

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