Chapter 7: I Can't Let it Happen Again

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When I came to, I was in an infirmary. Upon a bit of investigation, I figured out that I was in the Militia Infirmary.

I sat up, and looked around. Other than a few nurses and doctors, I was the only one in the room.

I then heard people shouting, and based on the bits and pieces that I picked up, it was some type of struggle.

Damian then walked into the room and over to my bed. He then sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. "Good to see that you're up. Sarah... She's been giving us some problems. We aren't sure why, but we can't seem to break through whatever the IMC is doing, or did to her. We had to put an unremovable bracelet that had Lynotmite (Lie-not-might) in it om her.

I tilted my head. "Ly... Lynotmite?"

Damian nodded. "Correct. It is an element that cancels out powers that are given by Psyclonyx."

I shook my head. "That... That isn't what concerns me right now. All that I care about is this. Is she ok?"

Damian nodded. "Yeah. She'll be fine. That actually brings me to the reason I came. Bish wants you. He wants to see if you can somehow free Sarah from this control, as you two are very close."

I sighed. "You said you've tried everything. What makes this any different than what you've tried before?"

Damian sighed. "It's a fairly new process called mallowcramentment (mellow-cram-n-ment)."

I gave him an incredulous look. "Mallow-what-ment?"

Damian sighed. "It's something called mallowcramentment. Basically you are in a sleep, and it allows you to go into other's consciousness while in that state."

"Ook... And... And what do I need to do to be put in a state of... Mallowcramentment?"

"It's quite simple.  We just inject you with a serum that we also inject Sarah with, and it will allow you to go into her consciousness. It doesn't hurt, and there are really no side effects, other than hallucinations after coming out, but you'll be fine."

I furrowed my eyes, and I was basically glaring at him. "What kind of hallucinations?"

Damian shook his head. "Michael, that's besides the point. The point is that I have a question for you. Are you willing to come back and try to help Sarah?"

I nodded, and slid out of the bed. "Of course I'm willing to," I said, sliding on my shoes. "Is that even a question?"

Damian smirked a bit. "Now that's what I like to hear."


I was lying down in what I thought to be a therapy chair, and Bish walked over to me, a syringe with a purple-ish liquid. "Alright, Michael. Now this will only hurt a bit..."

He then plunged it into my neck, and I felt a brief stab of pain, but it faded away.

About a minute later, everything started to spin, and it then faded into darkness.


When I came to, I was in a room. It looked like an interrogation room, with a table, four chairs and a mirror. However, I knew better. That was no normal mirror. That was a one-way window, the people on the other side could see us, but we couldn't see them.

My head started to throb, and I grabbed it in pain.

When I looked up when the pain faded, there were two other people in the room. A woman I didn't recognize, and Sarah.

"V-Vice Admiral Stone! I'm sorry! He slipped out of my grasp! I... I was about to get him, but the damned Militia interfered!"

I was s bit shocked. The newest Vice Admiral for the IMC was female? As far as I knew, the Militia leader Sarah was the only female leader I knew on either side.

The woman, who I assumed to be Vice Admiral Stone, spoke up. "Well, you need to get him! He knows too much about our plans, and he proposes an immediate threat to us! If we don't get him, the Militia could foil our plan. Do you understand, Captain Coriolan?"

Captain? The IMC was seriously making her a Captain of a team of Pilots and Grunts? Either way, I continued to listen.

She nodded, and I could tell she was a bit nervous. "Y-yes, Vice Admiral. I will continue my efforts to obtain him."

She nodded, and instantly vanished.

I didn't bother to question that, as I knew that I was in a dream.

I then walked over to her. "Sarah."

She snapped her head up, quickly got out of her chair, and rushed at me, and grabbed me by my shirt. "YOU! How... How did you get here?! This is a secret location that only Vice Admiral Stone and I know about!"

I sighed. "Sarah. Listen to me. The IMC is using you. I don't even have any information that you guys h-"

I was cut off when she delivered a blow to my gut, and then forced me to the wall. "You know EVERYTHING! We need to eliminate you!"

I then pulled her close, and started to kiss her, and I could see all the tension, all the anger and confusion drain from her face, as she focused on the kiss.


I jolted awake, and Sarah did so at the same time, and I saw the bracelet fall off of her. I returned my attention to Bish. "Did it work?"

He nodded. "Yes. It worked flawlessly."

I sighed and got up, and walked over to Sarah, and helped her up. "Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for saving me. I... I don't know how it happened. Bish said that he wiped all the programs that ths IMC put in my arm..."

I smiled and wiped some hair from her face, and kissed her cheek. "Sarah, that isn't what I care about right now. All that I care about is that you are ok, and more importantly, unharmed."

She smiled, and kissed me, and I kissed back. "I love you Michael."

I smiled. "I love you too, Sarah."

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