Chapter 25 -He'll Be Fine

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Liam's POV

"I love you too, Zayn. With every fiber in my being.." I smiled at my husband. Next thing I knew, Zayn had fallen into my arms, and there was blood everywhere. He had been shot. Everyone started crowding around us. I couldn't do anything but stare. Louis took him from my arms, and he lied him on the ground. I could hear Niall crying and Harry calling 911. I hugged Niall tightly as it was the only thing I knew how to do that would even remotely help.

The fragile boy cried into my shoulder. I could hear myself speaking, but I wasn't really thinking before saying anything. "He's a fighter, Niall. You know that better than anyone. He's going to be okay. You know that. It's out of our hands." I kissed the top of the other's head. I didn't know how I wasn't crying, but I wasn't. "Neither of us can do anything. The ambulance should be here soon, and Louis and Harry are doing all they can. I'm going to take you back to my place, okay? We will only be in the way. Let's go, Niall."

I felt a few tears sting my eyes, but I wasn't letting them fall. I needed to be there coddling Niall, not crying. I heard sirens coming towards us... The sound was all too familiar. If my suspicions were correct, it was Hailea who had shot Zayn.

"I can't lose him, Liam. Please... Don't let me lose him..." Niall pleaded.

"You aren't losing him, Niall. No one is losing him," I told him as the ambulance pulled up. "I'd say, 'Let's go to the hospital,' but being there isn't going to help Zayn, you, or me. Let them handle it, and right now, we should go home, alright?" I knew Niall couldn't nod because he was crying so much, but I still decided he needed to go home.

I took Niall home.

We waited for hours and got nothing. We didn't call anyone; we didn't go to the hospital. Niall and I stayed at my place for 3 days, only leaving to go to the store. We didn't talk to anyone but each other. We mostly talked about Zayn, but we talked about other things as well, and we got kind of close over those few days. We stayed up until 5 or later each night and slept until 1 or 2.

On the third day, at about 3 A.M., my phone started ringing. Niall and I had been watching Billy Madison, so it took me a second to hear it, but I did. I paused the movie and reached across the couch for my phone. "It's Harry," I said, looking at the ID. Niall got close to me as I answered.


"Liam, it's Haz," he said.

"I know. Caller ID."

"Oh... Well, we're at the hospital. Zayn just woke up from his surgery. We know you guys must be bloody worried, but, Liam, you're husband wants to see you and his best friend. The doctors are discharging him today, so we can just bring him to you and Niall in a couple of hours."

"Yes, please do. We're at my place, and we'll be here when he gets here. Please hurry."

That was when I hung up. "Niall, Harry and Louis are going to bring Zayn here in a couple hours," I told him with a huge smile on my face. Niall got a big grin on his face as well.

"He's okay?!" Niall screamed excitedly. I nodded. "Yay!" Niall pulled me close into a hug and squeezed me tight. I held him just as tight.

We waited for a few more hours. I heard a knock on the door. It was the one I had been anticipating for so long it seemed to me.

"Zayn," I mumbled and pulled him into my arms.

That's it. The end. Sorry this took so long. I know the book sucked... So I'm sorry you've wasted your time on it. I love you guy, and I'll be updating soon on other things, I hope. Hope you liked it even though I don't think you did.... && -Nyk

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