Chapter 47

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[A/N]: Another update! Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

Even though Harry wanted to control himself around the Omega but he couldn't so they ended up fucking again in the shower. The alpha, of course, was very careful around his fragile omega and made sure that he was okay.

During the car ride, Liam was the one driving while Zayn was next to him in the passenger seat. Louis was sitting in the middle while Harry was on his right and Niall was on his left.

Niall chirped, "I can't wait to find out who's baby is it," while the two alphas tensed at the front.

Liam looked at the rearview mirror for a second and said, "It doesn't matter whose baby is it because we're all a family so it wouldn't matter."

Zayn nodded with a smile and said, "Even if Liam turned out to be the father, I'd still consider the baby as mine too."

Niall awed and said with heart eyes, "I love you."

They both said at the same time, "We love you more, baby."

Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder and whispered, "Are you sure that you're feeling better?"

Harry nodded and looked down at his little omega with fond filled his eyes as he said, "Of course and it's all thanks to you," then placed a soft kiss on his feathery light brown hair.

Louis blushed as he shifted in his seat and said with a shy smile, "Anytime," then tried to change the subject, "I can't wait to see our babies."

The alpha's smile fell when he remembered the last time he bailed on the doctor's appointment so he was looking forward to seeing his triplets. He put on a forced, pained smile and said, "I can't wait to see them too."

After a moment of silence with Harry trying to figure out what to tell Louis because he did feel bad for not being there the last time. He looked down and wrapped one arm around him so that the omega could lay his head on Harry's chest. He whispered, "You know that I would never bail unintentionally."

Louis nodded against his chest and muttered, "I know that, love."


Once they reached the hospital, they all took their seats while waiting for the nurse to call their names.

Justin went over to Louis with a polite smile and said, "Hey, I remember you, how are the babies? Your doctor told me that you were having triplets. Congratulations."

The Alpha glared at him as he wrapped on arm around his Omega while Louis said, "Thank you and so far, the babies are doing great."

Justin smiled down at him and said, "You're welcome, and I'm glad they are. I'll catch up with you later," and gave him a wave before he walked away.

Niall watched the situation and took a mental note to ask his best friend about it later.

Harry nuzzled into the omega's neck and gently placed a small hickey. Louis didn't move away because he didn't mind his alpha's attention. After the alpha had placed a soft kiss on it, Niall's name was called out from one of the nurses.

Louis gave his best friend a small smile before he watched him get into the doctor's office.


The nurse said, "Lay down and pull your shirt up until the obstetrician arrives."

Niall nodded and did what he was asked to do while his two alphas sat down on the chair next to him.

Once the doctor got into the room, he smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Horan, how are you and the baby doing today?"

Yes, the Omega kept his last name because it was difficult to choose which one to pick, so he just ended up not changing it.

Niall smiled and said, "We're doing okay."

As the doctor kept the gel over the omega's tiny baby bump, he asked, "So, did you want to know if you have one baby or...?"

Zayn said, "We wanted to know who is the father of the baby or babies."

The doctor fixed his glasses and said, "Alright, let's check, shall we?"

Liam said with a furrowed eyebrow, "How many babies or who's the daddy?"

The doctor moved the wand around the gel and said, "We will check how many babies there are for now but then, later on, we will do some tests to figure it out."

Niall nodded and looked at the screen in awe because seeing it all on the screen made it seem realer than it already was. He said with his eyes soft, "So small."

The two alphas said at the same time with a huge smile on their faces, "I know."

Niall turned to look at the alphas and asked, "What's up with you two today saying the same things at the same time?"

Both alphas looked at each other before looking back at Niall, and Zayn said, "I don't know, I just go along with it."

Liam nodded and said, "Same here."

They all looked back at the doctor when he said, "Strangely, there is only one baby in there, but it's not a bad thing."

Niall cooed and said, "Aw my tiny baby, no one there to share my womb with you?"

Liam told the doctor, "We don't mind as long as we have a healthy baby."

The doctor smiled at the adorable family and said, "Alphas, meet the nurse in the other room if you want to find out who the daddy is."

Both alphas nodded before they stood up and went to the other room while holding hands.

Niall knew that both alphas were worried that the other alpha might get hurt or sensitive if it turned out that it's not his baby.

In reality, none of them cared because they were all in love with each other.

The Omega wiped the gel off of his baby bump with the tissue that the doctor handed it to him and sat up to keep his shirt down. Once he left the room, he waited next to Louis and told him that he was having one baby which made Louis get happy for him.

One child didn't mean a bad thing; it just meant less trouble for the Omega during and after pregnancy.

"Louis Tomlinson, it's your turn now."

Be My Omega [Larry Stylinson/L.S. Fan Fiction/Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now