Chapter 3: Understanding What Happened

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I was walking back to the infirmary room Sarah was in with Bish. "So what exactly can't you figure out?" he asked.

I sighed. "She remembers being in some really nice city, but it was exploded by a bomb that was dropped on it."

Bish thought for a moment. "Ah. I think I know what she's talking about, and you should too."

I stopped, as we were just outside of her room. "Alright. What is it?"

Bish sighed. "She... Is referring to Demeter. It has to be. It's the only thing I can think of."

I thought for a moment. "... You're right."

We then walked into her room, and she wasn't in bed. I looked around, concerned. "Sarah? Where are you? Are you feeling ok?"

That question was quickly answered when I heard someone in the bathroom. I held my hand in front of Bish, indicating him ti stay, and he nodded.

I walked over to the bathroom, and I saw exactly what I thought I would. Sarah was hunched over the toilet, hacking. Went over and kneeled by her side. "Sarah. It's going to be ok," I said as I handed her a towel.

She took it and wiped her face, and then looked at me. "How do you know?"

I smiled and rubbed her back. "Sarah. We've bern through so much together. I'm not sure if you remember, but we are married, and I'm Meg's father."

Sarah got up and got a drink of water from the sink, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. ".. That's been in and out of my thoughts."

I then took her hand. "Sarah, come back into the main room. I should probably take your temperature and whatnot. Also, Bish is waiting for us out there as well."

She nodded. "Alright. That sounds like a good idea. Would... Would you mind if I leaned on you? I feel a bit dizzy..."

"Of course you can. I don't mind at all," I said with a smile.

She then leaned on me, and I took her out to her bed, and helped her up on it. I then got a thermometer, and took her temperature. It was completely normal.

"So, Sarah. I know what you are remembering when you say you.remember a bomb exploding a city. You are remembering Demeter. You were down there when it exploded, and that's where we found you. Everyone thought you were dead."

Sarah looked down, and I could see a few tears fall from her face. When she looked up, she wiped the tears with her right hand, and I instantly remembered something. "Oh. Sarah. Question for you. Do you remember why your right arm is robotic?"

"No," she said. "But the doctors told me. They said that I had broken it, and it had never fully healed, so it was amputated."

I nodded. "That is a true story. You know-"

I was cut off when Meg came rushing into the room. "Dad! Miss Sarah and I think we've figured it out! We think we know how Mom survived!"

I jumped up. "Really?"

Meg nodded. "Yeah! Come on!"

I then helped Sarah out of bed, and went to the control room.


Miss Sarah was waiting (A/N: Doing this to prevent any confusion. Miss Sarah is referring to the Milita leader, and Sarah refers to Michael's wife Sarah.) for us. "See you made it, and you brought Sarah with you as well."

I nodded. "Of course I did. Now let's get down to business. How did Sarah survive?"

Miss Sarah sighed. "It's quite simple, actually. She used all of her psychic energy, and even called forth some from the future, and saved herself."

I nodded. "Alright. You hear that Sarah?" I then turned to her, and she nodded.

"Yeah. That's cool. Really-" she cut herself off when she grabbed her stomach and groaned in pain.

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