Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Nothing really happened on Sunday. Brandon and I just sat around most of the day watching movies or something that doesn't really require much energy. We slept in really late also, which I'm perfectly fine with.

What I am not okay with is being late for school and almost getting detention. If this was my third time being late to school I would be getting one, because my teacher can be strict sometimes. But, luckily, this is only my second time. So as soon as I walk into the classroom for Reading- which, I don't know why we have it anymore when most schools get rid of it after elementary school or middle school- all the kids start snickering as I get yelled at for being late. When the teacher is done scolding me, and I go back to my seat, fucking Savannah- who sits right next to me in this class- starts whispering things to me and making all the kids around us laugh. And of course she doesn't get in trouble for talking but when I stand up out of my chair and yell at her, "Shut up or I will punch you in the throat!" I get yelled at. I mean, like, WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK!

So now I am wandering the halls because the teacher sent me to the office- bitch- and she must be even dumber than I thought if she actually thinks I'm going to be going to the office. I officially hate mornings and my reading teacher. I've told you I'm not a morning person so when you put me in the morning after getting yelled at and the Queen Bitch together, one of us is gonna blow up.

And it was me. 

Have I mentioned that I hate mornings?

So when the bell rings I head to my locker to get my stuff for my next class. Which luckily for me is History. Lucky for me because our History teacher is the best teacher I have ever had. He can make anyone laugh at any time he wants. 

Once I get in the room I go straight to my seat in the back corner of the room. I sit all by my self because I'm not really that good of friends with anyone in this class. 

I'm the first one to arrive as usual. "What are we going to be doing today?" I ask the teacher, Mr. Haas,

"We are going to be finishing up that movie we started a while ago and never got to finish," he replies back.

"Nobody's going to remember half of the movie. You know that right?" I ask him.

"I know!" he says cheerfully. "I don't have anything for you guys to do yet though so you guys are just going to have to deal with it."

"Can't I just go to sleep?" I whine.


I look at him disbelievingly. "You're joking, right? You pull a bull horn out every time someone falls asleep during a movie, blow it in their ear, and make them write an essay on the movie."

"I'm serious. Nobody is going to understand half of it if they don't remember what we already watched." Right before he walks out the door to go talk to the teacher across the hall like he usually does before class starts he says, "Oh, and we have a new student joining our class today. So make her feel  welcome and have her sit in the chair to your left if she gets here before I come back." 

I tell him that I will and then wait for this new student to magically appear in the doorway. Less than a minute later Vicky walks into the room and asks, "Is this the history room?"

I nod my head and tell her that Mr. Haas is across the hall. "But he told me that you're going to be sitting next to me," I say and point to the chair to my left.

"Okay," she chirps. I take in her attire. She has on dark eyeliner and black clothes. She doesn't have a goth look, more like a biker look what with her leather jacket and black combat boots. She also has on cuff bracelets and a choker necklace that looks really old. It's a simple black ribbon but has a huge diamond hanging from a silver design.

An awkward silence settles between and I know that the other kids in this class wouldn't come in for another four or five minutes, right before the bell rang. To escape the silence I turn to her and try to start a conversation. "Where did you go to school?" I ask.

She looks at me confused. "What?"

"You know before you moved back here. Where did live or go to school?"

"I was living with my real mom." she glances at me.

My eyebrows crease together. "I thought you and Adam were siblings?"

"He's my half brother," she says simply. "We're a couple years apart even though we're in the same grade. He got held back because in middle school he messed around and never did his homework. While I got bumped up a grade 'cause I'm just that smart I guess, but whatever," she gives a short laugh.

"That's so cool," I say as the other kids come piling in. I internally sigh because Savannah isn't in this class. Vicky doesn't seem like such a bad person anymore either. 

As Mr. Haas puts in the movie and starts it up, I lay my head down on my desk and close my eyes suddenly feeling really tired. The sound of the movie slowly starts to drift away at first but then it stops completely and I can feel myself drifting away.

I'm suddenly jerked awake by someone shaking my shoulders. "Blaize wake up. The bell just rang," I hear Vicky say and I slowly get up feeling sluggish.

As I'm walking down the hall to go to my locker I hear over the speakers, "Blaize Evers please go to the guidance room. Blaize Evers to the guidance room." I groan and hurry to my locker and put my stuff away before heading to the guidance room.

Once I get there the guidance counselor, Mrs. M, ushers me into the back room so we can have more privacy, which kind of scares me. She only drags people back here when they are getting yelled at or if they are getting really bad news. I swear, if my stupid reading teacher gave me detention and I'm just now being told about it I'm gonna knock that old ladies denture out and throw them down the garbage shoot.

The first words out of her mouth are, "I'm so sorry," and I instantly think back to when my dad died during school. Those were the first things they said to me and my sister. And then I feel all the color go out of my face. 

What if it's Brandon!

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