Chapter 10

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                                       Chapter 10

"What do you wanna do?" I ask Elle. "We've got a little under three hours to burn." Right now we're in town just driving around. We just out of the theatre; we saw Mortal Instruments. Loved it. I am totally going to get it on DVD. I would say some of my favorite parts of it, but that would be spoiling an awesome movie. I'll have to read the series sometime soon.

"I don't care as long as it doesn't ruin your hair. That took forever and you don't sot still very long. your makeup was easier. So it's okay if I have to redo that."

I scoff at that. She put so much hair spray in my hair so it wouldn't fall out, that I wouldn't be surprised if my hair was still almost perfect when I woke up tomorrow. "Wanna try to talk Zoey into going to the dance? She has plenty of reasons she should go with us instead of staying home," Number one being that she is at her mom's house this weekend. She hates it there, the only thing she enjoys about being there is that's where her horses are. And her little brother is there. His name is Zach, and he is so cute. I have to say though, her little brother on her dad's side, Zavier, is cuter than Zach.

"Sure," Elle says.

I tell her, "We can just drive up to her mom's house. I'm pretty sure she'll be there."






About 30 minutes later we're out in the country. Elle turns a corner and we are headed down the gravel road to get to Zoey's house. Parking beside their house and walking to their front door, we knock, wait a little while, and then Zoey's younger sister opens the door.

"What do you want?" she almost immediately asks. She knows me, and I don't think she likes me very much. But I don't really care, cause I don't like her in the least bit either.I can barely tolerate her. She's so whiny, and bitchy, and just really annoying.

"Hey Zaria," I say, my tone dripping in the false cheerfulness I almost always use when talking to her. That's what happens when I don't like talking to you. "Do you have any idea where Zoey is?"

"I may," I can tell she is formulating a plan already. Shit. "It depends on what I get out of it."

I knew it! Quick Blaize, think of something that she will enjoy. I can't believe this 9-year-old is negotiating with me on something so simple. " You won't have to listen to Zoey all night cause she'll be with us."

She fist pumps the air then walks into her house once again, calling over her shoulder, "She's in the stable with her horse."

"Let's go!" I grab Elle's hand and pull us towards where Zaria directed us. The horse stables.

We reach the stables and find everything quiet. Walking down the aisles we discover that none of the horses are there even.

"Maybe she's out riding and let the horses out to graze?" I suggest, but it sounds like a question coming out.

So we walk through the aisle and come out from the opposite side that we entered. Peaking through the wood fence we see Zoey riding her horse. Sunny I think its name is? I can never be sure of its name but I always know which one it is. She keeps its coat clean, and basically, everything that can be done is done. She uses the money she gets from tutoring to get it shots, food, cleaning supplies, and whatever else her mom doesn't pay for, or the stuff that she uses different on her horse than her mom does with the other horses. Zoey's horse is her responsibility so she pays for most everything now.

So Zoey is riding in one part and all the other horses are eating in the other part. The horse that I have claimed as mine walks over to me and lets me get on her. She's pure black with a white tail. 

I ride up to Zoey and ask. "So, do you wanna come with us?"

"You're so descriptive," she says. "Where to?"

"The dance, duh. You kinda have to come cause I told Zaria that if she told Elle and me where you are she wouldn't have to deal with you. And in turn, you won't have to put up with her snobby attitude."

"I'm riding so I don't have to put up with her anyway."

"Oh come on, Elle and I came all the way here and Elle is still waiting over there," I point to where Elle is failing miserably at trying to call one of the many horses over to her. "You'll have fun. Don't be a party pooper. You have to come."

"No, I don't."

"Please," I beg.

"But all the people there are idiots," Zoey continues to complain.

"I'm going, and I'm not an idiot."

"But you're gonna be all lovey dovey with Brandon and I don't wanna deal with all the cheesy crap."

"Elle's coming and so is Amber and Lora. You don't have to dress up, you just have to come with us and actually try to have some fun."

"Fine," she grumbles.

"Good. But you need to at least put a dress shirt on," She gives me a death glare and I hold my hands up and cover my head. "I was just messing with you. Armadillo!"

"Mhm," She is still trying to put me six feet under. You see, Zoey is kind of a tomboy and she really hates dressing up. For anything. If she could wear anything she wanted to her wedding, she would probably say she would wear jeans and a nice shirt. She really just hates it. And it doesn't help that her mom messed up the chances she had of Zoey wearing dresses when she took her shopping for something that we had to dress up for. She sent me pictures of each dress, and let me tell you, they were so, just, no. Like, how could someone put their daughter in that at that age? Just a big no-no. Her mother will never be picking my outfits out, that's for sure.

"Took ya long enough," Elle complains. Then she asks Zoey, "So, are you in?"

"I guess," she shrugs. "But I am not! And I repeat, not! Wearing anything dressy. So let's get going."

We all get in Elle's car with Zoey in the backseat.  And we start our journey back into town to begin our night.

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