Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"What happened?" I cautiously ask Mrs. M.

I can feel the dread in the pit of my gut, taking up most of the room for hope that nothing has happened. That this is just a mistake. But I still have a shred of it left thank goodness.

"I am very sorry to be the one to inform you that," she took a deep sigh, pretending that it's hard to deliver the message that could possibly cause me pain. I could care less if my reaction doesn't hurt her at all, I just want her to get on with it all ready. "One of your close family friends, Quincy, died earlier this morning in a car crash."

The name Quincy sounds familiar and my mind races to place it with a face. Then it hits me and I remember my parents telling my sister and me a story when we were little. Quincy and her brother were the people that got my parents together. Apparently, in high school, my patents hated each other for some time. Not for any reason in particular, just because they didn't really know each other and were in different crowds and were always told bad things about the other. Or something like that. My mom was best friends with Quincy and my dad was close friends with Quincy's brother, Caleb. The boys were popular and had parties and stuff a lot and when Quincy had a sleepover with some of her friends, my mother being one of them, Caleb wanted to have some friends over as well. They all ended up playing spin the bottle or 7 minutes in heaven or something like that and my mom and dad got each other. They dated after that and had kids and all that good stuff, end of story.

 At one time Quincy was like a second mother to me but I haven't talked to her in a very long time. Same thing with Caleb. He was like a second father, but not quite as much. Caleb died a while ago, a couple years after my dad did I think. But thinking Quincy died today made me want to break down into tears.

Yes, I haven't talked to her that much, but that doesn't mean it was any less hard. She was so close at one time and now I'll never get to see her again. If my mom ever comes back she'll never be able to reunite with Quincy, and I'm not so sure how she will react to the news if she hasn't been informed already.

I nod my head slightly to acknowledge that I heard Mrs. M and she says, "If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here," Usually I would come back with a snarky comment because I don't like her and she doesn't like me and that's what I always do when she has to talk to me, but I just get up and walk out of the room feeling numb.

Quincy had so much to look forward to. She was smart, and such a wonderful person and everyone loved her. She would have made a great mother and practically was for my sister and I. Caleb also has kids and it was hard on them to loose their dad and this is going to be so hard for everyone. Her mother has already lost one of her babies and she lost the only other one she had. 

As soon as I walk out of the room someone crashes into me and strong arms surround me and pull me in. I lean into Brandon, thankful that he's there to help me right now. This is something that Adam would never have done, comfort me like this without me having to tell him that I need it.

"It's going to be okay," Brandon whispers to me as he soothingly draws circles on my back.

I shake my head and say, "No it's not," and he doesn't say anything back. It feels like there's more that I don't know, but I know that it's not okay. I can tell that this is going to come back and bite us in the ass later. I'm not sure when but it feels like it will. I'm so confused with myself right now, I shouldn't be so affected by this, But something deep inside me feels so disconnected. I don't understand it.

I have to get on with the rest of the day, but there's not much left anyway. I break away and go to the bathrooms to clean up a bit before I go to my class.

Once I walk in, everyone ignores me. I go to my seat and take notes as the teacher talks.

Class drags on and when it's done it's time for lunch. The school's food is nasty so I skip getting any food and just pour myself a glass of water because I don't have to pay for it. When I reach the table that we call the 'Loner Table' I find that Zoey is the only other one sitting down cause she brings food from home and eats that. Next at the table is Brandon and he sits right next to me. Then Kylie comes and, as usual, Lora comes in about five minutes later than Kylie.

When someone tries to sit with us Kylie yells at them, "Loner Table Protocol. Nobody else is allowed!" and they quickly run off. We don't really let anyone sit with us unless they are dating one of us girls like Brandon is.

"So," Lora starts, "What did you do to get called for. Did you get into trouble for the Mrs. Yanders thing?"

"No, we didn't get caught for that," I grin and give Lora a high-five across the table.

"What was it for then?" Kylie probes.

I choose to ignore the question, not wanting to really think in that direction quite yet and ask the one person at this table that will talk until she can't any more a question. Zoey. "What's new with you? Your step dad still in whatever military base he was sent to?"

"He's there but not for much longer. I wish he would just move up there and never come back. He's such an abusive prick. When he was Skyping my mom and sister they made me talk to him and all he did was yell at me for no fricking reason." And her rant goes on like this for another couple minutes.

When she falls silent again I ask her out of curiosity, "Is Hayden going to start sitting with us anytime soon?"

Her face reddens a bit and she says, "Maybe."

Hayden did end up sitting with us and he was fun to talk to and he had quite a bit to say. I think he's a good match for Zoey. They could last if they decide to give it a shot.

Nothing exciting happens the rest of the day and soon enough I'm curled up into Brandon and dosing off.


So I made this chapter for somone that recently died. The names aren't the same and neither is really any of the situation. the Link below is to a website that has the songs his band made on them. It's here mostly for me and so that I can remember it and not lose it, but if you happen to like metal then you should listen to some.

I know that this link is long but its the link to listen to his band because none of their songs are on youtube. his band is called Fatal X

my favorite song is The Sound of Sorrow because he wrote composed and sung this song for his sister, who was my moms best friend and that's really the only part that is the same as reality

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