Chapter 100

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[A/N]: 100th chapter! Can't believe we made it so to celebrate, tell me your favorite chapter or scene that you felt like you can't help but remember it?

I love you. x

Harry starts to panic but tries his best not to appear so. He looks at his guards and his omega. He fears that the bodyguards have something important to say about their pups but at the same time, he does not want to dismiss Louis.

The alpha looks at the guards and asks, "Can it wait?"

The first bodyguard says, "I'm afraid not, sir."

Louis furrows his brows at them interacting and asks, "Is everything okay?"

Harry turns to look at his mate and says, "I'll tell you later, just..." and looks at the guards then back at him. He continues, "I didn't want to worry you."

The omega's heart is beating out of his chest as he thinks of the worst-case scenarios. After the things that have happened with the two of them, he has been paranoid and hasn't been able to sleep from his nightmares. He took a deep breath and said, "It's not the end of the world if I did. What happened?"

Harry held both of his hands and said, "I promise I'll tell you everything, just not now. Wait for me in bed, okay?"

Louis looked at his pups one last time before he looked at his mate and said, "Alright, don't be late," and walked away with the thought that maybe something worse is coming their way.

The alpha turned around to look at his guards and said, "Alright, what is it?"

The second guard asked, "You didn't hire two extra bodyguards to take our shift, now right?"

Harry shook his head and said, "No, you guys are tired?"

The first guard shook his head and said, "Two guards came and said that our shift is over and that they will be doing our shift."

Harry's eyes widened a bit and said, "Wait, what? No, you're the only ones I hired."

The second guard said, "We know because we would have gotten a notice from our boss that two people would be on their way."

The first guard continued, "When we realized, we told them that we will check with you then they said that they will be back, but they didn't come back yet."

The second guard stated, "That was around 24 minutes ago."

Harry looked at the two of them and said, "Do you think they got scared that I might show up?"

The first guard said, "Thing is, sir, none of them looked scared at all."

That's when the alpha went silent.

The alpha looked around the hospital to spot any two weird-looking strangers but had no such luck. Then, he decided to stay near his pups and the two guards in hopes that the other two unknown guards would show up so that he could be able to confront them. After half an hour, he got a call from his omega. He looked at the screen and picked up.

Harry said through the phone, "I'm sorry I'm late, something came up."

The omega replied, "Can you come back to the room so we can talk?"

"Uhh..." The alpha looked at his sleeping pups, the guards and replied, "Sure, on my way," and started walking towards the room.

When he entered the room, he said, "Hey, I packed your suitcase and brought you fresh new clothes to change into."

Louis watched him sit at the edge of his bed and said, "Thanks..." and looked at him, waiting for him to start talking about what happened.

The alpha couldn't meet his gaze and said, "Zayn's sources told him that there was a guy who wanted to come and see you without giving away his identity card."

Louis nodded slowly, trying to comprehend what his mate is telling him and said, "Who is Zayn's sources exactly?"

Harry rubbed the back of his neck and answered, "Some doctor in the hospital named Tim or something. I didn't know or understand the situation, so I didn't want to alarm you."

The omega let out a small sigh and said, "You know I don't like it when you keep things from me."

Harry replied, "I know but I wasn't sure what this was, to begin with."

Louis said, "Even if you don't understand it, share it with me. I'm your mate, we are supposed to share almost everything," he shook his head and continued, "This has happened before, and I let it go for the sake of our relationship, but you can't keep hiding things from me."

The alpha listened to him as he looked at how upset his mate is. He said, "I'm sorry," and held his thigh through the blanket.

The omega looked at him and said, "I don't want you to be sorry, Harry, I want you to understand that you can talk to me about anything. We've been through a lot together, what makes you think I wouldn't handle this?"

Harry rubbed his thigh and said, "I just wanted you to sleep better at night. Me telling you something that might not even be of danger is useless."

Louis stayed silent for a while before he said, "I'll sleep better knowing that you don't hide things from me. I understand to an extent how you saw the situation but I'm asking you not to do that anymore."

The alpha nodded his head and said, "If that's how you see it then, sure."

They both stayed silent before Louis said, "So what did you do about the guy who showed up?"

Harry started telling him everything that has happened ever since they knew about the mysterious guy. He said, "The two guards that I hired knew for a fact that if they were going to have to change shifts then they'd know in advance or at least get notified by their boss."

Louis said, "I think you did the right call by making us go home today morning. Something doesn't feel right about this situation."

The alpha asked, "You think so? I didn't know what else I could do but I knew that I wasn't going to sit around and wait for something to happen."

Unexpectedly, the omega held his larger hands into his smaller ones and said, "I appreciate that you were trying your best. Just don't feel like you have to do it alone."

Harry smiled at his omega's gesture and said, "You know I would do anything for you and our pups, right?"

Louis smiled softly back at him and said, "I know you would."

Harry leaned close and kissed his cheek gently. When he pulled away, he said, "Checkout is in an hour, are you tired?" and rubbed his soft feathery hair.

Louis shut his eyes and leaned into his touch. He said, "Yeah, can't wait to sleep in our bed."

Harry smiled and said, "Not to burst your bubble but we won't be doing any sleeping if our pups are awake."

The omega laughed and said, "I don't mind."

After half an hour, Louis went to change to his new clothes while Harry messaged the guards about any updates.

It is going to be hectic raising triplets. 

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