Chapter 5: Going to the Place we Called Home

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(A/N: This book picks up about four and a half months after the last)

I held Sarah's hand as we loaded into the Crow. I smiled as I gently rubbed her stomach, and she was seven months in, and we were both excited and nervous.

Sarah has remembered quite a bit. All that seems to be missing is everything that happened before the IMC kidnapped her, minus her announcement of pregnancy, when she had Meg, and when I proposed to her, which I find a bit odd. However, we are working on it, and I hope to have her regain all her memories.

The reason that we were on the Crow was quite simple. Bish and I though that we should take her back to Snowpoint, as we thought that might spur some memories for her.

She kissed me, and I kissed back. "You ready? It is pretty cold on Snowpoint if you recall."

She nodded. "Yeah. I remember it being cold," she said as the Crow started to take off.

We then sat down on one of the benches, and Bish and Meg were sitting across from us. "So," Bish said to Meg. "Are you ready to be a big sister?"

Meg nodded. "Yeah. Although it will be a bit weird as we are fifteen years apart, and he'll technically be eight..."

Bish nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I agree with you there."

The Crow then lurched, and Sarah tightly gripped my shirt. I looked at Bish. "What in the name of the Frontier was that?"

The Militia Grunt in the front then spoke up. "Sir! We've been hit!"

Bish then went into the front. "Hit? Hit by what?"

The Grunt sighed. "I'm not sure, but we can still jump."

"Alright. That's all I care about," Bish said as he reasumed his seat next to Meg.

The Grunt then spoke up again. "Jumping in 3... 2... 1... Mark!"

I then felt a lurch in my stomach as the all-familiar Planet of Sinnoh appeared out side of the ship. I looked at Sarah. "Look, there it is. The place we once called home."

Sarah nodded. "Yeah..."

About half an hour later, we were on the ground, and I then helped Sarah out of the Crow, onto the fresh snow that coated the ground.

As we walked around, the fresh snow was making that crisp crunching sound that it makes when you first walk on it.

We then reached the part I was looking for. I saw the Town Hall, which wasn't burned down, along with a couple other dozen buildings. "Ah. Here we are," I said as I led her to the building. "Do you remember this place?" I asked her.

She thought for a minute in silence, and then shook her head. "... No. I don't."

Just then, a familiar face appeared out of the building. It was Candice (A/N: Like the actual Snowpoint City Gym Leader from DPPt. :3 ) and like always, she wasn't wearing a lot of clothing, as the cold never really bothered her. "Hey Mi-" she cut herself off when she saw Sarah. "She... She's alive?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's a really long story," I said, gently rubbing her shoulder. "Mind if we come in?"

Candice smiled and shook her head. "Nope! Not at all! Follows me," she said, motioning at the building.

I nodded, and then turned to Sarah. "How are you holding up?"

She shivered a little. "I'm a bit cold..."

I smiled. "Well I assure you it's warmer inside. Come on. Let's go."

We then went inside, and it was exactly how I remember it being, mimus the fact that there were a lot more people there then normal. I looked at Candice. "Survivors from the raid?" I asked.

Candice begrudgingly nodded. "Yeah. We haven't completely restored the city, and these people are the ones who are left, still waiting for a new home."

I sighed. "I see."

Candice then lead us to her office.


Once we got there, we went in, and she quickly glanced around before shutting the door.

Sarah chuckled. "Don't worry Candice. Even though I don't totally remember you, there are no IMC waiting around to jump."

Candice whipped around, a stern look on her face. "How did you know what I was thinking?"

I sighed. "Candice, she has Psyclonyx powers. I actually wouldn't be surprised if many people here had them as well, but that's besides the point. Alright?"

Candice sighed. "Alright..." she then looked at Sarah, obviously making note of her stomach. "How many months are you?"

Sarah smiled as she took my hand and rubbed it. "Seven months. It's a boy, and we've already decided his name is going to be Nicolas James Coriolan."

Candice nodded. "I see."

Sarah then sighed, and I swear she tightened her grip on my hand, but I could've imagined it. "Well, it is a bit complicated," she said before explaining everything Bish had told us.


I was surprised that Candice wasn't surprised by this. At all. In fact, it was if she understood it.

"I see," she said. "I guess it all makes sense if you think about it."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I guess so," she said. She then squeezed my hand, as she was still holding it.

"You alright?" I asked turning to her.

She shook her head and grit her teeth. "N-no... I... I think it's t-time..."

I immediately started to panic. She was two months early. I turned to Candice. "Get her to the medical ward. Now. I need to get Bish and Meg here ASAP."

Candice nodded, and picked up the phone and dialed in a number as I dashed out of the room.

I went into a nearby hallway, and called up Bish.


"Bish. It's me. Sarah... She's...."

"Michael? What's wrong?"

"Sarah... She's going in labor."

I heard Bish gasp a bit. "Alright. I'll be over with Meg as soon as I can."

"Alright." I then hung up and rushed to the medical ward, where I could already hear screams coming from Sarah.

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