Chapter 15: Truths

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Bish sighed, and nodded. "I guess I don't really have a choice about this, now do I."
I wiped some tears from my eyes. "Bish... Please... I feel I'll... Better understand everything if you tell me..."

He thought gor a moment, and then nodded. "Alright. I'll tell you."


(A/N: Flashback time! This will be in a 3rd person POV, and takes place about 30 or so years in the past, on a planet known as Taglora (pronounced exactly as it looks.)

It was a wet day, as most days were on Taglora. A young girl, no older than 12, was walking home from her day at school, her umbrella up, and her books in her bag, which was slung across her shoulder.
As she was walking, the rain started to lessen, and the forecast said that the next couple of days, possible a week, should be clear and sunny, which many of the residents took for granted.

The young girl walked into her home, and went into the kitchen, where her mother was working on her laptop, and her father was watching TV. "Hey Sarah. How was your day at school?" Sarah's mother asked.
She smiled. "It was great. I got my test back on the History of Space Travel, and I got a 49/50. I made a silly mistake by saying that David Sunkle was the one who invented the device that folds space, when it was really Jonathan Durkin who did so," she said as she pulled the test out from her bag, which was now sitting on the table.
Her mother looked at it, and smiled. "Well you did very good, and you know I'm proud."
Sarah smiled. "Yeah. I know. After all, my mother is MacAllan's second-in-command."

(I was thinking around this time, MacAllan, as well as Sarah's parents, were about 32 or so, making them about 50 or so for the main story line. But, Sarah and Bish are a bit younger, maybe mid-twenties for this, making them 40 for the main story.)

Her mother smiled. "That is true, but you also are a very smart girl, sweetie."
Sarah nods and takes a seat next to her mother. "What are you working on?"
"Well, you see, there's this group of, ah, terrorists, as MacAllan calls them, are on the rise. MacAllan wants me to do a bit of research into them and see if they are a credible threat or not, and if they are, what type of action we should take. And he is coming over in about an hour, so if you want to be part of what we're doing, I suggest you get any homework you have done."
Sarah nodded. She loved to talk with her parent's colleagues, especially MacAllan and Graves, as she loved talking about machinery and such, which is what the company her mother works for, the IMC, shot for Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, is all about.
"Well, I don't have any homework except for studying for my math test, which is on Friday."
Her mother nods. "Of course. Why don't you go and put your school stuff in your room, and come back down and have a snack?"

With a nod, Sarah did just that.


About an hour later, Sarah was finishing making dinner, her favorite, Macaroni and Cheese, as her parents and MacAllan were going to be eating seafood, and that was her least favorite thing. Someone then knocked on the door, and her father answered it, and MacAllan came into the house. "Nice to see you again, Shane. I asume you're doing well?"
He nodded. "Of course. My wife and daughter are in the kitchen, working on finishing dinner."

MacAllan then walked into the kitchen, where everything was on the table, ready to be served.
Sarah then went over to MacAllan, and hugged him, and he hugged her back. "Hello Sarah. How are you doing today?"
She smiled. "Great! I got a 49 out of 50 on my test about the History of Space Travel! All I did was mess up the question about who actually made the first Space-Folder, but class had just ended, and I circled an answer on a whim."
MacAllan sighed. "Well, at least you got an A!"
She smiled. "Yep!"
Her mother smiled. "Well, the food's hot, so why don't we eat before it gets cold?"

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