Chapter 4 -I Can't Believe He Did That!

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Zayn's POV

"So what's up with you and that girl, Nicole?" Niall asked me on our way to class.

"I met her a about 2 years ago. We were both living in Chicago, and she was going through a bunch of rough stuff, and she got drunk one night at a party. She came to my house, even though she hardly knew who I was. I wasn't going to let her drive home drunk, so she stayed the night. We stayed up all night talking, and she's the only person that I've really clicked with besides you."

"Oh," Niall said.

"'Oh'?" I asked. "Wow."


"Nothing. Let's just get to class." I lied. I would've kept walking, but Niall stopped me.

"Please tell me," he pleaded.

"I just don't like to open up to people too much, but when I did to you, you just said 'Oh,'" I confessed.

"I'm sorry." Niall said. "To be honest, it's because I have possession issues."

"As much as I wanna continue this conversation, we really need to get to class." I rushed, and he nodded. "Come to my place after school?" I asked, and Niall nodded. We ran to class.


Niall and I finished up the school day and went to my place after school, just like we had planned. We were sitting side-by-side on my bed.

"So what do you mean you have possession issues?" I asked, then corrected myself, "Let me rephrase that. I know what possession issues are, I just don't understand why you have them."

"Well, I don't get many friends, and when I do, I feel like I'm going to lose them, so I usually get pretty jealous when they start hanging out with other people. I'm the person who gets picked on by everyone. I mean, not everyone participates, but no one has ever done anything about it except you.

I'm the lowest of the lowest. You're right about me being jealous. I just don't wanna lose you."

"You aren't the lowest of the lowest!" I screamed/chuckled. "Everyone who picks on you is low! You're an awesome friend! You're nice, smart, funny! Anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself are just fucked up! They don't know what they're missing out on! You won't lose me either!"

"Thank you," Niall smiled.

"Of course!" I laughed. "So can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Who do you like?" I asked, and Niall looked away, blushing. "Come on! Tell me!"

"I like Louis Tomlinson."

"Guess what!" I smiled.


"Well, while Nicole and I were catching up in class today, she told me she was dating Harry Tomlinson, Louis's brother. I bet I could get her to arrange something to where we could meet Harry, and you could 'run into' Louis there." I smiled widely. Niall's face beamed with happiness.

"Are you serious?" he said, basically bouncing off the walls.

"100 percent. Unless you don't wanna." I teased.

"Why the hell wouldn't I wanna?!" Niall screamed.

"I'll call her now." I pulled out my phone and called Nicole. "Hey, baby girl. Would you please do me a favor?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Well, Niall and I wanna meet Harry at his house. Would you please arrange it for me?" I begged.

"Of course I will, Zannie!" she said. "When?"

"Tomorrow, after school?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll do it." she said.

"Thanks, baby girl! I'll talk to you later!" I said and hung up. Niall screamed! "Niall, calm your ass down, or you can't go!"


Niall and I were on our way to Harry's place with Nicole. Niall was so excited!

"What do you think Louis is like?" Niall asked me. Nicole was driving, and Niall and I were in the backseat.

"I'm not sure, but if he hurts you, I'm gonna hurt him. Got that?"

"I sure do, Dad!"

"You two, be quiet!" Nicole yelled.

"Sorry, Mom!" I mocked.

After about twenty minutes of Niall and I fooling around, Nicole finally pulled into the driveway of a house. It was two stories tall. "Niall, guess what!"

"We're here!" he looked so happy! Niall, Nicole, and I walked into the house. We were greeted by a curly-haired boy with green eyes wearing a blue and red blazer, red pants, and red converse.

"Hey, babe." he gave Nicole a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey. Harry, I want you to meet Zayn and Niall. Zayn, Niall, this is Harry."

"Come in, come in." he invited us. We all walked in. "Louis's upstairs with Liam, so if you hear screaming, it's those two." I heard people running downstairs. It was Louis and Liam. "Speak of the devils." Harry smirked. "Liam, Louis, this is Niall and Zayn, Nicole's friends." Harry said as they walked closer to us. I kept my eyes on Liam, and my heart started racing. I wasn't expecting him!

"Uh, Harry, wh-where's the bathroom?" I asked, trying to get away from Liam.

"Up the stairs, take a left, and it's the last door on the right." I rushed out of there. I didn't wanna talk to Liam! I ran past Louis and Liam, but I went the way where Liam was on the other side.

When I got in there, I sat don for a minute on the ground. Where's the bathroom?! I yelled at myself. What the hell, Zayn?! You couldn't have thought of anything better?! Stupid, stupid, stupid! The only reason I asked where the bathroom was because I panicked!

I sat in the bathroom for a minute before I was able to build up the courage to get out. To my surprise, when I opened the door, Liam was there!

"I'm sorry. I'll get out of your way." I was about to leave when Liam put a hand on my chest to stop me.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you." Liam said fearfully. I backed up, and Liam walked in and closed and locked the door behind him.

"What do you need?" I asked, not worrying about why he closed and locked the door.

"I think it'd be easier to show you." he sounded so scared. To be honest, I was getting scared too.

I completely lost my train of thought when Liam's lips crashed against mine. At first, I thought I was dreaming, and I didn't respond. Liam bit my lip to try and get some kind of response from me. I felt myself kissing him back. In a fight between our tongues for dominance, Liam won. He explored my mouth with pleasure from both of us. I loved kissing Liam. Liam had his hands on the hem of my shirt, about to pull it off of me when I pulled away from him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding kinda hurt.

"Th-this isn't right." I said, and it so much to say it. "You have a girlfriend, Liam." I rushed out of there, and I went into the next room I found, closed and locked the door, and cried for a little bit. I kept telling myself "He doesn't really care!" I can't believe he'd do that!

Let Me In: I Wanna Love You *Ziam Palik*Where stories live. Discover now