Chapter 99

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[A/N]: It's been a while, I really did miss you guys so much. I've always made excuses for not updating whether it was university, family drama, my mental health, not feeling inspired or whatever it is. As I am writing this, know that this is my only alone time so I am taking advantage of that by updating. I haven't even checked my notifications like I always used to but I am trying my best to make sure that I reply to you as best as possible. I never forgot about you guys once and I've been thinking of updating for a very long time. Here's this chapter, I hope it doesn't disappoint. I love you. x

Harry stepped out of the hospital room when his omega fell asleep. As he walked in the hallway, he got a call from Zayn. He looked at the caller ID for a second before he answered.

Zayn asked through the phone, "Hey, how are you holding up?"

The curly haired alpha stopped moving in his tracks, rubbed his tired eyes with one hand and said, "I called the bodyguards to keep an eye on my pups, and I was just on my way to check if everything is fine," then took his hand off of his eyes and rested his back against the wall.

Zayn replied, "That's great, but I was asking about you. How are you?"

Harry thought about it for a moment, and the line was silent. He finally answered, "I can't believe this is happening again. I thought it's over, I really did."

Liam said in the background, "We thought it was over too."

Harry continued walking and said, "This needs to end once and for all. I can't allow anyone to go near my pups."

Zayn nodded and said, "And they won't, Harry. We will make sure of it" and looked at his husband.

When the alpha reached, he saw the guards standing around the glass window, and when they saw him, they nodded at him in respect. He said through the phone, "Listen, I have to go, I'll call if anything happens," and hung up.

The guards moved aside for him to look through the glass window where his pups were asleep peacefully. He smiled softly and said, "Even Alexander is asleep," he looked at one of his guards and said, "My omega was so worried about him not getting enough sleep."

The guards chuckled, and one of them said, "The same thing happened to my omega, it's just instinct."

Harry smiled at the thought and said, "Yeah, must be," and turned his head to continue looking at his small pups. He wanted them home as soon as possible, and that's why he requested to leave first thing in the morning but tomorrow feels so far away.

At the same time, he didn't want to leave his omega all alone in the room, especially after everything that has happened. He knows that he should tell his omega the truth eventually, but not now. He knows the consequences, but his alpha instincts are encouraging him to do whatever it takes to protect his new family.

Harry turned to the guards and said, "Please protect them, they're all that we have," and walked away.

When he reached the hospital room, he took off his shoes and slipped into his own bed. He laid on his side, facing his omega and looked at him for a moment. He thought about all the things that he has to make right once this is over. He is desperately trying to do the right thing, and he feels like he didn't do enough.

Finally, he shut his eyes, trying to will his mind to stop overthinking about it and fell asleep an hour later.


At 5:42 a.m., Louis woke up startled from a nightmare and looked around the dark room. He was heavy breathing and shaking with fear in his eyes. He stuttered out, "P-Pups, my pups," and tried getting out of bed.

The alpha woke up, his eyes adjusting to what's going on and said, "Baby, it's fine, hey," and got out of bed immediately to stop his omega from leaving his bed.

Louis was shaking his head and said, "Harry, no, I- we need to check, please."

Harry set him back down on the bed and stood in between his thighs. He cupped his cheeks to look at him and said, "Baby, they're fine, hey, look at me."

The omega was almost in tears as he looked up at him and said, "I-I just need to check, Harry, it felt real. I need t-to," and felt too choked up to continue his sentence or else he might start crying.

Harry's eyebrows were pinched together in worry for his lover and said, "I'll go check, okay? I'll go. Is that fine? Are you okay with that?" and rubbed his shoulders soothingly.

Louis stayed quiet for a second, trying to calm himself down and focus on his alpha's voice. He shook his head and said, "I need to see for myself, Harry, I just..." and looked at the closed door.

The alpha rubbed his cheek with his thumb and nodded. He said, "Alright, but you have to promise me that you're okay."

Louis leaned into his touch as he looked up at him and said, "I promise."

Harry kissed his forehead softly and helped him get out of bed. They left the room and started walking. As they walked, the alpha knew that he would see the bodyguards and he would have to explain to his omega why they were here in the first place.

When they reached, the bodyguards greeted him while Louis rushed to the glass window to look at his triplets who were sleeping peacefully. He put one hand on his chest as he cooed at them, "Hey, you're okay," and lightly tapped on the glass window.

Harry smiled at his omega's reaction and went behind him to wrap his arms around him. He whispered in his hair, "See? They're just sleeping, baby," and kissed his neck.

The omega leaned against his alpha's chest and said, "I am glad," and smiled widely as he stated, "The way Reina is sleeping is just like you. Look at her little pout."

Before Harry could reply, one of his bodyguards said, "Mr. Styles, we wanted to talk to you about something."

Louis turned around to look at the bodyguards; it took him a second to realize that these are Harry's men who he hired to look after him while he was in university. He moved away from his alpha and asked, "What's... why are they here?" as he looked between his alpha and the bodyguards.

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