Chapter 101

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[A/N]: Thank you for your patience, I know it's not easy to wait for an update that long. I hope you guys are well and that you enjoy this chapter. I love you. x

Harry helped his omega get dressed up and as he got him warm in a navy-blue hoodie, he said, "And we're done," and wrapped his arms around his waist gently, careful not to hurt him.

Louis smiled back at him and said, "I can't believe we're going home," then rested his head on his strong chest with his eyes closed as he felt his alpha's thumb rubbing circles around the curve of his waist. His alpha's calming scent was surrounding him like a warm blanket on a very cloudy night.

The alpha hummed in reply with his chin on his mate's head and held him close in his arms. He thought of how peaceful this moment was and he never wanted it to ever end.

The lilac haired nurse walked into the room, saw the little moment they were both having and said awkwardly while pointing at the door behind her, "I can come back later," and turned around to leave.

Louis blinked his eyes open and peeked through his alpha's shoulder. He said, "Come in," and slowly removed himself from his mate's warm embrace. He added, "We decided on a baby name."

The lilac haired nurse looked at him with her eyebrows raised in genuine interest and said, "What did you decide to call him?"

Harry felt a bit at loss without his mate's touch, and he was aching to touch him again. He fixed his lover's fringe out of his eyes and thought that he needs a fresh haircut.

The omega smiled confidently and said, "Alexander."

The lilac haired nurse wrote down his name and said, "Very well. Should I bring the triplets in so you can change them before checkout?"

Louis replied, "Yes! Thank you," and when she left, he turned to his alpha who was still trying to fix his fringe. He added with his eyes lit up in happiness, "I can't wait to dress them up in tiny onesies."

Harry smiled down at him with fond in his eyes and cooed, "So tiny," and leaned down to peck his pointy nose.

Louis scrunched up his nose at him and said, "I'll get their onesies ready," and turned around to unzip the baby bag that was in his bed. As he was rummaging through, the door opened to reveal the two nurses with their triplets in their bassinet walking into the room. They placed the bassinets and left the room to give them some privacy.

Harry saw them and cooed, "You're all awake, hello," and picked Reina up in his arms. He kissed her hair as he walked with her in the room. She had her head rested on his shoulder with her thumb in her mouth. He added, "Are you hungry, my love?"

Louis took out a baby pink onesie with a smiling strawberry in the middle, a pink beanie and tiny pink shoes to match. He said, "This is for my baby Reina," and added to his mate, "Help me get this on her."

Harry walked over to his omega, observed her tiny outfit and awed. They started dressing up their triplets one by one. Once they were done with Reina, Harry kissed her chubby cheeks and said, "My loveliest," and set her down in the bassinet as she put her tiny fist in her mouth while looking around.

Louis picked up Alexander who was looking at his mama and said softly, "Did you sleep well? Mhm?" and with his alpha's help, he started dressing him up in a baby yellow onesie with a smiling sun in the middle, yellow beanie, and tiny yellow shoes.

When they were done, the omega put Alexander in the bassinet and turned to his alpha, who already had Alaric in his arms. He said, "One more to go, huh?" and smiled at his baby.

Harry hummed and said, "This is going to be... very exciting," and he broke out of his thoughts when Reina started crying and gave a little pout.

The omega picked her up with worry-filled his features and bounced her around the room. He said, "Shh, I got you now, I got you," and rubbed her tiny back while looking at his alpha in panic. This is the first time he had to deal with any of his triplets crying and he doesn't have any experience with taking care of kids.

Harry told his omega, "Don't panic, I'll dress Alaric up myself," and started dressing him up in a green onesie with a tree in the middle, green beanie, and tiny green shoes. He took his time and didn't rush through it because he was scared that he might mess something up.

Meanwhile, Louis was trying to find ways to calm his baby Reina down who was sniffling in his shoulder. He didn't know what came over her that got her to cry out of nowhere, but he just knew at that moment, that he would do whatever it took to make her feel safe.

Reina stopped crying and the omega didn't have the heart to put her back in the bassinet. He just couldn't. He said, "Let's go?"

Harry put Alaric back in the bassinet and looked at his omega. He said, "Can I take her yet?"

Louis shook his head and said, "It's fine, I will just walk with her to the car."

The alpha walked over to him with the bassinet that had Alexander and Alaric. He said, "Baby, you're too tired to carry her."

Louis shook his head again and said, "It's just to the car."

Harry looked at his omega's state for a moment before he nodded and said, "Alright, let's get going then."

They both started walking with the bodyguards to the two cars. One car was for the bodyguards and the other car was for them. The three baby seats were settled at the back along with the triplets.

The alpha got into the driver's seat and started the car while his omega was sitting next to him in the passenger's seat. He held his hand and kissed the back of it. He said, "We're going home."

Louis smiled softly at his husband and said, "Home."

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