Chapter 7

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                                                                                  Chapter 7

Okay, I have made up my mind. It is fine to say that I love Brandon in my head, not out loud yet though. I have good reasons to be able to say this to myself. Reason one: I am dating him. That's the obvious one. Reason two: I have known him since he moved here to this town in first grade. And the third reason, no matter how mushy and cheesy it is: because I really do. At least enough to say it to myself.

I know him well so that has to do with reason two. He couldn't have changed too much in three years.

Could he?

Well if he did, it's probably for a good reason and it's most likely for the best. I still trust him with my life even after three whole years of not speaking, and barely even looking at each other. Now that we are together and have filled in the spaces it feels like we never stopped being best friends. For the most part, there's still plenty of things that can bring us back to those lonely times, but we don't care anymore. Those days are over.

So we were sitting on the couch watching Comedy Central when the doorbell rang. I put down the bowl of ramen noodles that I was still eating and went to see who it was. I looked through the little peeping hole that lets you look through it and see who is at the door. And guess who I saw. 


"Yeah?" he asks me.

"Can you go to a different room? Please?" I plead.

"Sure," he says hesitantly. Then his face darkens. "Wait, is it him?" I just stand by the door silently. "Can I please just tell him to fuck off or something?"

"No," I say in a tone that I hope makes him just drop it and obey like a good little doggy. Okay, maybe not so little considering that even as a wolf he is still quite a bit taller than me, but still.

"Why not? If he asks why I'm here I can just say that I'm your cousin or that we got a partner project in biology and we are partners."

"Adam may be one of the stupidest to walk this damned planet, but even he knows that's not true," I say.

"Fine," he gives in. "But if he does anything to hurt you, at all, you have to promise me to say my name or something and I will personally kick his ass!"

"Okay, okay," I say, pushing him into my bedroom. "And don't come out of this room unless I tell you to, otherwise you can forget about staying here," and I close the door, but not before I hear him make a whimpering sound.

Wait, what the-

"Blaize,"Adam yells banging on the door. "I know you're in there. Don't make me come in."

"Calm your man tits, I'm coming," I yell back. Once I open the door I ask him, "What's got your panties in a wad?"

"My panties are not in a wad!" he grumbles as he slowly walks inside.

"Just tell me why you're here. I have guests over so make it quick," I say.

"Blaize. I want you back. I need you so bad that it hurts when you aren't with me."

He should have thought about that before he started beating me up, shouldn't he have, dumb ass. "Sorry, but you're fighting for a lost cause, you aren't getting me back and you never will. Now get out of my house before I charge you with trespassing and abuse."

"You can't charge me with abuse!"

"My ass I can't! I have proof that you did indeed abuse me. Now get out of here. get out of my face, get out of my house, and get out and stay out of my life. I don't want to see you here ever again and if you do come here again I will get the police involved!" I start to yell but do my best to keep my voice down so that Brandon doesn't come out. Adam stumbles out the door and I slam it behind him.

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