Chapter 6: Controlled

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(A/N: Picks up about a day later)

I was sitting beside Sarah in bed, and her head was on my shoulder, and I started to stroke her hair. "The doctors say he should be fine, but he doesn't have Psyclonyx powers, and they think he has something else."

She gave me a look. "You... You didn't tell me that yesterday," she said, clearly annoyed.

I sighed. "The doctors believe he has powers based off of Scoarium (Score-air-e-um) as Demeter is abundant in it."

Sarah sighed. "What kind of powers are associated with Scoarium?"

I sighed. "Usually fire abilities and shadow abilities."

Sarah sighed. "Great. So I have a son who's pyro, can use fire, and can travel in shadows? Joy. I love him already."

I ruffled her hair. "Sarah, he's a good kid, and you know that."

She smiled. "Yeah, I know that."

I kissed her, and she kissed back.

She then suddenly sat up, and grabbed her head in pain. "Argh..."

I looked at her, concerned. "Sarah? Are you ok?"

She shook her head. "N-No... The IMC... They... They are trying t-to control me..."

I gripped her hand. "Sarah. Focus on me."

She looked at me, and tried to focus, her hand slowly tightening its grip. "M-Michael... I... Can't... They're taking... Control..."

I made her look me in the eyes. "Sarah. Look at me. You will overcome this. We both know you can, and you will. Focus on me."

She looked in my eyes, and I saw a scene flash through my mind.


She was holding a Spitfire LMG, and it was being held to my head. I was on my knees, clutching my chest, and my hands were covered in blood, fresh from some wound that was there. I looked Sarah in the eyes. "S-Sarah... You... You can't do this... The I... The IMC i-is using you..."

She growled. "Don't give me another reason to shoot you. I've always been loyal to the IMC. And I know Vice Admiral Stone doesn't want to see you dead."

I groaned. "S-Sarah-"

She glared at me. "It's Sergeant Calian to you."

"F-fine... Sergeant... You can't do this! You need to break fr-"

I then heard a gun being shot, and everything went back.


I snapped back to reality, the whole thing being just a vision.

I looked over at Sarah, and she was still gripping my hand, and I could tell that she had seen the same thing, but she was still fighting whatever the IMC was trying to do to her.

"Sarah. It was just a vision. I will do everything I can to make sure it doesn't become reality."

She then suddenly released her grip, and pinned me down on the bed. "You... The IMC wants you dead. And Vice Admiral Stone wants me to do it, of course after she interviews you."

I growled, struggling under her grasp. "Sarag! What in the name of the Frontier are you talking about?"

She snickered. "Vice Admiral Stone replaced Spyglass after he was destroyed in a conflict with you dirty, rotten, no-good Militia Insurgents. Vice Admiral Stone has a long history with the IMC. She started out as an engineer on the IMS Sentinel. She eventually worked her way up the ranks, and she's now Vice Admiral."

I growled. "The IMC is using you! Snap out of it!"

She growled, and delivered a blow to my gut, knocking me out.

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